769 research outputs found

    Transition from anticipatory to lag synchronization via complete synchronization in time-delay systems

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    The existence of anticipatory, complete and lag synchronization in a single system having two different time-delays, that is feedback delay τ1\tau_1 and coupling delay τ2\tau_2, is identified. The transition from anticipatory to complete synchronization and from complete to lag synchronization as a function of coupling delay τ2\tau_2 with suitable stability condition is discussed. The existence of anticipatory and lag synchronization is characterized both by the minimum of similarity function and the transition from on-off intermittency to periodic structure in laminar phase distribution.Comment: 14 Pages and 12 Figure

    Development in Web-based Laboratory Sessions

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    The laboratory experiments can help the undergraduate students to gain a better understanding the theoretical problem. This paper proposes an educational tool made up a user-friendly interface controlling experimental boards and instrumentation device with a new approach based on FieldPointTM module and the web publishing tool of the LabVIEW. The proposed system allows students to improve their knowledge in the field of optical sensing devices, virtual instrumentation, data acquisition systems, and signal processing

    Synchronization and directed percolation in coupled map lattices

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    We study a synchronization mechanism, based on one-way coupling of all-or-nothing type, applied to coupled map lattices with several different local rules. By analyzing the metric and the topological distance between the two systems, we found two different regimes: a strong chaos phase in which the transition has a directed percolation character and a weak chaos phase in which the synchronization transition occurs abruptly. We are able to derive some analytical approximations for the location of the transition point and the critical properties of the system. We propose to use the characteristics of this transition as indicators of the spatial propagation of chaoticity.Comment: 12 pages + 12 figure

    Planck LFI flight model feed horns

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    this paper is part of the Prelaunch status LFI papers published on JINST: http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/-page=extra.proc5/jinst The Low Frequency Instrument is optically interfaced with the ESA Planck telescope through 11 corrugated feed horns each connected to the Radiometer Chain Assembly (RCA). This paper describes the design, the manufacturing and the testing of the flight model feed horns. They have been designed to optimize the LFI optical interfaces taking into account the tight mechanical requirements imposed by the Planck focal plane layout. All the eleven units have been successfully tested and integrated with the Ortho Mode transducers.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in JINST. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher authenticated version is available online at 10.1088/1748-0221/4/12/T1200

    Dimension of interaction dynamics

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    A method allowing to distinguish interacting from non-interacting systems based on available time series is proposed and investigated. Some facts concerning generalized Renyi dimensions that form the basis of our method are proved. We show that one can find the dimension of the part of the attractor of the system connected with interaction between its parts. We use our method to distinguish interacting from non-interacting systems on the examples of logistic and H\'enon maps. A classification of all possible interaction schemes is given.Comment: 15 pages, 14 (36) figures, submitted to PR

    Synchronization of chaotic oscillator time scales

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    This paper deals with the chaotic oscillator synchronization. A new approach to detect the synchronized behaviour of chaotic oscillators has been proposed. This approach is based on the analysis of different time scales in the time series generated by the coupled chaotic oscillators. It has been shown that complete synchronization, phase synchronization, lag synchronization and generalized synchronization are the particular cases of the synchronized behavior called as "time--scale synchronization". The quantitative measure of chaotic oscillator synchronous behavior has been proposed. This approach has been applied for the coupled Rossler systems.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figures, published in JETP. 100, 4 (2005) 784-79

    Universal Scaling Properties in Large Assemblies of Simple Dynamical Units Driven by Long-Wave Random Forcing

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    Large assemblies of nonlinear dynamical units driven by a long-wave fluctuating external field are found to generate strong turbulence with scaling properties. This type of turbulence is so robust that it persists over a finite parameter range with parameter-dependent exponents of singularity, and is insensitive to the specific nature of the dynamical units involved. Whether or not the units are coupled with their neighborhood is also unimportant. It is discovered numerically that the derivative of the field exhibits strong spatial intermittency with multifractal structure.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PR

    Development status of the LAUE project

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    We present the status of LAUE, a project supported by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), and devoted to develop Laue lenses with long focal length (up to 100 meters), for hard X--/soft gamma--ray astronomy (80-600 keV). Thanks to their focusing capability, the design goal is to improve the sensitivity of the current instrumention in the above energy band by 2 orders of magnitude, down to a few times 10810^{-8} photons/(cm2^2 s keV).Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, presented at the Space Telescopes and Instrumentation Symposium in Amsterdam, 2012: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray Conference. Published in the Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 8443, id. 84430B-84430B-9 (2012