1,216 research outputs found

    Proximate analysis and mineral characterization of Barringtonia species

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    The study about material contained in Barringtonia seeds were conducted at the first time using the standard procedure of AOAC. For present work, two species of Barringtonia were selected viz., B. acutangula and B. racemosa . The proximate composition and mineral constituents of Barringtonia seeds were evaluated. The B. acutangula seeds contained ash 4.24%, crude protein 9.23%, crude lipids 0.68%, crude fibre13.54% and carbohydrates 66.17%. While in seeds of B. racemosa, ash 4.02%, crude protein 12.09%, crude lipids 0.75%, crude fibre15.18% and carbohydrates: 64.67% were observed. Both the species have a high energy value on dry basis. Comparing the mineral content with recommended dietary allowances (RDA), the results indicated that seeds of B. acutangula fruits could be a good supplement for some nutrients such as calcium, fibre and carbohydrates, whereas the B. racemosa seeds could be a good supplement for some nutrients such as fibre, potassium, zinc and carbohydrates. The seeds of Barringtonia could be promoted as a carbohydrate supplement. Hence, this piece of work acclaims the potential of Barringtonia species indicating its proximate and mineral composition

    Mechanistic studies for improved understanding of low salinity waterflooding based enhanced oil recovery and potential application to the Alaskan North Slope reservoirs

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2015Improvement in the recovery of oil by low or reduced salinity water has been reported by many researchers. However, a consistent mechanistic explanation behind low salinity waterflood has not yet emerged. A thorough literature review was conducted that pertains to low salinity water based enhanced oil recovery and preliminary screening criteria were proposed which may help in narrowing down the responsible mechanisms and identifying suitable candidates for low salinity waterflood. Altogether nine different variables, such as clays, oil characteristics, salinity ranges etc. were considered in developing the screening criteria. With the exception of some tests on standard Berea sandstone cores, all other experimental studies were carried out on representative Alaska North Slope (ANS) reservoir core samples and oil and brine samples. Experimental studies involved a direct visualization of the release of crude oil from the clay surface with low salinity waterflood as observed through a simple substrate type test. Amott type spontaneous displacement tests were performed to quantitatively determine the effect of low salinity water using core materials containing different types of clays. Two sets of low salinity water coreflooding experiments were conducted in the tertiary recovery mode; first using dead oil and the second using recombined oil at pseudo reservoir conditions to examine the potential in improving oil recovery. Oil recoveries were also compared with continuous injection vs slug-wise injection of low salinity water. Finally, surface level investigation was performed using an optical microscope to visually analyze the impact of low salinity water on core samples. All the experiments performed with low salinity water on Alaska North Slope (ANS) reservoir core samples consistently showed anywhere between a 3-30 % increase in oil production with the use of low salinity brine. The literature review identified wettability alteration, cation exchange capacity, clay type and clay content as some of the dominant mechanisms influencing low salinity waterflooding

    A survey on the impact of COVID-19 infection on menstrual cycle following second wave of COVID infection in a tertiary care centre in Mumbai

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to poor mental health measures, with emerging evidence suggesting gender differences with poorer outcomes in women. It has also introduced many acute stressors in life of many women and thus, led to worse outcomes. This may have unintended consequences for women’s overall health and well-being, including disruptions to reproductive function as elevated stress is often associated with menstrual cycle irregularities. The objective of this study was to determine if and how the COVID-19 infection and its related stressors have impacted women’s menstrual cyclicity.Methods: An online survey was designed to capture self-reported information on menstrual cycle changes was distributed between April and September 2021. A total of 155 women who met stringent inclusion and exclusion criteria and completed the survey.Results: Of the 155 respondents, more than half (78%) reported changes in their menstrual cycles. These included changes in menstrual cycle length, the duration of menses, or changes in premenstrual symptoms.Conclusions: By uncovering a trend in increased menstrual cycle irregularities during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, this study contributes to our understanding of the implications that the pandemic may have on women’s reproductive health.

    Free Vibration Analysis of a Rectangular Duct with Different Axial Boundary Conditions

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    3This paper describes the free vibration analysis of a rectangular duct by using the Rayleigh-Ritz method. Static beam functions are used as admissible functions in the Rayleigh-Ritz method. These basis functions are the static solutions of a point-supported beam under a series of sinusoidal loads. The unique advantage of using this method is that it allows for the consideration of different axial boundary conditions of a duct. Computational results are validated with existing literature data for a simply supported rectangular duct and the finite element method (FEM) for other axial boundary conditions. A validated analytical model is used for generating natural frequency data for different dimensions of rectangular ducts. Further curve fitting has been done for the generated data, and an empirical relation has been presented to calculate the first fundamental natural frequency for different material properties of ducts and different axial boundary conditions, which can be used for any dimensions of the duct within the specified range

    An observational study of effect of Mullerian anomalies on pregnancy

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    Background: Mullerian anomalies occur in approximately 3-4% of fertile and infertile women, 5–10% of women with recurrent early pregnancy loss, and up to 25% of women with late first or second-trimester pregnancy loss or preterm delivery. However, due to low prevalence rate and asymptomatic course of the anomalies, Mullerian anomalies remain underdiagnosed and often overlooked as a possible cause of recurrent pregnancy failures, preterm deliveries, IUGR and low birth weight.Methods: Total of 30 cases of Mullerian anomalies with pregnancy, prior diagnosed or incidental during LSCS, were studied for complications during pregnancy, history of gynecological complaints and rate of diagnosis with routine imaging technique.Results: Septate uterus was the most common anomaly seen in this study (36.6%).56.6% were diagnosed incidentally during LSCS despite the fact 26.6% of cases had history of 2 or more abortions and 30% had some or other gynecological complaints previously. 10% of pregnancies ended in abortions, 20% had preterm delivery, 36.6% had malpresentations and there was case of rupture uterus (03.3%).Conclusions: Mullerian anomalies are often asymptomatic or have subtle gynecological symptoms which are often missed by both patient and gynecologists. It is observed that due to the asymptomatic course of Mullerian anomalies, invasive nature of HSG and lack of 1.5 Tesla MRI at many institutes leads to low rate of diagnosis of Mullerian anomalies. Pregnancy with Mullerian anomalies often have preterm delivery, IUGR and malpresentation, so, require proper counselling and close monitoring during antenatal period

    Study of cases of rupture uterus in a tertiary institute and its maternal and perinatal outcome

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    Background: Uterine rupture is undoubtedly one of the most tragic events that can occur in a women’s life and tragedy becomes more grim when she is young. In India, in advanced cities the incidence of rupture preceded by obstructed labour is decreasing, in rural parts where there is inadequate care, lack of communication and transport, home deliveries by untrained dais incidence of rupture uterus is still high. So, the study is to evaluate the etiological factors, incidence, management modalities and maternal and perinatal outcome.Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study of 46 cases of rupture uterus and maternal and Perinatal outcome, in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in government tertiary reference center.Results: Overall incidence of uterine rupture is 1 in 924. Out of 46 cases 07 (15.22%) were booked, and 39 (84.78%) were referred patients. The 20-30 years age group is the most vulnerable age group. Out of 44 rupture uterus during labor, 13 (22.72%) were spontaneous of intact uterus and 31(70.45%) were in scarred uterus. Subtotal abdominal hysterectomy was commonest modality of treatment used (28 out of 46 cases), followed by suturing of tear. There were 5 maternal deaths out of 46 patients, giving maternal mortality rate of 13.51%. Perinatal mortality rate still on higher side was 76.08%.Conclusions: Most cases of rupture uterus are preventable with good antenatal and intra-partum care. Our study shows that there has been a decline in the overall morbidity in cases of rupture uterus and so also the mortality rate (decreased from 24.3 to 13.51%)

    Meshplasty treatment for stress urinary: a prospective clinical trial

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    Background: Stress urinary incontinence is when there is involuntary loss of urine due to increase intra-abdominal and intravesical pressure.Methods: This is a prospective clinical trial which was conducted at a Municipal General Hospital in Mumbai in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology for a period of 10 years from January 2005 to December 2015.The study group consisted of 518 cases with clinically demonstrable SUI with or without pelvic floor defects. Meshplasty was performed as a choice of surgery for SUI correction.Results: The study group was divided based on age(25-40,41-55,>55),parity(I,II-III,>IV), symptoms (SUI, Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, prolapse), type of anaesthesia (local, general/spinal anaesthesia), surgery performed (meshplasty alone, meshplasty with cystorectocele repair, meshplasty with vaginal hysterectomy (VH), meshplasty with VH with cystorectocele repair, meshplasty with VH with cystorectocele repair with sacrospinous fixation), complications (mesh rejection, urine retention).Conclusions: Meshplasty is a simple inexpensive procedure with short learning curve. This has a 94% success rate

    A study of causes, investigation and management of structural causes of abnormal uterine bleeding in reproductive age group

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    Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is debilitating condition affecting 14-25% of women of reproductive age. It has significant impact on women’s personal, social, physical and quality of life. Present study is planned to study causes, investigation along with management of structural causes of abnormal uterine bleeding in reproductive age group.Methods: Consecutive type of non-probability sampling was used for selection of study subjects. A total of 100 gynaecology OPD women diagnosed with menorrhagia of 15-45 years age group were enrolled in study.Results: Mean age of the study subjects was between 26-35 years (47%). 67% were from low socio-economic class while 33% were from middle class. Maximum number of women (66%) had symptoms for less than 6 months. 47% presented with Menorrhagia. 89% were Multiparous, and 11% were Nulliparous. Most common structural causes of AUB was leiomyoma (41%) followed by polyps (23%), adenomyosis (17%), endometrial hyperplasia (15%) and endometrial carcinoma (4%). Prevalence of anemia was 73% in present study. Maximum leiomyoma were treated medically while higher percentage of polyps and hyperplasia was treated surgically. Most commonly performed surgery was polypectomy (20%) followed by dilatation and curettage (17%) and myomectomy (15%). Total abdominal hysterectomy was done in 8% cases while radical hysterectomy was done in 2% cases.Conclusions: Benign lesions of endometrium account for majority of cases presenting with AUB in reproductive age group. Other premalignant and malignant causes should also be considered. High prevalence of anemia was observed in these cases. A comparative clinicopathological study will help in arriving at the cause and correct diagnosis. Histopathological examination is one of the major tools in evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding and helps us in proper management and treatment of cases.

    Spontaneous heterotopic pregnancy: a rare possibility

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    Heterotopic pregnancy is defined as a condition when intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancy occur simultaneously. It is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate and accurate diagnostics and treatment. We present the case of a 34-year-old multigravida in her 7 weeks of gestation came to emergency ward with complains of pain in abdomen for 3 days. Ultrasonographic examination showed a live intrauterine pregnancy and mild to moderate free fluid in abdomen with moving internal echoes. An emergency exploratory laparotomy done and left sided tubal ectopic removed along with right salpingectomy as patient was willing for family planning. A high index of suspicion is required to diagnose Heterotopic pregnancy as clinical as well as radiological findings may be insufficient for diagnosis

    Two Level Security for Cloud Storage with Data Deduplication

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    Cloud computing provides number of services to client over internet. Storage service is one of the important services that people used now days for storing data on network so that they can access their data from anywhere and anytime. With the benefit of storage service there is an issue of security. To overcome security problem the proposed system contain two levels of securities and to reduce the unwanted storage space de-duplication technique is involved. To increase the level of security one technique is a session password. Session passwords can be used only once and every time a new password is generated. To protect the confidentiality of sensitive data while supporting de-duplication, the convergent encryption technique has been proposed to encrypt the data before outsourcing. Symmetric key algorithm uses same key for both encryption and decryption. In this paper, I will focus on session based authentication for login, encryption for files and duplication check for reduce space of storage on cloud. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150612