110 research outputs found

    Upaya Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi dalam Pengelolaan Keuangan Tahun 2011-2012

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    Regional Autonomy through Act No. 32 of 2004 on Regional Government does not just move the bulk of the authority of the Central Government to Local Government but Act No. 32 of 2004 should bring meaning to the welfare of the people in the area has not materialized.This study aims to describe and analyze the efforts made by the Government of Regency Kuantan Singingi in maintaining WTP opinion on the financial statements in 2012 and want to know the limiting factors in the financial management area Singingi Kuantan district. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive type. The process of data collection is done in the Regency Kuantan Singingi particularly in the Financial Section of the Secretariat of Regent Office Kuantan Singingi using interview techniques and documentation. From the results of the study be concluded that the efforts made by the Government of Kuantan District Singingi in Financial Management Year 2011-2012 is sufficient maximum. Efforts made Singingi Kuantan District Government that is the professionalism of the work Singingi Kuantan District Government, Human Resources for Establishing a quality, appreciation and motivation from leaders to subordinates and has made the Financial Management Information System (SIPKD). But behind the efforts that have been made, there are also some factors inhibiting the Local Government financial management is lalainya most Singingi Kuantan District Government Agencies Kuantan Singingi in UYHD submit to the local treasury.Keywords: Efforts, Financial managemen

    Konseling Model Transteoritik dalam Perubahan Perilaku Merokok pada Remaja

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    Perkembangan perokok di kalangan anak-anak dan remaja semakin meningkat, baik secara kuantitas maupun kualitas. Data Global Youth Tobacco Survey terakhir di tahun 2009, menunjukkan 20,3% anak sekolah 13 - 15 tahun merokok. Perokok pemula usia 10 - 14 tahun naik 2 kali lipat dalam 10 tahun terakhir dari 9,5% pada tahun 2001 menjadi 17,5% pada tahun 2010. Angka perokok pada usia remaja yang tinggi meningkatkan risiko penyakit. Berdasarkan penelitian, para perokok yang terus merokok dalam jangka panjang memiliki risiko kematian tiga kali lebih tinggi daripada mereka yang bukan perokok. Individu mulai merokok disebabkan oleh pengaruh lingkungan sosial, seperti teman-teman, orang tua, dan media sehingga diperlukan suatu konseling terhadap remaja, salah satu metode konseling dengan pendekatan model transteoritik. Dalam beberapa kajian, terbukti model transteoritik efektif dalam mengubah perilaku merokok pada remaja. Berdasarkan kajian tersebut, diharapkan para konselor dalam memberikan konseling hendaknya memperhatikan kesiapan klien dalam mengubah perilaku hidupnya (aktivitas fisik) sesuai dengan tahap-tahapan yang ada dalam model transteoritik.The quantitiy and quality of smoking habits in adolescents are rising, steadily. According to Data Global Youth Tobacco Survey in 2009, showed 20.3% of school children 13 - 15 years were smoking. A beginner smokers aged 10 - 14 years increased 2-fold in the last 10 years from 9.5% in 2001 to 17.5% in 2010. High number of smokers in adolescence will increase the risk of disease. Based on studies, smokers who keep smoking in the long term would face the possibility of death three times higher than nonsmokers. People started to smoke because the influence of the social environment such as friends, parents, and the media thus needed a counseling to adolescents that is one with the approaches of counseling methods transtheoritical model (TTM).Transtheoritical models in several studies provedeffective in changing smoking behavior in adolescents. Based on the study is expected to provide counselors should keep in readiness counseling clients in behavioral change his life (physical activity), it has been doing according to the stages in the transtheoritical model

    Studi Tingkat Kecemasan Remaja Terhadap No-mobile Phone (Nomophobia) Di SMA Negeri Kota Padang

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    Telepon genggam telah membuat Perubahan dari alat komunikasi sederhana menjadi perangkat komunikasi yang canggih yang sering disebut sebagai smartphone. Smartphone telah menjadi alat komunikasi dan informasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Smartphone memfasilitasi individu dalam proses melakukan komunikasi dan memberikan tingkat mobilitas yang memungkinkan pengguna smartphone dapat dihubungi setiap saat . Tujuan penelitian ini agar dapat mempelajari tingkat kecemasan remaja dengan mobile phone. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analitik dengan desain kuantitatif. Penelitian di lakukan pada remaja SMA Negeri 5 dan SMA Negeri7 di Kota Padang pada tahun 2018. Data dikumpulkan melalui penyebaran koesioner dengan mengunakan teknik cluster sampling. Sampel pada penelotian ini berjumlah 75 orang. Hasil yang diperoleh 53% remaja Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kota Padang mengalami kecemasan sedang, dan 46% remaja Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kota Padang mengalami nomophobia sedang. Terdapat hubungan antara tingkat kecemasan remaja Sekolah Menengah Atas terhadap nomophobia di Kota Padang. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan bahan perbandingan apabila dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai tindakan penecagahan dan penatalaksanaan dalam mengatasi nomophobia pada remaja. Selain itu disarankan kepada pihak Sekolah maupun tenaga kesehatan agar dapat melakukan screening terhadap siswa terkait dengan penggunaan mobile phone. Keyword : smartphone, alat komunikasi, nomophobi

    Self-assembly of rod-coil block copolymers from weakly to moderately segregated regimes

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    Abstract.: We report on the self-assembly behaviour of two homologue series of rod-coil block copolymers in which, the rod, a π -conjugated polymer, is maintained fixed in size and chemical structure, while the coil is allowed to vary both in molecular weight and chemical nature. This allows maintaining constant the liquid crystalline interactions, expressed by Maier-Saupe interactions, ω , while varying the tendency towards microphase separation, expressed by the product between the Flory-Huggins parameter and the total polymerization degree, χN . Therefore, the systems presented here allow testing directly some of the theoretical predictions for the self-assembly of rod-coil block copolymers in a weakly segregated regime. The two rod-coil block copolymer systems investigated were poly(DEH-p-phenylenevinylene-b-styrene), whose self-assembly takes place in the very weakly segregated regime, and poly(DEH-p-phenylenevinylene-b-4vinylpyridine), for which the self-assembly behaviour occurs under increased tendency towards microphase separation, hereby referred to as moderately segregated regime. Experimental results for both systems are compared with predictions based on Landau expansion theorie

    Eating Habit and Other Factors Related to Anemia in Civil Female Flight Attendant in Indonesia

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    Background: Anemia is a health problem in women that can interfere work performance including female flight attendant. This study aimed to identify several dominant risk factors related to anemia in female flight attendants. Method: A cross-sectional study with purposive sampling was conducted to female flight attendant who performing periodic medical check-up at the Civil Aviation Medical Center, Jakarta on May 1-152013. Data collected using structured questionnaire. The data collected were demographic data, job characteristics, the characteristics of eating habits, menstrual history, body mass index, and hemoglobin levels. Hemoglobin levels were taken from flight attendant\u27s medical records at the Civil Aviation Medical Center, Jakarta. Anemia defined if hemoglobin levels less than12 g/dl. Results: Out of 225 female flight attendants who did medical checkup, 185 of them age 18-46 years old who willing to participate in this study, and 28.1% of them had anemia. Frequency of eating red meat/week, total working period, type of flight, and menstruation were dominant risk factors related to anemia. The most dominant risk factor was of eating red meat/week. Flight attendant who had eat meat for 3 times or more a week compared to less than 3 times a week had 43% less riskof having anemia [adjusted relative risk (RRa) = 0.57; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.32 – 1.03; P = 0.064). Flight attendant who had heavy flow menstruation than normal flow menstruation have 3.45 times higher risk of having anemia [RRa = 3.45; P = 0.000].Conclusion: Flight attendant who had eating meat habit less than three times a week and having menstrual heavy flow has a high risk of having anemia. (Health Science Indones 2014;2:67-72
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