46 research outputs found

    Seni Pertunjukan sebagai Atraksi Wisata Budaya di Kecamatan Karimun Kabupaten Karimun Provinsi Kepulauan Riau

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    This research purposed to get know how performing arts development in The Karimun District of Karimun Regency Riau Island Province. How far potential and readiness from the government and the peoples to packing the perfoming arts to be a cultural tourism attraction that worthy presented for tourists. Because so far Karimun District is an area that active in performing arts events every years.This research used qualitative desciptive method to analyze the problems. The sample in this research are 11 samples by using snowball sampling. And then the technique to collected data in this research are using by observation, interview and documentation.Based on the research, performing arts packed as a cultural tourism attraction can be said to begin to develop. Because in Karimun District, performing arts presented as free entertainment for the peoples and tourists. Performing arts which consist of Dance, Music and Theatre had met several points of characteristic features for performing arts that packged for tourists as tourist community, such that a clone of the original, a short and solid version, had eliminated its sacred, magical and symbolic value, varied served, interested served. Even the last point that low pocket costs for tourist, it could be said not apply in Karimun. Because in Karimun District didnt apply performing arts by using tickets or charge. So for every tourist who wants watched performing arts can get it free.maybe in the future can be develop performing arts attraction that worth of profit.Key words : Performing Arts, Cultural Tourism Attraction, Karimun Distric

    Dampak Objek Wisata Sungai Hijau terhadap Perekonomian Masyarakat di Desa Salo Kecamatan Salo Kabupaten Kampar

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    This study aims to determine the impact Attractions Green River Community on the Economy In the village Salo Salo District of Kampar.In the method of this study authors used a qualitative research method with descriptive analysis.Based on the research that has been conducted, the results in the can is that the economy of rural communities precisely in the Kampar district salo attraction green river getting quite favorable economic development for the surrounding communities are located area tourist attractionKeywords : Economic Impact, Salo village, Kampar, Green River Tourist Objec

    Tipologi Pengunjung di Kawasan Wisata Hapanasan Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Area of Hapanasan Rokan Hulu District is a one of attraction that as featured prodcut at Rokan Hulu distric and stregthed with governor's decree and rokan hulu's regent. Area of Hapanasan is area that has natural attractive with hot water in there as a superior product. But facilities that had been provided in there is not corresponding with visitor typologies in general that comes at there so that this area get reduction of visitors.This study aims to knowing general visitor typologies that come in area of Hapanasan Roka Hulu Disctrit, the visitor typhologis used theory by Smith there are explorer, elite, off-beat, unusual incipient mass, mass, charter.This study used quantitative method. This study use 100 respondens which a visitors that come at Hapanasan Rokan Hulu Distric as a respondents and doing interview with manager as a informan to completed. And then for determine of how many of all the respondens researcher use accidental sampling which reseacrcher take sampel with accidental which met accidental when the researcher at in Hapanasan Rokan Hulu Distric.This study identified into sevents main issues namely visitor thypologis viewed by Smith's theory there are explorer, elite,off-beat, unusual, incipient mass, mass, charter. And then the researchers can know general visitor thypologist that come to Hapanasan area Rokan Hulu District

    Sejarah Berdirinya Kesultanan Serdang 1723-1946

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    The purpose of this research is to provide an understanding to the public that previously in the Serdang Bedagai region there was once a Sultanate that was known to the Malay peninsula, namely the Serdang Sultanate and to add written sources to show the existence of the Serdang Sultanate. The method used in this research is historical method through heuristic, criticism, interpretation, and historiography steps. The results of this study are that the establishment of the Serdang Sultanate originated from a dispute that occurred as a result of a struggle for the throne between the second and third sons of the Deli Sultanate which occurred around 1723, namely between Tuanku Pasutan and Tuanku Umar Johan Alamshah. Since its inception, the Serdang Sultanate continued to experience its glory and peak during the reign of Sultan Thaf Sinar Basarshah (1817-1850) which was marked by progress and bustling trade so that the Serdang region became prosperous. Then, the decline of the Sultanate of Serdang occurred during the reign of Sultan Basyaruddin Shariful Alamshah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat umum bahwa dulunya di wilayah Serdang Bedagai pernah berdiri sebuah kesultanan yang dikenal hingga ke Semenanjung tanah Melayu yaitu Kesultanan Serdang dan untuk menambah sumber tulisan guna menunjukkan eksistensi Kesultanan Serdang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sejarah melalui langkah-langkah heuristik, kritik, interpretasi dan historiografi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa berdirinya Kesultanan Serdang berawal dari perselisihan yang terjadi akibat perebutan tahta antara putra kedua dan ketiga kesultanan deli yang terjadi sekitar tahun 1723 M, yakni antara Tuanku Pasutan dengan Tuanku Umar Johan Alamshah.  Sejak awal berdirinya Kesultanan Serdang terus mengalami kejayaan dan puncaknya pada masa pemerintahan Sultan Thaf Sinar Basrshah (1817-1850) yang ditandai dengan maju dan ramainya perdagangan sehingga wilayah Serdang menjadi makmur. Kemudian, kemunduran Kesultanan Serdang terjadi pada masa pemerintahan Sultan Basyaruddin Shariful Alam Syah. Pada saat pemerintahannya banyak terjadi konflik antara pejabat-pejabat daerah taklukkan dan akibat adanya hegemoni Belanda pada tahun 1862

    Disain Teknologi Panen Hujan untuk Kebutuhan Rumahtangga: Studi Kasus di Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA dan Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    Sejak beberapa dekade terakhir di beberapa negara, termasuk Indonesia, sering terjadi kekeringan. Sementara kebutuhan air cenderung semakin meningkat. Panen hujan dapat mengubah pola pemanfaatan curah hujan secara spasial maupun temporal untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga dengan sumber air relatif tetap. Dengan metode sederhana, teknik panen hujan disamping untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga, juga dapat digunakan untuk irigasi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Selopamioro (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta) dan Desa Banyu Urip (Nusa Tenggara Barat) berturut-turut pada tahun 2009 dan 2011. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengembangkan teknologi panen hujan dan merancang kriteria panen hujan untuk kebutuhan rumahtangga. Penelitian dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu (i) karakterisasi wilayah penelitian melalui pengumpulan data curah hujan dan iklim 10 tahun terakhir, jumlah anggota keluarga pengguna air, konsumsi air untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga/orang/hari, (ii) instalasi/pembuatan bangunan panen hujan berupa tangki penampung air dan pipa pendistribusiannya, dan (iii) analisis data meliputi potensi air hujan yang dapat dipanen dan penentuan kapasitas penampung air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi air yang dapat dipanen di dua rumah contoh di Selopamioro berturut-turut 53,8 dan 78,5 m3/tahun, sedangkan di tiga rumah contoh di Lombok berturut-turut 74,2; 25,4 dan 41,6 m3/tahun. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air selama musim kemarau, kapasitas maksimum tampungan yang harus dibuat di dua rumah contoh di Selopamioro berturut-turut 19,5 dan 28,4 m3, sedangkan di tiga rumah contoh di Lombok berturut-turut 37,06; 8,40 dan 20,08 m3

    Changing policies over timber supply and its potential impacts to the furniture industries of Jepara, Indonesia

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    Though some scholars argue that Indonesian wood furniture industries are in decline, these industries remain a driving force for regional and national economies. Indonesian wood furniture has a long value chain, including: forest farmers, log traders, artisans, and furniture outlets. In Jepara, Central Java, wood furniture industries contain significant regional and historical importance. Jeparanese wood furniture industries demonstrated great resilience during the economic crisis in the late nineties. Although they were previously able to withstand the pressures of economic crisis, the enactment of Minister of Forestry Regulation (MoFor Reg.) 7/2009 on wood allocation for local use -as one of the implementing regulation of decentralization law 32/2004- causes a potential reduction of wood supply to Jepara. Since September 30th, 2014, however, the constellation of domestic timber politics has changed due to the new decentralization law (23/2014), which shifted most regulations on forest and forest products from the regency to the province. This study evaluates the dynamics of decentralization policy on timber allocation and examines the power of different stakeholders given the changing regulation and its consequences for Jeparanese wood production