686 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Haleyora Powerindo Pekanbaru

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    Working safety show at protection of prosperity of physical with an eye to prevent the happening of accident or injure related/relevant with work, health work to refer at physical condition, bouncing and stability of emotion in general. condition of healthy Health and the goodness will be optimal of performance of than employees and condition of ugly health can bother employees performance, performance basically is what done/conducted or is not done/conducted by a officer. management of Performance is entirety of activity done/conducted to increase the company or organisation performance, inclusive of performance of each individual and working team in the company.This research is done/conducted in this Research is writer do/conduct at PT. Haleyora Powerindo Branch Pekanbaru. As for reason chosen the location choice because of this company active in kelistrikan specially the conservancy which is according to researcher own risk happened by the accident work and fluctuate his/its is performance of employees every year nya.In this research is methodologies used by is quantitative and descriptive with program SPSS, where sampel used by that is entire/all employees of part of field that is as much 70 responder, Enquette (quesioner), representing a[n data collecting givenly or propagate list of pertanyaan/pernyataan to responder on the chance of giving respon for the questionnaire. Interviewing, that is do/conduct Question and answer directly by supervisor, and also the manager becoming research responder.From result analyse data covering validity test, reabilitas, and doubled linear regresi, safety and health work to employees performance. Each owning indicator which each other be interconnected and have an effect on positive to performance of at employees of haleyora Pekanbaru

    Ancyronyx jhoanae sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Elmidae), A New Spider Riffle Beetle Species from Luzon, Philippines, and New Records for A. tamaraw Freitag, 2013

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    Ancyronyx jhoanae sp. nov., a new species of genus Ancyronyx Erichson, 1847 from Luzon is described using an integrative taxonomic approach. Illustrations of habitus and diagnostic characters are provided. Molecular analysis of a fragment of the COI 5’-end was employed to support the morphological species concept. Differences from closely related species based on molecular and morphological data are discussed. First records of A. tamaraw Freitag, 2013 from Luzon are reported

    Pengaruh Self Efficacy terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Afektif Kader Kesehatan dan Dampak pada Perilaku Sehat Gigi melalui Model Deteksi Ohi-s, Dmft Indeks

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    Community indifference with the behavior of keeping oral hygiene has influenced the rate of dental aches. Health cadres as representatives of health providers were expected to inform people trying to prevent from getting problems with their teeth and to promote dental care in their areas. Self efficacy is the confidence a person feels about performing a particular activity. including confidence in overcoming barriers in performing those behaviors. This research was a quasi experimental with pre-post test group design. It was conducted in Gondang Wetan Subdistrict, Pasuruan Regency, East Java Province. Samples were 92 health cadres in the area of Gondang Wetan Health Center. Data for a significant increase of self efficacy after an intervention was statistically analyzed by Hotelling"S trace. The self efficacy of the cadres through a process of affectiVe abilities on dental health behavioral change was analyzed using Structure Equation Models (SEM). From results of the research, it was concluded that: (1) there was a significant increase on affective abilities of the cadres after the intervention, (2) self efficacy had a positive and significant effect on affective abilities of the health cadres, (3) the affective abilities of the cadres had a positive and significant effect on dental behaviors. The self efficacy through affective abilities on dental health behaviors is expected to be useful for the Ministry of Health Program to improve mothers' and children's dental health behaviors by participation of the health cadres in preparing future generations to be free from any caries diseases. Key ords: self efficacy, affective, dental health behavio

    Pengaruh Pengembangan Karir dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Pln (Persero) Area Pekanbaru Rayon Kota Timur

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of career development and discipline of work to employes performance at PT. PLN (Persero) Area Pekanbaru Rayon Kota Timur. With cencus sampling method as many as 41 people. The research data in the form of primary data and secondary data, with the questionnaire as a research instrument. Analysis of the data used by using SPSS.Result of analysis using multiple linier regression, t-test, and the test of determination (R2), career development of 0,797or 79,7% and work discipline of 0,561or 56,1% and the F-test. So that the figures obtained R2 (R Square) of 0,834, or 83,4% . this shows that the percentage contribution of independent variables (career development and discipline of work) on the dependent variable (performance of employes) amounted to 83,4% and strong relationships with a large award is 0,834. While the percentage of the remaining 16,6% (100%-83,4%) influenced by other variables not included in this study variable

    Pengaruh Pengawasan dan Disiplin terhadap Tingkat Kinerja Karyawan (Study Kasus pada PT. Putra Jaya Sentosa Pekanbaru)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of supervision and discipline employee performance level in Putra Jaya Sentosa Pekanbaru Company. Supervision as an independent variable (X1), The discipline as an intervening variable (X2), and the employee performance level as the dependent variable (Y). This study took of respondents as many as 70 people.The data obtained through questionnaires and then further processed to be tested through statistical analysis such as multiple linear regression analysis, testing instruments and testing hypotheses of regression coefficient by using SPSS version 17.The results showed that the influence of supervision and discipline of the performance level that is known to control t (1,639)0,05. It means that the variable has no significant effect for the employee performance in Putra Jaya Sentosa Pekanbaru Company. Meanwhile, the discipline is known that t (5,735)>t table (1,996) and sig (0,000)<0,05. It means that the discipline variables significantly influence of employee performance in Putra Jaya Sentosa Pekanbaru Company. The conclusion is that the discipline variable has a effect of employee performance in Putra Jaya Sentosa Pekanbaru company.Keyword : supervision, discipline, performance, influence

    Pengaruh Pemberian Motivasi dan Komitmen Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi pada Hotel Dyan Graha Pekanbaru)

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    This study aims to analyze the provision of motivation and organizational commitment and its effect on employee performance at Hotel Dyan Graha Pekanbaru. Provision of motivation as a variable (X1), Organizational Commitment as Variable (X2), and employee performance as a variable (Y). The method in this research is descriptive and quantitative by using program of SPSS 21, where sample used is 56 employees conducted by census and technique of collecting data through questioner. The results of analysis using the validity test, test reliability, test determination, simple linear regression test, multiple linear regression test, t test and F test. So it can be concluded that the provision of motivation significantly influence employee performance at Hotel Dyan Graha Pekanbaru, Employee performance at Hotel Dyan Graha Pekanbaru, and giving motivation and organizational commitment have a significant effect on employee performance at Hotel Dyan Graha Pekanbaru

    Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Pengembangan Organisasi (Studi Kasus Karyawan PT. Suka Fajar Cab. Pekanbaru)

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    This study aims to analyze organizational culture and career development and its influence on organizational commitment of the PT. Suka Fajar Subs. Pekanbaru. Organizational Culture as a variable (X1), Career Development as a variable (X2), and Organizational Commitment as a variable (Y). The method in this research is descriptive quantitative by using SPSS 21, where in the sample used are employees of 68 is done, by purposive sampling method and technique of data collection through questionnaires.The results of the analysis using validity test, reliability test, determination test, simple linear regression test, multiple linear regression test, t test and F test. it can be concluded that organizational culture have a significant effect on organizational commitment of the PT. Suka Fajar Subs. Pekanbaru, career development have a significant effect on organizational commitment of the PT. Suka Fajar Subs. Pekanbaru, as well as organizational culture and career development have a significant effect on organizational commitment of the PT. Suka Fajar Subs. Pekanbar

    Pengaruh Orientasi Pasar Dan Inovasi Produk Terhadap Kinerja Pemasaran Saat Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Kasus Pada Kelompok Usaha Bersama Jati Aji di desa Geneng Kecamatan Margomulyo Kabupaten Bojonegoro)”

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    Abstract From export data obtained from data from the Ministry of Industry's Center for Data and Information in 2020, it is stated that during the Covid-19 pandemic, changes in furniture exports in East Java were very unstable. Furniture export activities also affect the business group with the Jati Aji, because most of the buyers from this group flee their merchandise abroad. The reason for this is to take a look at turned into to decide the impact of marketplace orientation and product innovation on marketing performance during the covid-19 pandemic (Case Study of the Jati Aji Joint Business Group in Geneng Village, Margomulyo District, Bojonegoro Regency. The population of this study were members of the Jati Aji Joint Business Group. In this study using a saturated sample technique. So the number of samples used in this study were 55 members of the Jati Aji Joint Business Group. The results of the study show that the opinion of business actors on the market orientation carried out is that understanding and being good with customers and monitoring the strengths of competitors is something that must be done. From the results of product innovation which states that it has no significant effect on marketing performance, it can be explained that product innovation is carried out by members of the joint business group. Keywords: Market Orientation, Product Innovation, Marketing Performance, Jati Aji Joint Business Group

    Pertumbuhan dan Performansi Warna Ikan Mas Koki (Carassius SP.) melalui Pengayaan Pakan dengan Kepala Udang

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    Carotenoids is a pigment that causes yellow, orange and red color. Shrimp head meal was known contain carotenoids that could improve the performance of fish color. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of enrichment fish food by shrimp head meal to the performance of color and growth at various concentrations in goldfish varieties tossa. Concentrationn of shrimp head meal in feed treatment are 0%, 5%, 10% and 15 %. The results showed difference in performance of goldfish tossa color and growth. Highest growth rate experienced by the fish that were subjected to 0% of shrimp head meal with the value length 11,61 mm and weight 12,76 gram. Value of color performance at the highest end based on measurements using the Toca Color Finder (TCF) showed by 10% fishtreated with the value of color back 5,31, bellycolor 4,81 ang tailcolor 4,76
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