83 research outputs found

    Lexical-Semantic Explication of Concept DEATH in Yakut language

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    Еhe results of the lexical-semantic explication of a universal concept of DEATH in the Yakut language picture of the world are presented. The relevance of the work is determined by the fact that the study of concepts, occupying a significant place in the Yakut linguistic culture, is not currently completed. It is also noted that linguists have always shown interest in the content of the concept of DEATH and peculiarities of its lexical representation by means of different languages, because it belongs to the universal concepts. Euphemization in of death designation is emphasized. The material of the research were sustainable verbal complexes of the Yakut language, signifying death. Prepared by the authors the literal translations of collocations are presented. For example, the expressions are given which literally can be translated as follows: “to disappear from white sun world,” “to go into the pit,” “to go out on the hillside,” “soul became cold” etc. The analysis involve phraseology with other meanings: ‘to deprive of life, kill,’ ‘to go on a deadly risk’ etc. They confirm and clarify the metaphors identified in the primary material. Vocabulary is analysed with respect to ethnographic background information about the traditions of the Yakut graves, about the attitude to suicide and others. Following models of ideas about death are revealed on the Yakut material: “death is a transmigration to another world,” “death is the end,” “death is darkness,” “death is sleep” etc

    Appendix mass in children

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    To improve results of conservative treatment of appendics mass in children by intensified local antibiotic therapy. The usage of regional retroperitoneal antibiotic therapy in asso-ciation with local electrophoresis and local low intensive infrared laser therapy in complex treatment of children with appendix mass allowed to avoid purulent complications, reduced terms of treatment

    Influence of college of pontiffs on public life in the roman republic in VI-I centuries BC

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    © Serials Publications. The relevance of the problem discussed in the paper is predetermined by the necessity to carry a systemic research on the functions performed by the College of Pontiffs (Collegium Pontificum) for profound understanding of mechanisms and principles how various spheres of public life functioned in the Roman Republic which allows us to conduct a more precise reconstruction of the events during the Republican Period. The aim of the paper is to estimate the degree of the influence of the College of Pontiffs on public life of the Roman Republic. The leading approach to the investigation is the systemic analysis of historical resources and literature which allow to conduct a deep and multifaceted research on the functions of the College of Pontiffs and to make trustworthy conclusions on the role of the College in life of Rome during the Republican Period. The main results of the investigation reside in the assessment of the role the College played in public life of Roman citizens during the Republican Period. The authors single out the spheres of life in which the pontifices participated most actively, and which, as opposed to any other religious college, they had the biggest influence on


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    The paper presents the results of an open-label nonrandomized prospective trial, the purpose of which was to evaluate the efficiency and safety of etanercept (ETC) treatment for different forms and variants of active juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) in real clinical practice. The trial included 24 patients with JIA. ETC treatment proved to be effective in most patients with a long disease history and a high clinical and laboratory activity who were refractory to conventional antirheumatic therapy. ETC therapy was most effective in patients with the articular form of the disease who showed 100% improvement in at least ACRpedi30 criteria at 6 months of treatment


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    In experiments on white rats (Wistar line) it was found that the dry extract of phytoremedy «Noophyt» pronounced nootropic effect. «Noophyt» extract in a volume of 0,2 and 0,5 ml/100 g simulated the development of conditioned reflexes of active and passive avoiding and caused to the saving of a memorable trace in the kept away terms after training оf intact animals and also in a volume of 0.5 ml/100g has a marked effect on the background antiamnesic skopolaminovoy amnesia

    Economic aspects of local authorities functioning

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    © The authors. The relevance of the study on economic aspects of local authorities' functioning is due to their dual nature in the complex system of market relations. In this regard, this article is aimed at economic aspects' revealing of local authorities' functioning, as well as the disclosure of various interest levels' interaction in the system of municipal management. A leading approach in the study of this problem is the method of the effectiveness assessing of local authorities' functioning. The article presents the analysis of domestic researchers' different points of view in relation to the substantial characteristics of municipal economy, reveals the nature of the interaction of various interest levels in the system of municipal relations, discloses the duality of local authorities' position in the municipal system of economic relations, proposes a classification of business entities under the municipal economy, proves the specificity of the economic and moral relations in the system of local authorities. The article is valuable for researchers, teachers and students studying the problems of formation and development of the national municipal economy, research methods within the discipline "Economics of public (government) services", "Municipal economy", as well as specialists of local authorities who are concerned with the improvement and development of municipal economy

    The Concept of the Regional Industrial Cluster Information Support

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    One of the priorities and internationally accepted approaches to the management of innovation processes in the global economy is the cluster approach, a product of the integration of economic processes, which is a powerful tool to promote regional development. It has been effectively studied in the article the regional cluster with data items to ensure the effective interaction of all participants in the process of achieving economic goals. The paper presents an algorithm of information modeling of regional industrial cluster, comprising the steps of determining the hierarchical structure of the processes, the organization of all kinds of flows, the description of the logical structure and the information needs of each process. This article is intended for economists, researchers, enterprises executives, professionals in the field of information technology, dealing with information support of manufacturing processes. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n2s3p2

    Коллоидно-осмотические и метаболически активные вещества в терапии повреждения легких при острых тяжелых отравлениях ядами нейротропного действия

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    Monitoring of the blood circulation and liquid sectors in patients with lung lesion due to severe acute intoxications makes it possible to perform infusion therapy that does not induce thoracic hyperhydration. The inclusion of gelofusin and cytoflavin into the infusion regimen by the proposed procedure substantially enhances the efficiency of treatment of patients with this pathology even when acute lung lesion syndrome develops. Контроль за состоянием кровообращения и жидкостных секторов у больных с поражением легких, вследствие тяжелых форм острых отравлений, позволяют проводить инфузионную терапию, не вызывающую торакальной гипергидратации. Включение гелофузина и цитофлавина по предлагаемой методике в инфузионную программу значительно повышает эффективность лечения больных с этой патологией даже при развитии СОПЛ