61 research outputs found

    Tanggung Jawab Maskapai Penerbangan terhadap Penumpang Pesawat Udara Akibat Hijacking Menurut Hukum Internasional

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tanggung jawab pihak maskapai penerbangan terhadap keluarga korban pesawat Germanwings Flight 9525 dan bentuk kendala-kendala yang dihadapi keluarga korban pesawat dalam menerima asuransi ganti rugi akibat hijacking. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan penelitian Kepustakaan, yaitu dengan mempelajari serta menganalisa konvensi, peraturan Perundang-undangan, buku teks, surat kabar, tulisan ilmiah yang termuat dalam berbagai jurnal, dan literatur-literatur yang relevan dengan artikel ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tanggung jawab pihak maskapai penerbangan yang sesuai dengan Pasal 17 Konvensi Warsawa 1929 diberikan kepada keluarga korban dalam bentuk ganti rugi secara finansial dengan batas maksimum 113,100 SDR atau setara dengan US160,000.PihakLufthansasebagaiindukdaripesawatGermanwingsFlight9525memberikansantunangantirugisebesarUS 160,000. Pihak Lufthansa sebagai induk dari pesawat Germanwings Flight 9525 memberikan santunan ganti rugi sebesar US 50,000 untuk setiap korban. Kendala-kendala yang timbul dalam penerimaan ganti rugi disebabkan karena adanya proses pemberian ganti rugi tahap akhir yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan pengadilan tempat tinggal tetap korban. Karena perbedaan pengadilan yang dipilih, menyebabkan perbedaan besaran ganti rugi yang diterima setiap keluarga korban. Perbedaan ini menimbulkan adanya kendala berupa pelanggaran HAM dan timbulnya rasa ketidakadilan bagi keluarga korban. Disarankan dalam rangka pemenuhan tanggung jawab pihak penerbangan terhadap keluarga korban hijacking, dibentuk suatu kesepakatan untuk menentukan pengadilan yang sekiranya dapat memberikan putusan ganti rugi yang pantas diterima oleh seluruh keluarga korban hijacking pesawat Germanwings Flight 9525.The purpose of this research is to understand the Airline responsibillities to the families of Germanwings Flight 9525 victims and the form of constraints faced by families of aircraft victims in receiving compensation insurance due to hijacking. This research uses library research, by reading and analyzing conventions, legislations, law literatures, newspapers, journals and other relevant written legal materials. The results showed under Article 17 of Warsaw Convention 1929 the responsibility that the Airline provides to the victims' family in the form of financial compensation with maximum limit of 113,100 SDR or equivalent to US160,000.LufthansapartyastheparentofGermanwingsFlight9525providecompensationbenefitofUS 160,000. Lufthansa party as the parent of Germanwings Flight 9525 provide compensation benefit of US 50,000 for each victim. The constraints that appear in the receipt of compensation is due to the process of providing final compensation that is carried out under the court of permanent residence of the victim. Because the difference in the chosen of the court, caused the difference in the amount of compensation received by each victim's family. These difference inflict the constraints in the form of human rights violations and the emergence of a sense of injustice for the families of victims. It is recommended that in order to fulfill the responsibilities of the Airline to the families of the hijacking victims, an agreement is established to determine a court of justice which may provide an appropriate compensation verdict received by the entire family of the hijacking victims of Germanwings Flight 9525

    Pengembangan Materi Keberfungsian Keluarga Bagi Siswa SMA

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    The purpose ofthis research is the complete of family function material of class XI senior high school and determine the quality of family function material is resulted, in terms of aspects of clarity, systematics, image support, freshness, completeness of material, and support for video and games. The method of material are research method and the development (R & D). This material is valid by the first and second counselor, the teacher of counseling guidance, as well as 31student of class XI senior high school 12 Pekanbaru. This material tried to students along 3 hours lesson in class( 3x 45\u27). The result of this research is the compiled material about family function, with the material quality in category “good” with the score aspect 4,09

    Pengaruh Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok terhadap Peningkatan Sikap Moral Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Tri Bhakti Pekanbaru T.p 2015/2016

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    Adolescence is the most critical period in social situations, it is often experienced by junior high school students who are the transition periods to a teenager. This transition period of teenage students has undergone a change in the role of social morality with peers so that teenagers want to show and show identity, but that seems to be the attitude of students who deviate from the norms of courtesy and existing etiquette. This research aims to find the effect of group guidance services on the improvement of students' moral attitudes. The research method used in this study is the quasi exsperimen using the one group pre-test pos test design. This study is conducted twice before the experiment (pre test) After the experiment with one subject group. Data analysis used in this research is descriptive analytic. The subject in this research is chosen by using non probability sampling technique with purposive sampling method of 30 students, the method of collecting this data is questionnaire. The result of research This shows that there is influence of group guidance on improvement of moral attitude of student 27%, while 73% influenced by variable or other factor such as environment, family, school

    Analisis Gaya Belajar Siswa yang Main Game Online di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 010 Kecamatan Kubu Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014

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    This study, entitled "Analysis of Student Learning Styles Play Games Online at State Primary School 010 Kubu district academic year 2013/2014". This study aims to: 1). To describe the visual learning style of students, 2). To know the description of auditory learning styles of students, 3). To find a picture of kinesthetic learning styles of students and 4). To find a picture of the students' learning styles play the game online at SDN 010 Kubu district. The method used in this research: descriptive methods. The population in this study were all students of class IV, V, and VI Elementary School 010 Kubu district school year 2013/2014, this study uses saturated sample technique or the total sample with a total sample of 92 people. The experiment was conducted in March and ending in May 2014. Based on the research results, it can be seen that the description of a visual learning style of students in middle category is 70.65%. While the picture of auditory learning style in middle category, namely 56, 57% and kinesthetic learning style picture also in middle category, namely 65, 21%, As well as an overview of learning styles of students who play online games in SD Negeri 010 Kubu district school year 2013/2014 is most of the students have a visual learning style that is 52.45% (48 people). Auditory 25.61% (as many as 24 people) and Kinesthetic 21.94% (20 persons). Based on the results of the data analysis of research, discussion, research findings, the conclusions of this study then recommended to the school (principal) Elementary School 010 Kubu district to be able to understand and care about the learning styles of students who play the game online. Expected to classroom teachers in order to further increase its attention to students' learning styles and find a method of learning that fit each student's learning style appropriately. For parents are expected to be able to accompany her home learning activities, especially for children who have unique learning styles according to the character of the child, so that the learning objectives will be easily accessible and understood the child. For researchers, the next challenge studies to investigate students' learning styles in terms of environmental and psychological factors

    Pengaruh Konseling Kelompok terhadap Penurunan Masalah Hubungan Sosial Siswa Kelas X IPS SMA Negeri 5 Pekanbaru Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015

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    This study aims 1) To know the description of social relationship problems experienced by students before given group counseling. 2) To know the description of social relationship problems experienced by students after the given group counseling. 3) To know how the process of implementation of group counseling in reducing social relationship problems experienced by students. 4) To determine differences in social relationship problems experienced by students before and after group counseling. 5) To determine how much influence the group counseling on reducing social relationship problems experienced by students. Data collection tool in the form of scale of the problem of social relationships. The subjects were students of class ten grade social students of State Senior High School 5 Pekanbaru a total of 11 people. The samples using purposive sampling technique, meaning that the sample is a sample taken in accordance with criteria established by the researcher. Overview of social relationship problems experienced by students before given group counseling services are in many categories, namely 100%. Overview of social relationship problems experienced by students after a given group counseling services are decreasing in many categories of 0%, at katgori was 18%, in the category of less than 73%, and least 9%. Based on the calculation of correlation coefficient between and is determinant of 0.44 and a coefficient of = 0.19 it means donation group counseling services to the decline of social relationship problems experienced by students by 19%. It can be seen greater than (16.41> 2.086) so that Ha is accepted. Means that there are significant group counseling services to the decline of social relationship problems experienced by students of class ten grade social students of State Senior High School 5 Pekanbaru Academic Year 2014/2015

    Pengaruh Tata Ruang Dan Komunikasi Intern Terhadap Efektivitas Kerja Guru Di Smk Negeri 9 Semarang

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    Office layout is a method to formulate spatial, tools, layout, and their physical environment that aims to provide a means for teachers and internal communications are an important means to unify the direction and the views and thoughts among teachers and between teachers with the Head of School, so create cohesion in the work. This research aims: 1) to determine whether there is any spatial effect on the effectiveness of teachers \u27work; 2) to determine whether there is an internal communication influence the effectiveness of teachers\u27 work; 3) to know how big influence of spatial planning and internal communication on the effectiveness of working collectively same. The population that became the subject of this study was the teacher of SMK Negeri 9 Semarang all 44 people who made the research sample because this study represents a population study. In this study, the independent variables are spatial and internal communications, while the dependent variable is the employment effectiveness of teachers. Data collection was performed using a questionnaire technique, documentation and observation. Data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis percentages, multiple regression analysis, simultaneous test, partial test, coefficient of determination and classical assumption. Based on the results of regression analysis obtained F value of 13.357 with a probability of 0.000 <0.05, which means that there is significant influence between spatial planning and internal communication on the effectiveness of teacher working SMK Negeri 9 Semarang. The amount of influence between spatial planning and internal communication on the effectiveness of teacher working SMK Negeri 9 for 39.5% of Semarang. Based on this research, the authors suggest that: in drafting desk should be more loose and in placing the furniture and other equipment should be to take advantage of the space available, so the staff room and classrooms and teachers more impressed with a neat move freely when doing academic activities; head schools should pay more attention to another teacher performance by giving instructions clearly did not even hesitate to reprimand if proven negligent in completing the job, as an effort to improve the quality of education, school principals should be willing to open ourselves to receive all complaints, ideas, or ideas from teachers

    Plastic pollution in the ocean

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    Plastic pollution in the ocean was first reported by scientists in the 1970s, yet in recent years it has drawn tremendous attention from the media, the public, and an increasing number of scientists spanning diverse fields, including polymer science, environmental engineering, ecology, toxicology, marine biology, and oceanography. In the oceans, the threat to marine life comes in various forms, such as overexploitation and harvesting, dumping of waste, pollution, alien species, land reclamation, dredging and global climate change. The extremely visible nature of much of this contamination is easy to convey in shocking images of piles of trash on coastlines, marine mammals entangled in fishing nets, or seabird bellies filled with bottle caps, cigarette lighters, and colourful shards of plastic. Even without these images, anyone who has visited a beach has certainly encountered discarded cigarette butts, broken beach toys left behind, or pieces of fishing gear or buoys that have washed ashore

    Visual Thinking Process and Emotions Through Expressive Art

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    Background: Drawing has a therapeutic function in the lives of people with special needs.These people need additional support for communication and learning.Researchers believed that drawing is an effective way for these people to show their self-esteem, emotions, social competence, and other hidden personalities. Art therapy teaches knowledge of visual art (drawing and painting). It is also known as expressive art because it assists in dealing with some emotions that are difficult for verbal communication. Furthermore, art therapy is beneficial for fine motor skill development. The aim of this study was to explore the use of expressive art in a group of autistic people. Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study. A series of art therapy workshop were conducted in University of Malaya in collaboration with Malaysian Rehabilitation Council, and Maybank Foundation. A number of 18 people aged 8-17 years old with autism from Malaysian Rehabilitation Council were invited to University of Malaya for the art therapy workshop. They consisted of Malays, Chinese, and Indians. These peoplehad some level of communication problems. Art therapy workshop was conducted twice a month for 6 month with each session lasted for 4 hours. Art template, art materials, and a list of activities were given to each participant. Before the session, the participants informed the researchers verbally the scope of art that they would be drawing. The researchers observed the thinking process and emotions of the participants through the art activities. Results: Some of the art work was not related to what they have mentioned earlier. We found that art demonstrated their thought process. Drawing was more accurate in visualizing their thinking process rather than verbal communication. Besides, we detected a range of emotions illustrated from their final art work. Some of the emotions were psychological distress, happiness, and sadness. Conclusion: Expressive artis useful for visualizing thinking process of autistic people. Keywords: art therapy, autistic, visual thinking, emotions, expressive ar
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