1,926 research outputs found

    Embedding Brans-Dicke gravity into electroweak theory

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    We argue that a version of the four dimensional Brans-Dicke theory can be embedded in the standard flat spacetime electroweak theory. The embedding involves a change of variables that separates the isospin from the hypercharge in the electroweak theory.Comment: 4 pages, no figures; replaced to match published versio

    Elastic Energy and Phase Structure in a Continuous Spin Ising Chain with Applications to the Protein Folding Problem

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    We present a numerical Monte Carlo analysis of a continuos spin Ising chain that can describe the statistical proterties of folded proteins. We find that depending on the value of the Metropolis temperature, the model displays the three known nontrivial phases of polymers: At low temperatures the model is in a collapsed phase, at medium temperatures it is in a random walk phase, and at high temperatures it enters the self-avoiding random walk phase. By investigating the temperature dependence of the specific energy we confirm that the transition between the collapsed phase and the random walk phase is a phase transition, while the random walk phase and self-avoiding random walk phase are separated from each other by a cross-over transition. We also compare the predictions of the model to a phenomenological elastic energy formula, proposed by Huang and Lei to describe folded proteins.Comment: 12 pages, 23 figures, RevTeX 4.

    Gap equation in scalar field theory at finite temperature

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    We investigate the two-loop gap equation for the thermal mass of hot massless g2Ď•4g^2\phi^4 theory and find that the gap equation itself has a non-zero finite imaginary part. This indicates that it is not possible to find the real thermal mass as a solution of the gap equation beyond g2g^2 order in perturbation theory. We have solved the gap equation and obtain the real and the imaginary part of the thermal mass which are correct up to g4g^4 order in perturbation theory.Comment: 13 pages, Latex with axodraw, Minor corrections, Appendix adde

    Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin method based on the optimal test space norm for one-dimensional transport problems

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    We revisit the finite element analysis of convection dominated flow problems within the recently developed Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin (DPG) variational framework. We demonstrate how test function spaces that guarantee numerical stability can be computed automatically with respect to the so called optimal test space norm by using an element subgrid discretization. This should make the DPG method not only stable but also robust, that is, uniformly stable with respect to the P'eclet number in the current application. The effectiveness of the algorithm is demonstrated on two problems for the linear advection-diffusion equation. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Topological Solitons and Folded Proteins

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    We propose that protein loops can be interpreted as topological domain-wall solitons. They interpolate between ground states that are the secondary structures like alpha-helices and beta-strands. Entire proteins can then be folded simply by assembling the solitons together, one after another. We present a simple theoretical model that realizes our proposal and apply it to a number of biologically active proteins including 1VII, 2RB8, 3EBX (Protein Data Bank codes). In all the examples that we have considered we are able to construct solitons that reproduce secondary structural motifs such as alpha-helix-loop-alpha-helix and beta-sheet-loop-beta-sheet with an overall root-mean-square-distance accuracy of around 0.7 Angstrom or less for the central alpha-carbons, i.e. within the limits of current experimental accuracy.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Anomaly-Induced Magnetic Screening in 2+1 dimensional QED at Finite Density

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    We show that in 2+1 dimensional Quantum Electrodynamics an external magnetic field applied to a finite density of massless fermions is screened, due to a 2+12+1-dimensional realization of the underlying 22-dimensional axial anomaly of the space components of the electric current. This is shown to imply screening of the magnetic field, i.e., the Meissner effect. We discuss the physical implications of this result.Comment: 8 pages, DFTT-93-10 [ Eq.(15) and (16) were scrambled in previous version

    Abelian and Non-Abelian Induced Parity Breaking Terms at Finite Temperature

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    We compute the exact canonically induced parity breaking part of the effective action for 2+1 massive fermions in particular Abelian and non Abelian gauge field backgrounds. The method of computation resorts to the chiral anomaly of the dimensionally reduced theory.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX, no figure

    Splitting The Gluon?

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    In the strongly correlated environment of high-temperature cuprate superconductors, the spin and charge degrees of freedom of an electron seem to separate from each other. A similar phenomenon may be present in the strong coupling phase of Yang-Mills theories, where a separation between the color charge and the spin of a gluon could play a role in a mass gap formation. Here we study the phase structure of a decomposed SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in a mean field approximation, by inspecting quantum fluctuations in the condensate which is formed by the color charge component of the gluon field. Our results suggest that the decomposed theory has an involved phase structure. In particular, there appears to be a phase which is quite reminiscent of the superconducting phase in cuprates. We also find evidence that this phase is separated from the asymptotically free theory by an intermediate pseudogap phase.Comment: Improved discussion of magnetic nature of phases; removed unsubstantiated speculation about color confinemen

    The Discrete Frenet Frame, Inflection Point Solitons And Curve Visualization with Applications to Folded Proteins

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    We develop a transfer matrix formalism to visualize the framing of discrete piecewise linear curves in three dimensional space. Our approach is based on the concept of an intrinsically discrete curve, which enables us to more effectively describe curves that in the limit where the length of line segments vanishes approach fractal structures in lieu of continuous curves. We verify that in the case of differentiable curves the continuum limit of our discrete equation does reproduce the generalized Frenet equation. As an application we consider folded proteins, their Hausdorff dimension is known to be fractal. We explain how to employ the orientation of CβC_\beta carbons of amino acids along a protein backbone to introduce a preferred framing along the backbone. By analyzing the experimentally resolved fold geometries in the Protein Data Bank we observe that this CβC_\beta framing relates intimately to the discrete Frenet framing. We also explain how inflection points can be located in the loops, and clarify their distinctive r\^ole in determining the loop structure of foldel proteins.Comment: 14 pages 12 figure

    Finite-temperature reaction-rate formula: Finite volume system, detailed balance, T→0T \to 0 limit, and cutting rules

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    A complete derivation, from first principles, of the reaction-rate formula for a generic process taking place in a heat bath of finite volume is given. It is shown that the formula involves no finite-volume correction. Through perturbative diagrammatic analysis of the resultant formula, the detailed-balance formula is derived. The zero-temperature limit of the formula is discussed. Thermal cutting rules, which are introduced in previous work, are compared with those introduced by other authors.Comment: 35pages (text) plus 4pages (figures
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