52 research outputs found

    Biokonversi Serat Kelapa Sawit Menjadi Glukosa Dengan Diluted-acid Hydrothermal Treatment

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    Fiber cake (FC) is a one of effluent of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) industry. This effluent can be decreased by using FC for bioethanol production. FC is actually Palm Kernel Press Cake (PKC) a residue of palm oil extraction, which containing 57.9% cellulose and 18% klason lignin, and containing 14.94% hemicellulose. This study aimed to determined the effect of fiber concentrations and reaction time for glucose production to investigate the structure of morphology and crystalinity of the fiber cake before and after hydrothermal treatment. Fiber cake was treated by hydrothermal reactor using catalysts 2% H2SO4 (v/v) and 150 oC for 2 hour. Variations concentration of fiber cake which is 2.5%; 5%; 7.5%; and 10% w/v and time variations for 1, 2, 3, 4 hours. The highest glucose concentration was found at 2.5% FC for 3 hour about 2.336 ± 0.015 mg/mL. Scanning electron microscope (SEM analysis results and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) is known the smooth surface structure to be broken an rough after the hydrolysis process and also improvement of the crystal structure of fiber cake from 27.57% to 31.15%

    Effects of Climate Change on the Distribution of Influenza Virus in Indonesia in 2012-2013

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    Background: Influenza is a disease that occurs throughout the year in Indonesia. Surveillance of ILI (Influenza-Like Illness) has been ongoing since 2006, but information on the effect of climate change on the distribution of influenza virus in Indonesia is still limited. This study aims to determine the distribution pattern of influenza due to climate change in Indonesia in 2012-2013.Methods: This study used ILI surveillance data for year2012-2013. All sentinel ILI divided by rainfall zones (region A, B or C). ILI case data were analyzed based on the distribution of positive cases of influenza per month in each region.Results: The positive case of influenza in 2012 was 858 (22.4%) and 624 (23.3%) in 2013. The case of influenza in Indonesia in 2012-2013 fluctuated each month following the rain patterns.Conclusions: The pattern of distribution of ILI cases are different for each region according to the rainfall pattern in the area. (Health Science Indones 2014;2:78-82

    Influenza Cases From Surveillance Acute Respiratory Infection in Indonesia, 2011

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    Background: Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) or pneumonia has a major contribution in the morbidity and mortality, however, Indonesia still has lack of its epidemiology. The aim of the study is to know the epidemiological pattern of influenza virus as the etiology of SARI cases. Methods:This analysis based on the sentinel surveillanceSARI conducted by Center for Biomedical and Basic Technology of Health (CBBTH) of Indonesia carried out at nine hospitals in nine provinces in 2011.Every patient who met the criteria of SARI was included in this study. Serum, throat and nasal swabs were taken and examined at the Virology laboratory CBBTH to determine the etiology. RT-PCR was used to detect type and subtype of influenza viruses from swabs.Results: Total number of SARI cases were 333. We found 6% cases were influenza positive by RT-PCR. The proportion of influenza A was 5% and influenza B 1% from total SARI cases. We detected that seasonal influenza A subtype H1N1pdm09was the dominant subtypes that circulating in Indonesia.Conclusion: We foundseasonal Influenza infection from SARI patients, however, it was only small number. Therefore, further detection of SARI cases is needed. (Health Science Indones 2014;1:7-11

    Kajian Sifat Fisikokimia Tepung Bengkuang (Pachyrhizus Erosus) Dimodifikasi Secara Heat Moisture Treatment (Hmt) Dengan Variasi Suhu

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi suhu (80oC, 90oC, 100oC dan 110oC) terhadap karakteristikfisik (derajat putih), kimia (kadar air), fisikokimia (daya serap air, swelling power, kelarutan dan amilografi) dari tepung bengkuangyang dimodifikasi dengan metode Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT) serta dibandingkan tepung bengkuang kontrol. Metodepenelitian menggunakan pola Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan satu faktor yaitu variasi suhu. Tiap perlakuan dilakukan 3kali pengulangan sampel dan 2 kali analisis. Hasil analisis statistik sifat fisik (derajat putih) menunjukan variasi suhu HMTberpengaruh dalam menurunkan derajat putih tepung bengkuang Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT). Sifat kimia (kadar air)menunjukan variasi suhu HMT berpengaruh dalam menurunkan kadar air tepung bengkuang Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT). Sifatfisikokimia (daya serap air, swelling power dan kelarutan) menunjukan variasi suhu HMT tidak berpengaruh dalam menurunkandaya serap air tepung bengkuang Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT) namun berpengaruh dalam menurunkan swelling power dankelarutan tepung bengkuang Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT). Sifat amilografi tepung bengkuang Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT)mampu meningkatkan suhu gelatinisasi namun juga menurunkan viskositas Balik

    Soil inoculation alters the endosphere microbiome of chrysanthemum roots and leaves

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