4 research outputs found

    Revealing the True Nature of Hen 2-428

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    The nucleus of Hen 2-428 is a short orbital period (4.2 h) spectroscopic binary, whose status as potential supernovae type Ia progenitor has raised some controversy in the literature. We present preliminary results of a thorough analysis of this interesting system, which combines quantitative non-local thermodynamic (non-LTE) equilibrium spectral modelling, radial velocity analysis, multi-band light curve fitting, and state-of-the art stellar evolutionary calculations. Importantly, we find that the dynamical system mass that is derived by using all available He II lines does not exceed the Chandrasekhar mass limit. Furthermore, the individual masses of the two central stars are too small to lead to an SN Ia in case of a dynamical explosion during the merger process

    An in-depth reanalysis of the alleged type Ia supernova progenitor Henize 2-428

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    Context. The nucleus of the planetary nebula Hen 2-428 is a short orbital-period (4.2 h), double-lined spectroscopic binary, whosestatus as a potential supernova type Ia progenitor has raised some controversy in the literature.Aims. With the aim of resolving this debate, we carried out an in-depth reanalysis of the system.Methods. Our approach combines a refined wavelength calibration, thorough line-identifications, improved radial-velocity measurements, non-LTE spectral modeling, as well as multi-band light-curve fitting. Our results are then discussed in view of state-of-the-artstellar evolutionary models.Results. Besides systematic zero-point shifts in the wavelength calibration of the OSIRIS spectra which were also used in the previous analysis of the system, we found that the spectra are contaminated with diffuse interstellar bands. Our Voigt-profile radialvelocity fitting method, which considers the additional absorption of these diffuse interstellar bands, reveals significantly lower masses(M1 = 0.66 ± 0.11 M? and M2 = 0.42 ± 0.07 M?) than previously reported and a mass ratio that is clearly below unity. Our spectraland light curve analyses lead to consistent results, however, we find higher effective temperatures and smaller radii than previouslyreported. Moreover, we find that the red-excess that was reported before to prove to be a mere artifact of an outdated reddening lawthat was applied.Conclusions. Our work shows that blends of He ii λ 5412 Å with diffuse interstellar bands have led to an overestimation of thepreviously reported dynamical masses of Hen 2−428. The merging event of Hen 2−428 will not be recognised as a supernova typeIa, but most likely leads to the formation of a H-deficient star. We suggest that the system was formed via a first stable mass transferepisode, followed by common envelope evolution, and it is now composed of a post-early asymptotic giant branch star and a reheatedHe-core white dwarf.</div

    A far-UV survey of three hot, metal-polluted white dwarf stars: WD0455-282, WD0621-376, and WD2211-495

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    Using newly obtained high-resolution data (R ∼ 1 × 10^5) from the Hubble Space Telescope, and archival UV data from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer, we have conducted a detailed UV survey of the three hot, metal-polluted white dwarfs WD0455−282, WD0621−376, and WD2211−495. Using bespoke model atmospheres, we measured Teff, log g, and photospheric abundances for these stars. In conjunction with data from Gaia, we measured masses, radii, and gravitational redshift velocities for our sample of objects. We compared the measured photospheric abundances with those predicted by radiative levitation theory, and found that the observed Si abundances in all three white dwarfs, and the observed Fe abundances in WD0621−376 and WD2211−495, were larger than those predicted by an order of magnitude. These findings imply not only an external origin for the metals, but also ongoing accretion, as the metals not supported by radiative levitation would sink on extremely short time-scales. We measured the radial velocities of several absorption features along the line of sight to the three objects in our sample, allowing us to determine the velocities of the photospheric and interstellar components along the line of sight for each star. Interestingly, we made detections of circumstellar absorption along the line of sight to WD0455−282 with three velocity components. To our knowledge, this is the first such detection of multicomponent circumstellar absorption along the line of sight to a white dwarf

    Measuring the fine-structure constant on a white dwarf surface; a detailed analysis of Fe V absorption in G191-B2B

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    The gravitational potential φ = GM/Rc2 at the surface of the white dwarf G191-B2B is 10,000 times stronger than that at the Earth’s surface. Numerous photospheric absorption features are detected, making this a suitable environment to test theories in which the fundamental constants depend on gravity. We have measured the fine structure constant, α, at the white dwarf surface, used a newly calibrated Hubble Space Telescope STIS spectrum of G191-B2B, two new independent sets of laboratory Fe V wavelengths, and new atomic calculations of the sensitivity parameters that quantify Fe V wavelength dependency on α. The two results obtained are: Δα/α0 = (6.36 ± 0.35stat ± 1.84sys) × 10−5 and Δα/α0 = (4.21 ± 0.48stat ± 2.25sys) × 10−5. The measurements hint that the fine structure constant increases slightly in the presence of strong gravitational fields. A comprehensive search for systematic errors is summarised, including possible effects from line misidentifications, line blending, stratification of the white dwarf atmosphere, the quadratic Zeeman effect and electric field effects, photospheric velocity flows, long-range wavelength distortions in the HST spectrum, and variations in the relative Fe isotopic abundances. None fully account for the observed deviation but the systematic uncertainties are heavily dominated by laboratory wavelength measurement precision