164 research outputs found

    Compact structure representation in discovering frequent patterns for association rules

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    Frequent pattern mining is a key problem in important data mining applications, such as the discovery of association rules, strong rules and episodes. Structure used in typical algorithms for solving this problem operate in several database scans and a large number of candidate generation. This paper presents a compact structure representation called Flex-tree in discovering frequent patterns for association rules. Flex-tree structure is a lexicographic tree which finds frequent patterns by using depth first search strategy. Efficiency of mining is achieved with one scan of database instead of repeated database passes done in other methods and avoid the costly generation of large numbers of candidate sets, which dramatically reduces the search space

    Effects of meat preheating and wrapping on the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in charcoal-grilled meat.

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    The contamination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs by thermally treated high-protein foods, such as charcoal-grilled meat products, is due to the generation by direct pyrolysis of food nutrients and the direct deposition of PAHs from smoke produced through incomplete combustion of the thermal agents. This study investigated the effects on the PAH (BaP, BbFln and Fln) contents by using two different types of treatments, preheating (steam and microwave) and wrapping (aluminium and banana leaf) of the meat samples prior to charcoal grilling. PAHs were extracted through tandem solid-phase extraction. The results showed that the applied preheating and wrapping treatments on the samples strongly affect the PAHs levels in the charcoal-grilled meat. No carcinogenic PAHs (BaP and BbFln) were detected in the samples after steam and microwave preheating or aluminium wrapping treatments. Significant reductions of Fln content, of up to 46% and 81% in beef and chicken samples, respectively, were observed in the study

    Improved crowd psychological model and control

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    The behavior of human crowd is an interesting phenomenon in which individuals are set as a collection that comprises of a highly dynamic social group. The crowd behaviors have been investigated by researchers over the years. Recent works include the study in modeling and controlling of the dynamic psychological behavior of crowds such as students’ behavior in a classroom or people’s behavior in a one-dimensional queue. In this paper, an improved version of the psychological crowd model has been proposed, where the social interaction between two individuals in a crowd is represented by a weightage, called the weight of social interaction. It has been shown that the inclusion of the social interaction weight has allowed social interactions between individuals to be included and results in a more accurate representation of the crowd’s psychological factors propagations. Since the psychological dynamics of crowd is naturally unstable, this paper also discusses the application of two nonlinear control approaches to stabilise the crowd to make it calm. Results show that for a crowd of n number of agents, the single-agent controller gives similar performance with the n-agent controller but with much less resources. The simulation results also show that it takes less amount of time to stabilise a crowd when the crowd model includes social interaction weights

    Forensic Traceability Index in Digital Forensic Investigation

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    Digital crime inflicts immense damage to users and systems and now it has reached a level of sophistication that makes it difficult to track its sources or origins especially with the advancements in modern computers, networks and the availability of diverse digital devices. Forensic has an important role to facilitate investigations of illegal activities and inappropriate behaviors using scientific methodologies, techniques and investigation frameworks. Digital forensic is developed to investigate any digital devices in the detection of crime. This paper emphasized on the research of traceability aspects in digital forensic investigation process. This includes discovering of complex and huge volume of evidence and connecting meaningful relationships between them. The aim of this paper is to derive a traceability index as a useful indicator in measuring the accuracy and completeness of discovering the evidence. This index is demonstrated through a model (TraceMap) to facilitate the investigator in tracing and mapping the evidence in order to identify the origin of the crime or incident. In this paper, tracing rate, mapping rate and offender identification rate are used to present the level of tracing ability, mapping ability and identifying the offender ability respectively. This research has a high potential of being expanded into other research areas such as in digital evidence presentation

    Effects of Alkali Concentration and Conching Temperature on Flavour, Hardness and Colour of Chocolate

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    Alkalization is an addition of alkali into cocoa mass to improve product quality in terms of flavour and colour appearance. Sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate are usual to be added into cocoa cotyledon prior to roasting. A study has been carried out to evaluate the effects of alkalization proceeded upon conching on chocolate sensory properties, hardness and colour. Re sponse Surface Methodology design at alkali concentrations of 1—15 g kg -1 and conching temperature of 40—80 oC have been used in the study. Parameters evaluated were sensory properties, particle size, hardness and colour. Results of the study showed that alkali concentration significantly influenced aroma, overall preference, particle size and hardness; meanwhile, conching temperature showed significant influence on aroma, taste, appearance, overall preference and texture of chocolate. Alkali concentration and conching temperature showed interactively influence on aroma and overall preference. A good quality of chocolate could be found at the alkali concentration of 8—15 g kg -1 and conching temperature of 74—80 oC

    Traceability in Digital Forensic Investigation Process

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    Digital forensic is part of forensic science that implicitly covers crime that is related to computer technology. In a cyber crime, digital evidence investigation requires a special procedures and techniques in order to be used and be accepted in court of law. Generally, the goals of these special processes are to identify the origin of the incident reported as well as maintaining the chain of custody so that the legal process can take its option. Subsequently, the traceability process has become a key or an important element of the digital investigation process, as it is capable to map the events of an incident from difference sources in obtaining evidence of an incident to be used for other auxiliary investigation aspects. Hence, this paper introduces a trace map model to illustrate the relationship in the digital forensic investigation process by adapting and integrating the traceability features. The objective of this integration is to provide the capability of trace and map the evidence to the sources and shows the link between the evidence, the entities and the sources involved in the process, particularly in the collection phase of digital forensic investigation framework. Additionally, the proposed model is expected to help the forensic investigator in obtaining accurate and complete evidence that can be further used in a court of law

    Tracebility in Digital Forensic Investigation Process

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    Digital forensic is part of forensic science that implicitly covers crime that is related to computer technology. In a cyber crime, digital evidence investigation requires a special procedures and techniques in order to be used and be accepted in court of law. Generally, the goals of these special processes are to identify the origin of the incident reported as well as maintaining the chain of custody so that the legal process can take its option. Subsequently, the traceability process has become a key or an important element of the digital investigation process, as it is capable to map the events of an incident from difference sources in obtaining evidence of an incident to be used for other auxiliary investigation aspects. Hence, this paper introduces a trace map model to illustrate the relationship in the digital forensic investigation process by adapting and integrating the traceability features. The objective of this integration is to provide the capability of trace and map the evidence to the sources and shows the link between the evidence, the entities and the sources involved in the process, particularly in the collection phase of digital forensic investigation framework. Additionally, the proposed model is expected to help the forensic investigator in obtaining accurate and complete evidence that can be further used in a court of la

    E-learning User Interface Acceptance Based on Analysis of User's Style, USAbility and User Benefits

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    E-learning does not function properly if the system is not in accordance with user needs. This study aims to establish an evaluation model for e-learning user interface according to user acceptance. The model is designed based on three categories: user learning style, USAbility and user benefits. Results of measurements of the three categories will determine the level of user acceptance of the e-learning interface. The data were taken using a questionnaire which was distributed to 125 ELS students from various countries. Then processed using SEM and Lisrel v8.80. This paper presents experimental set up for the general research and some results for technology acceptance theories