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    Coastal areas are unique, dynamic, and complex because they are zones of interaction between land, oceans, and atmosphere. This makes coastal areas the most vulnerable areas on Earth. To find out how big the vulnerability is in a coastal area, a study is needed to determine the vulnerability level of coastal areas and the influencing factors. Research on the coastal vulnerability level at this location was conducted in 2016 and it was concluded that the coastal vulnerability level is in the medium category. With the development of potential utilization in the area, it is necessary to conduct similar research in 2016 to find out if there is a change in vulnerability level between 2016 and 2020. The data used consisted of coastal geomorphology, tidal, Landsat 7 ETM+ and 8 OLI, sea level rise and DEM satellite imagery. Data analysis using Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) method. The results showed the coastal vulnerability level at the research site was in the low-medium category, with a CVI score range of 9,93-25,86. Topography, geomorphology, intensity of shoreline changes, and coastal slope are factors that can cause the vulnerability level at the research site can be very high. However, the interconnectedness between other parameters can inhibit the high level of vulnerability, making the level of coastal vulnerability at the research site to be only in the low-medium category. There was a change in vulnerability level conditions between 2016 and 2020 the level of vulnerability at the east coast decreased to a low category.Wilayah pesisir sangat unik, dinamis, dan kompleks karena merupakan zona interaksi antara daratan, lautan, dan atmosfer. Hal ini menjadikan wilayah pesisir sebagai wilayah yang paling rentan di Bumi. Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kerentanan di suatu wilayah pesisir, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui tingkat kerentanan wilayah pesisir dan faktor yang mempengaruhi. Penelitian mengenai tingkat kerentanan pesisir di lokasi ini pernah dilakukan pada tahun 2016 dan diperoleh simpulan bahwa tingkat kerentanan pesisir berada pada kategori sedang. Dengan semakin berkembangnya pemanfaatan potensi di daerah tersebut maka dirasa perlu dilakukan penelitian serupa dengan tahun 2016 untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perubahan tingkat kerentanan antara tahun 2016 dengan tahun 2020. Data-data yang digunakan terdiri dari Data-data yang digunakan terdiri dari  geomorfologi pantai, pasang surut, citra satelit Landsat 7 ETM+ dan 8 OLI, kenaikan muka laut dan DEM. Analisis data menggunakan metode Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kerentanan pesisir di lokasi penelitian berada pada kategori rendah-sedang, dengan kisaran skor CVI 9,93-25,86. Topografi, geomorfologi, intensitas perubahan garis pantai, dan kemiringan pantai merupakan faktor yang dapat menyebabkan tingkat kerentanan di lokasi penelitian menjadi sangat tinggi. Namun, keterhubungan antara parameter lain yang dapat menjadi faktor penghambat tingginya tingkat kerentanan, menyebabkan tingkat kerentanan pesisir di lokasi penelitian hanya berada dalam kategori rendah-sedang. Terdapat perubahan kondisi tingkat kerentanan antara tahun 2016 dengan tahun 2020 dimana pada tahun 2020 tingkat kerentanan di pantai timur mengalami penurunan menjadi kategori rendah

    Inventarisasi Vegetasi pada Daerah Rawan Kebakaran di Desa Lukun, Tebing Tinggi Timur, Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti, Provinsi Riau

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    Lukun is one of the village are located in Tebing Tinggi Timur sub-district, Meranti Island district, Riau Province. Generally, Lukun people lived as a farmer of Rubber, Sago and fisherman. The aims of vegetation analysis in this research is to identified landfire area. This method is called Vegetation analysis and is commonly used in analyzing the condition of a land based on the type of plant found. In general, the components of plants that vegetation consist is shrubs, epiphytes, ferns, palm, vines, herbs and trees. The result shown that fire prone area to burning area is dominated by swamp shrubs. In different area, especially in village forest was dominated by woody plant. This area was categorized to low risk lo fire prone