660 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Team Games Tournament (Tgt) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas Ivc Sekolah Dasar Negeri 108 Pekanbaru

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    The problem on this research was that the low score of students' learning on social science study. There werestill a lot of students that did not understand basic concepts and tended to memorize examples. It was showed by58,07% from 31 students achieving minimum criteria completeness (KKM) from students' test score in IVCclass of SDN 108 Pekanbaru for Koperasi subject. The students' average score was 62,4, and the KKM stated byschool was 68. Based on this problem it was needed to do an action research using cooperative learning modelsTeams Games Tournaments (TGT) type. This research aims to know whether the implementation of cooperativelearning models Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) type can improve students' social science learningoutcomes at IVC class of SDN 108 Pekanbaru in 2013/2014 with 31students. This research was done in twocycles. First cycle consists of three meetings with one daily test and first tournament, and cycle II consists ofthree meetings with one daily test and second tournament. Instruments to collect data in this research areteacher's observation sheets, students' observation sheet, and tests. By implementing using cooperative learningmodels Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) type can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes.Percentage of completeness in basic score was 54,8% (62,40 in average), and it changed into 77,4% (75,6 inaverage) in cycle I and 87,1% (81,1 in average) in cycle II. Percentage of teacher' activity in cycle I was 81,9%and 92,3% in cycle II. Then percentage of students' activity in cycle I was 75,4% and 92,2% in cycle II. Fromthose data it proves that the implementation of cooperative learning models Teams Games Tournaments (TGT)type can improve students' learning outcomes at IVC class of SDN 108 Pekanbaru

    Berlindung dalam Hak Asasi Manusia: Strategi Pekerja Seks di Eropa untuk Mentransformasi Kebijakan Prostitusi

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    In European sex worker perspective, prostitution policy in European Countries restrict the nature right of sex workers. Therefore, sex workers in Europe initiating a movement to transform the prostitution policy in Europe. In this movement, sex workers using human right issue as s strategy to framing the sex workers' right. This article will highlight specifically how sex workers using the human right as a frame for their movement instrument that is the declaration of the rights of sex worker, start from that declaration birth through the International sex workers' conference until it entering the European Parliament

    Bank competition and financial stability

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    Under the traditional"competition-fragility"view, more bank competition erodes market power, decreases profit margins, and results in reduced franchise value that encourages bank risk taking. Under the alternative"competition-stability"view, more market power in the loan market may result in greater bank risk as the higher interest rates charged to loan customers make it more difficult to repay loans and exacerbate moral hazard and adverse selection problems. But even if market power in the loan market results in riskier loan portfolios, the overall risks of banks need not increase if banks protect their franchise values by increasing their equity capital or engaging in other risk-mitigating techniques. The authors test these theories by regressing measures of loan risk, bank risk, and bank equity capital on several measures of market power, as well as indicators of the business environment, using data for 8,235 banks in 23 developed nations. The results suggest that - consistent with the traditional"competition-fragility"view - banks with a greater degree of market power also have less overall risk exposure. The data also provide some support for one element of the"competition-stability"view - that market power increases loan portfolio risk. The authors show that this risk may be offset in part by higher equity capital ratios.Banks&Banking Reform,Debt Markets,Access to Finance,,Markets and Market Access

    Role of eIF3a expression in cellular sensitivity to ionizing radiation treatments by regulating synthesis of NHEJ repair proteins

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Translation Initiation in protein synthesis is a crucial step controlling gene expression that enhanced by eukaryotic translation initiation factors (eIFs). eIF3a, the largest subunit of eIF3 complexes, has been shown to regulate protein synthesis and cellular response to cisplatin treatment. Its expression has also been shown to negatively associate with prognosis. In this study, we tested a hypothesis that eIF3a regulates synthesis of proteins important for repair of double strand DNA breaks induced by ionizing radiation (IR). We found that eIF3a up-regulation sensitizes cellular response to IR while its knockdown causes resistance to IR. We also found that eIF3a over-expression increases IR-induced DNA damage and decreases Non-Homologous End Joining (NHEJ) activity by suppressing expression level of NHEJ repair proteins such as DNA-PKcs and vice versa. Together, we conclude that eIF3a plays an important role in cellular response to DNA-damaging treatments by regulating synthesis of DNA repair proteins and, thus, eIIF3a likely plays an important role in the outcome of cancer patients treated with DNA-damaging strategies including ionizing radiation

    Design Of Information System For Kolong Cikini School Based On Android

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    Anak jalanan di Jakarta banyak yang tidak dapat merasakan pemenuhan kebutuhan belajar secara penuh dan meninggalkan bangku sekolah dikarenakan anak harus bekerja untuk ikut membantu menunjang ekonomi keluarga. Sekolah Kolong Cikini merupakan organisasi non profit yang memfasilitasi anak jalanan untuk memberikan pendidikan alternatif agar anak jananan tersebut tetap dapat memperoleh haknya dalam pendidikan. Namun adanya keterbatasan media bagi para relawan untuk berbagi informasi menimbulkan informasi yang dibagikan tidak diterima dengan baik oleh anggota komunitas lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang aplikasi yang mampu menjadi sarana komunikasi antar anggota komunitas. Alur penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model Waterfall serta identifikasi masalah dengan menggunakan tahap analisis PIECES. Dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu komunitas sekolah kolong cikini dalam mengorganisir kegiatan, berbagi informasi, dan pengetahuan serta menjaga keakuratan data anggota pengajar dan data anak jalanan yang tergabung dalam sekolah kolong cikini


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    The problem on this research was that the low score of students’ learning on social science study. There werestill a lot of students that did not understand basic concepts and tended to memorize examples. It was showed by58,07% from 31 students achieving minimum criteria completeness (KKM) from students’ test score in IVCclass of SDN 108 Pekanbaru for Koperasi subject. The students’ average score was 62,4, and the KKM stated byschool was 68. Based on this problem it was needed to do an action research using cooperative learning modelsTeams Games Tournaments (TGT) type. This research aims to know whether the implementation of cooperativelearning models Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) type can improve students’ social science learningoutcomes at IVC class of SDN 108 Pekanbaru in 2013/2014 with 31students. This research was done in twocycles. First cycle consists of three meetings with one daily test and first tournament, and cycle II consists ofthree meetings with one daily test and second tournament. Instruments to collect data in this research areteacher’s observation sheets, students’ observation sheet, and tests. By implementing using cooperative learningmodels Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) type can improve students’ mathematics learning outcomes.Percentage of completeness in basic score was 54,8% (62,40 in average), and it changed into 77,4% (75,6 inaverage) in cycle I and 87,1% (81,1 in average) in cycle II. Percentage of teacher’ activity in cycle I was 81,9%and 92,3% in cycle II. Then percentage of students’ activity in cycle I was 75,4% and 92,2% in cycle II. Fromthose data it proves that the implementation of cooperative learning models Teams Games Tournaments (TGT)type can improve students’ learning outcomes at IVC class of SDN 108 Pekanbaru. Key Words : cooperative teaching and learning model, Teams Games Tournaments (TGT),learning outcome

    Rancang Bangun Generator Asitilin Untuk Pengelasan Pelat Body Kendaraan

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    Oxyacetylene Generator available in commercially has a price which is more expensive and has complicated construction workings. Therefore it is a necessary Oxyacetylene generator with a more simple construction made of materials that are easily obtainable and has a good safety factor and easy to operate. Oxyacetylene gas formation process which is not proportional to the strength of the materials used can result in damage of occurrence because it needs to be calculated the strength of the construction of the generator Oxyacetylene. This research used steel pipe with a diameter of 141.322 mm and a thickness of 9.7 mm and an overall length of 1510 mm. The maximum gas pressure that occurs Oxyacetylene 20.25 with the average voltage in the Oxyacetylene generator amounted to 60.65 N / m2. Test results indicate that the generator design asitelin result has been able to work well. From the test data showed that the length of the door frame welding Oxyacetylene generator is 93.31, while the welding length is 360 mm designed it can be said safely against the forces acting due to the pressure and stress that occurs in the Oxyacetylene generator still under stress and pressure of the material permits. With a force that will decide the generator cover amounting to 317,380.39 N Oxyacetylene declared safe to welding because σi = 125 N / mm2 greater than τ = 101.79 N / mm2. While the force will decide on the lintel of 317,380.39 N Oxyacetylene generator is declared safe to welding because σi = 125 N / mm2 greater than τ = 124.6 N / mm2
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