34 research outputs found

    Lectin-Based Food Poisoning: A New Mechanism of Protein Toxicity

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    BACKGROUND: Ingestion of the lectins present in certain improperly cooked vegetables can result in acute GI tract distress, but the mechanism of toxicity is unknown. In vivo, gut epithelial cells are constantly exposed to mechanical and other stresses and consequently individual cells frequently experience plasma membrane disruptions. Repair of these cell surface disruptions allows the wounded cell to survive: failure results in necrotic cell death. Plasma membrane repair is mediated, in part, by an exocytotic event that adds a patch of internal membrane to the defect site. Lectins are known to inhibit exocytosis. We therefore tested the novel hypothesis that lectin toxicity is due to an inhibitory effect on plasma membrane repair. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Repair of plasma membrane disruptions and exocytosis of mucus was assessed after treatment of cultured cell models and excised segments of the GI tract with lectins. Plasma membrane disruptions were produced by focal irradiation of individual cells, using a microscope-based laser, or by mechanical abrasion of multiple cells, using a syringe needle. Repair was then assessed by monitoring the cytosolic penetration of dyes incapable of crossing the intact plasma membrane. We found that cell surface-bound lectins potently inhibited plasma membrane repair, and the exocytosis of mucus that normally accompanies the repair response. CONCLUSIONS: Lectins potently inhibit plasma membrane repair, and hence are toxic to wounded cells. This represents a novel form of protein-based toxicity, one that, we propose, is the basis of plant lectin food poisoning

    More than food: Why restoring the cycle of organic matter in sustainable plant production is essential for the One Health nexus

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    International audienceOne Health professes that the health of organisms is interconnected through the exploitation of planetary resources, trade, and transportation, in particular. The impetus for the emergence of this concept in the early 2000s was knowledge of the epidemiology of zoonotic diseases that put humans at risk to diseases carried by animals. In spite of the intended comprehensiveness of One Health, the place of plant health in this concept is vague, and few issues about plant health are debated in the scientific literature related to One Health. Here, we explore the history of concepts related to One Health in an attempt to understand why there is this schism between the plant sciences and the medical and veterinary sciences beyond the prism of zoonotic diseases. We illustrate the rich history of concepts in the plant sciences concerning the oneness of plants, animals and humans, and the debates about the definition and scope of sustainability that are precursors to One Health. These concepts continue to be foundations for research and development, particularly for food security and food safety. The emergence of these concepts from plant sciences was based on fundamental understanding of the food web – where plants are food for humans and animals whose digestive processes create important resources for plant growth and health. Yet, this latter part of the food web – recycling of manures in particular – was ruptured during modernization of agriculture. We explain how attaining sustainable One Health depends on restoring this part of the food web via soil stewardship, whose principal guarantors are the ensemble of actors in plant production

    Chemical Signatures in Plant-Insect Interactions

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    Chemical signals are important cues throughout the life of an insect especially for mate location and for prey and host finding. The chemical signal, whether pheromone or plant volatile organic compound (VOC), remains specific because of the mixture, of the ratio of the components in mixture and of the release quantity. The plasticity of pheromone emissions is now studied in several insect species in relation to geographic variation, host plant specialization and chemical and light environment. The actual vision is that the pheromone composition is likely to be more plastic than previously assumed. The perception of the environmental odorscape produced by living plants and animals together addressed the question on the specific detection of the pheromone signal in the atmospheric blend of molecules. In agrobiocoenosis, the cultivated plants produce a specific odorscape. The insects rely on plant VOCs to locate the crop or the host plant, after which specific mixtures act as oviposition stimulants. The insect responses to host plants and their odours vary with the physiological status of both actors: the plant and the insect. Chemical signals released by plants vary with plant physiology, diel periodicity, climatic factors and pollution, and these signals can be species or even variety specific. Many of plants signalling compounds detected by insects have important roles as warning signals, which can also function in plant–plant communication

    Co-acquired nanovirus and geminivirus exhibit a contrasted localization within their common aphid vector

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    Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) plant viruses belong to the families Geminiviridae and Nanoviridae. They are transmitted by Hemipteran insects in a circulative, mostly non-propagative, manner. While geminiviruses are transmitted by leafhoppers, treehoppers, whiteflies and aphids, nanoviruses are transmitted exclusively by aphids. Circulative transmission involves complex virus-vector interactions in which epithelial cells have to be crossed and defense mechanisms counteracted. Vector taxa are considered a relevant taxonomic criterion for virus classification, indicating that viruses can evolve specific interactions with their vectors. Thus, we predicted that, although nanoviruses and geminiviruses represent related viral families, they have evolved distinct interactions with their vector. This prediction is also supported by the non-structural Nuclear Shuttle Protein (NSP) that is involved in vector transmission in nanoviruses but has no similar function in geminiviruses. Thanks to the recent discovery of aphid-transmitted geminiviruses, this prediction could be tested for the geminivirus alfalfa leaf curl virus (ALCV) and the nanovirus faba bean necrotic stunt virus (FBNSV) in their common vector, Aphis craccivora. Estimations of viral load in midgut and head of aphids, precise localization of viral DNA in cells of insect vectors and host plants, and virus transmission tests revealed that the pathway of the two viruses across the body of their common vector differs both quantitatively and qualitatively