26 research outputs found

    Permasalahan Pengerjaan Pondasi dan Dinding pada Proyek Perumahan

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    Good housing quality will make the age of building more longer, and occupants will be more comfortable to live in the house. Due to high of growth of housing projects and the need to finish quickly, developers often pay less attention to the quality of the building work. Many problems occurred in the work area during the construction of housing projects. It could hinder the work and affect the physical quality of buildings after the construction period. This study explores the issue of housing project development, focusing on foundation and wall consruction, as well as the solution. The study is conducted by field observations and literature review related foundation and wall consruction. The locations are taken from five housing projects in Jakarta built by private developers in 2008-2010. The results provide information that the issue on foundation and wall consruction is very important because it is associated with the strength and robustness of the building, as well as the convenience of staying after the construction finished. If the problems can be addressed and resolved early, the risk of decline in the quality of the building can be controlled, avoided or eliminated. Otherwise, it can lead to a decrease in housing quality prematurely

    Provision of Public Housing in Jakarta

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    Public housing is a residential provided by the government for the lower-middle class in city, to be owned. Since 2007, public housing in Jakarta has been built in the form of multi-storey housing (Rusunami). Rusunami is still regarded as one of the best alternatives for the provision of public housing in Jakarta, since the land in the city is very limited and the population is increasing. However, in the development of Rusunami, the displacement of residential units in rusunami is still happening until now. It is necessary to study how the provision of rusunami in Jakarta, whether it meets the needs and target hosts. The study was conducted using a descriptive method which studied provision of rusunami, and other secondary data regarding occupants. The study shows that the increasing number of residential units at rusunami has not covered the needs of residential in Jakarta for the lower-middle class. Occupants in rusunami are generally middle-income families. This condition indicates that the number of residential units and the fulfillment of target criteria at rusunami in Jakarta are still lacking

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Penerimaan Auditor pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di Semarang

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    This study aimed to give empirical evidence concerning about criterias is needed by Recruiters for accepting auditors in the Public Accounting Firms upon Semarang city. Variable that used in this study were Subjective Qualifications, Interpersonal Attraction, Perceived Similarism, Objective Qualifications, Physical Attraction, Dress Effect, Gender, and Competency as Independent Variable with Hiring Decisions were Accepted and Rejected as Dependent Variable. This study used the empirical purposive sampling technique for collected the datas. The size of the sample in this study were 40 sample. Respondent in this study were Recruiters is Public Accounting Firms Semarang employees that participated in the intervew process and hiring decisions process of auditor. Data analyzis used analysis of logistic regression. The results of this study showed not all hypothesis were accepted. The results of the analysis showed factors were Subjective Qualifications, Perceived Similarity, Objective Qualifications, and Competency about hiring decisions process of auditor has signifficant and positive impact on accepted hiring outcomes. This was showed that Recruiters excited with applicant (auditor) who had positive criterias will have bigger chance to accept in Public Accounting firms on Semarang

    Markov Chain Modeling for Router Hotspots on Network-On-Chip

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    A Network-on-Chip (NoC) is a current paradigm in complicated System-on-Chip (SoC) designs that renders compe- tent on-chip communication architecture. It proposes scalable communication to SoC and grants decoupling of communi- cation and computation. In NoC, design space exploration is vital merited to trade-offs among latency, area, and power consumption. Therefore, analytic modeling is crucial step for early NoC design. This paper delivers a top-down approach router model, and employs this model for mesh NoC performance analysis quantified in terms of throughput, average of queue size, efficiency, loss and waiting time. As a case study, the advised model is applied to map a MPEG4 video core to a 4 × 4 mesh NoC with deterministic routing to evaluate the overall NoC quality of service (QoS). The model is utilized as well to acquaints how much occupancy of average queue size for each router that reduces resources (hardware) area and cost. The accuracy of our approach and its practical use is illustrated through extensive simulation results

    Study of Creative Hub in Central Jakarta for Sustainable Human Environment

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    A creative hub is a place, both physical and virtual, that brings together creative people that serves as a meeting place, providing space and support for networking, business development, and community engagement in the creative, cultural and technology sectors. The main activities carried out by creative workers are work, exhibitions, seminars, and workshops. With the development of the creative industry in Indonesia which is quite rapid, it is necessary to have a container or facility that can accommodate the activities of creative industry workers, especially those that focus on the fashion, craft, and application developer sub-sectors to create a sustainable human environment. To support these activities, it is necessary to conduct study on the activities of related creative workers to produce a space or facility needed by creative workers in the three sub-sectors. The study was done by the qualitative method. It can be known the main activities, supporting activities, main facilities and supporting facilities are needed for sustainable human environment, so that users can be more productive and carry out activities comfortably

    Analisis Algoritma Klasifikasi Neural Network untuk Diagnosis Penyakit Diabetes

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    – Diabetes merupakan penyakit yang sangat mematikan terbukti dari tahun ke tahun selalu ada yang meninggal dikarnakan pasien tersebut mengidap penyakit diabetes, banyak cara penangguhan sejak dini penyakit diabetes. Salah satunya dengan data mining klasifikasi algoritma neural network yang dapat digunakan untuk prediksi pasien mana yang terkena penyakit diabetes dan pasien mana yang tidak terkena diabetes dengan menggunakan parameter dan indikator yang ada, dan tools yang digunakan adalah tools rapid miner 9.0 yang mengahasilkan accuracy sebesar = 80.00% precision sebesar = 100.00 % dan recall sebesar = 2.50 % dengan AUC sebesar = 0.605 % yang artinya klasifikasi dinyatakan cukup, dari hasil tersebut bisa dimbil kesimpulan bahwa penelitian ini bisa mencegah dan bisa diketahui sejak dini mana yang termasuk penyakit diabetes mana yang tidak mengidap penyakit diabetes, dan dari penelitian ini sangat diharapkan angka kematian bisa berkurang.Katakunci: diabetes, klasifikasi, data mining, neural network

    High range free space optic transmission using new dual diffuser modulation technique

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    Free space optical communication fsoc is vulnerable with fluctuating atmospheric. This paper focus analyzes the finding of new technique dual diffuser modulation (ddm) to mitigate the atmospheric turbulence effect. The performance of fsoc under the presence of atmospheric turbulence will cause the laser beam keens to (a) beam wander, (b) beam spreading and (c) scintillation. The most deteriorate the fsoc is scintillation where it affected the wavefront cause to fluctuating signal and ultimately receiver can turn into saturate or loss signal. Ddm approach enhances the detecting bit ‘1’ and bit ‘0’ and improves the power received to combat with turbulence effect. The performance focus on signal-to-noise (snr) and bit error rate (ber) where the numerical result shows that the ddm technique able to improves the range where estimated approximately 40% improvement under weak turbulence and 80% under strong turbulence