38 research outputs found


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    Introduction : We conducted in our experience the indications of the vaginal hysterectomy and the factors considered to choose type of hysterectomy for benign uterus lesions and his real advantages compared to the others ways. Material and method: 230 hystérectomies carried out for benign indications on uterus not prolabé were re-examined respectively. The studied factors were the age of the patients, the nulliparity, the statute menopausic, the antecedents of laparotomy, the weight of the uterus, the nature of the benign lesions, the associated annexectomy and the complications Results: We reported a rate of 52,1% of the vaginal hystérectomies for uteruses weighing on average 310g (20-702g); 7,8% of the hystérectomies by coelioscopy with an average weight of 125g (40-215g) and 40% of the abdominal hystérectomies with an average weight of 1050g (55-2060g). Among the factors which we could show: the weight of the uterus, antecedents of laparotomy, nulliparity, practice of an associated annexectomy. Whereas the age of the patients, the statute menopausic, were not significantly different between the various ways initially. Conclusion: Vaginal hysterectomy is clearly the most preferred and practiced .Laparoscopy may be helpful for vaginal hysterectomy and laparotomy is exceptional.Introduction : Nous avons relevé  les indications de la voie vaginale, les différents facteurs intervenant dans le choix de la voie d’abord de l’hystérectomie et ses avantages réels par rapport aux autres voies d’abord. Matériel et méthodes : 230 hystérectomies réalisées pour des indications bénignes sur utérus non prolabé ont été revues respectivement. Les facteurs étudiés ont été l’âge des patientes, la nulliparité, le statut ménopausique, les antécédents de laparotomie, le poids de l’utérus, la nature des lésions bénignes, l’annexectomie associée et les complications. Résultat et analyse : Nous avons rapporté un taux de 52,1% des hystérectomies vaginales pour des utérus pesant en moyenne de 310g (20-702g) ; 7,8% des hystérectomies par coelioscopie avec un poids moyen de 125g (40-215g) et 40% des hystérectomies abdominales avec un poids moyen de 1050g (55-2060g). Parmi les facteurs que nous avons pu démontrer : le poids de l’utérus, les antécédents de laparotomie, la nulliparité, la pratique d’une annexectomie associée. Alors que l’âge des patientes, le statut ménopausique, n’ont pas été significativement différent entre les différentes voies d’abord. Conclusion : L’hystérectomie par voie vaginale est l’indication de choix  pour les lésions bénignes. La coelioscopie peut faciliter la pratique de l’hystérectomie vaginale et diminuer les laparotomies devenues exceptionnelles


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    IntroductionThe hydatid cyst of the breast is exceptional. However, because of the hydatidosis is an ubiquitous disease, the breast may be also achieved such as the other organs.Case reportPatient of 28 years old, confers for a tumefaction of the right breast. The clinical exam finds an enormous mass. The imaging evokes a cystic disease. We realized a cystectomy altogether. The opening of the cyst allows to the stemming of a liquid crystal clear with proligerous membrane.Histopathological examination confirms that it’s a hydatid cyst.The assessment of the extension doesn’t find any other localisations.Two years later, there’s neither recurrence nor other localisations. That’s indicates the primitive nature of this breast’s hydatid cyst.ConclusionAlthough it’s an exceptional localisation, the hydatid cyst of the breast must be suggested each time it’s a cyst especially in the hydatid endemic countries.IntroductionLa localisation mammaire du kyste hydatique reste exceptionnelle. Cependant, et vu que l’hydatidose est une maladie ubiquitaire, le sein peut être atteint comme tous les autres organes.Observation cliniquePatiente de 28 ans, consulte pour une tuméfaction du sein droit. L’examen clinique trouve une énorme masse occupant presque la totalité du sein droit. L’imagerie est en faveur d’une image kystique. On réalise une kystectomie en bloc. L’ouverture du kyste permet l’issue d’une liquide eau de roche avec une membrane proligère. L’histologie du prélévement confirme l’étiologie hydatique du kyste. Le bilan d’extension de la maladie ne trouve pas d’autres localisations. Après deux ans d’évolution, il n’ya pas de récidive ni d’autres localisations qui apparaissent ce qui indique le caractère primitif de ce kyste hydatique mammaire.ConclusionBien qu’elle soit une localisation exceptionnelle, l’hydatidose mammaire doit être évoquée devant une image kystique en particulier dans un pays d’endémie

    Contrôle dynamique de flux dans un système d'attente avec panne

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    We consider two parallel M/M/1 queues. The server at one of the queues is subject to intermittent breakdowns. By the theory of dynamic programming, we determine a threshold optimal policy which consists to transfer, when it is necessary, the customers that arrive at the first queue towards the second queue in order to minimize an instantaneous cost depending of the two queue lengths

    Optimal QoS control of interacting service stations

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    We consider a system of three queues and two types of packets. Each packet arriving at this system finds in front of it a controller who either sends it in the first queue or rejects it according to a QoS criterion. When the packet finishes its service in the first queue, it is probabilistically routed to one of two other parallel queues. The objective is to minimize a QoS discounted cost over an infinite horizon. The cost function is composed of a waiting cost per packet in each queue and a rejection cost in the first queue. Subsequently, we generalize this problem by considering a system of (m+1) queues and n types of packets. We show that an optimal policy is monotonic

    Effect of different drying modes on flavonoid content and antioxidant activity of Matricaria chamomil

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    The object of this study is to evaluate the impact of various drying modes on theflavonoid content and antioxidant activity of Matricaria chamomilla, a medicinalplant widely used in traditional medicine in Morocco.The results obtained showed that the fresh plant is the richest in flavonoids with acontent of 55,39 mg EQ/g MS for flowers and 44,60mg EQ/g MS for the stem andleaves. While the mode of drying in the open air the best preservative of thesechemical compounds whose registered content is 11,87mg EQ/g MS for flowersand 10,79mg EQ/g MS for the stem and leaves.Regarding the results of the antioxidant activity test, the flowering heads ofMatricaria chamomilla are endowed with a very important antiradical activityespecially when the plant is dried in an oven (IC50 = 8 ÎĽg/ml)

    Optimal QoS control of interacting service stations

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    We consider a system of three queues and two types of packets. Each packet arriving at this system finds in front of it a controller who either sends it in the first queue or rejects it according to a QoS criterion. When the packet finishes its service in the first queue, it is probabilistically routed to one of two other parallel queues. The objective is to minimize a QoS discounted cost over an infinite horizon. The cost function is composed of a waiting cost per packet in each queue and a rejection cost in the first queue. Subsequently, we generalize this problem by considering a system of (m + 1) queues and n types of packets. We show that an optimal policy is monotonic