437 research outputs found

    Vacuum application of thermal barrier plasma coatings

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    Coatings are presently applied to Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) turbine blades for protection against the harsh environment realized in the engine during lift off-to-orbit. High performance nickel, chromium, aluminum, and yttrium (NiCrAlY) alloy coatings, which are applied by atmospheric plasma spraying, crack and spall off because of the severe thermal shock experienced during start-up and shut-down of the engine. Ceramic coatings of yttria stabilized zirconia (ZrO2-Y2O3) were applied initially as a thermal barrier over coating to the NiCrAlY but were removed because of even greater spalling. Utilizing a vacuum plasma spraying process, bond coatings of NiCrAlY were applied in a low pressure atmosphere of argon/helium, producing significantly improved coating-to-blade bonding. The improved coatings showed no spalling after 40 MSFC burner rig thermal shock cycles, cycling between 1700 and -423 F. The current atmospheric plasma NiCrAlY coatings spalled during 25 test cycles. Subsequently, a process was developed for applying a durable thermal barrier coating of ZrO2-Y2O3 to the turbine blades of first stage high-pressure fuel turbopumps utilizing the vacuum plasma process. The improved thermal barrier coating has successfully passed 40 burner rig thermal shock cycles without spalling. Hot firing in an SSME turbine engine is scheduled for the blades. Tooling was installed in preparation for vacuum plasma spray coating other SSME hardware, e.g., the titanium main fuel valve housing (MFVH) and the fuel turbopump nozzle/stator

    Metallurgy and properties of plasma spray formed materials

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    Understanding the fundamental metallurgy of vacuum plasma spray formed materials is the key to enhancing and developing full material properties. Investigations have shown that the microstructure of plasma sprayed materials must evolve from a powder splat morphology to a recrystallized grain structure to assure high strength and ductility. A fully, or near fully, dense material that exhibits a powder splat morphology will perform as a brittle material compared to a recrystallized grain structure for the same amount of porosity. Metallurgy and material properties of nickel, iron, and copper base alloys will be presented and correlated to microstructure

    Development Study of Cartridge/Crucible Tube Materials

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    The limitations of traditional alloys and the desire for improved performance for components is driving the increased utilization of refractory metals in tile space industry. From advanced propulsion systems to high temperature furnace components for microgravity processing, refractory metals are being used for their high melting temperatures and inherent chemical stability. Techniques have been developed to produce near net shape refractory metal components utilizing vacuum plasma spraying. Material utilization is very high, and laborious machining can be avoided. As-spray formed components have been tested and found to perform adequately. However, increased mechanical and thermal properties are needed. To improve these properties, post processing thermal treatments such as hydrogen sintering and vacuum annealing have been performed. Components formed from alloys of tungsten, rhenium, tantalum, niobium, and molybdenum are discussed and a metallurgical analyses detailing the results are presented. A qualitative comparison of mechanical properties is also included

    Progress in Fabrication of Rocket Combustion Chambers by VPS

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    Several documents in a collection describe aspects of the development of advanced materials and fabrication processes intended to enable the manufacture of advanced rocket combustion chambers and nozzles at relatively low cost. One concept discussed in most of the documents is the fabrication of combustion-chamber liners by vacuum plasma spraying (VPS) of an alloy of 88Cu/8Cr/4Nb (numbers indicate atomic percentages) -- a concept that was reported in "Improved Alloy for Fabrication of Combustion Chambers by VPS" (MFS-26546). Another concept is the deposition of graded-composition wall and liner structures by VPS in order to make liners integral parts of wall structures and to make oxidation- and thermal-protection layers integral parts of liners: The VPS process is started at 100 percent of a first alloy, then the proportion of a second alloy is increased gradually from zero as deposition continues, ending at 100 percent of the second alloy. Yet another concept discussed in one of the documents is the VPS of oxidation-protection coats in the forms of nickel-and-chromium-containing refractory alloys on VPS-deposited 88Cu/8Cr/4Nb liners

    Plasma spray nozzle with low overspray and collimated flow

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    An improved nozzle for reducing overspray in high temperature supersonic plasma spray devices comprises a body defining an internal passageway having an upstream end and a downstream end through which a selected plasma gas is directed. The nozzle passageway has a generally converging/diverging Laval shape with its upstream end converging to a throat section and its downstream end diverging from the throat section. The upstream end of the passageway is configured to accommodate a high current cathode for producing an electrical arc in the passageway to heat and ionize the gas flow to plasma form as it moves along the passageway. The downstream end of the nozzle is uniquely configured through the methodology of this invention to have a contoured bell-shape that diverges from the throat to the exit of the nozzle. Coating material in powder form is injected into the plasma flow in the region of the bell-shaped downstream end of the nozzle and the powder particles become entrained in the flow. The unique bell shape of the nozzle downstream end produces a plasma spray that is ideally expanded at the nozzle exit and thus virtually free of shock phenomena, and that is highly collimated so as to exhibit significantly reduced fanning and diffusion between the nozzle and the target. The overall result is a significant reduction in the amount of material escaping from the plasma stream in the form of overspray and a corresponding improvement in the cost of the coating operation and in the quality and integrity of the coating itself

    Non-shivering thermogenesis in four species of African mole-rats differing in their sociality

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    Many mammalian species are adapted to living in burrows for most of their lives. Inhabiting such thermally stable environments may influence the variation on the species thermogenic capacity, particularly non-shivering thermogenesis (NST). African mole-rats (Bathyergidae) are subterranean rodents occurring in fynbos, grassland and wooded savannas across sub-Saharan Africa that vary in the complexity of their social systems, ranging from strictly solitary to highly social species. The presence and magnitude of NST are well known in social bathyergids, but no such data exist for their solitary counterparts. In this study, we quantified NST in three solitary mole-rat species represented by three distinct genera together with one social species. Our results showed that NST in all species is functional. Maximum metabolic rate after norepinephrine injection was equivalent to 269% of resting values in the social giant mole-rat Fukomys mechowii and 166%, 282% and 157% in the three solitary species: the silvery mole-rat Heliophobius argenteocinereus, the Cape mole-rat Georychus capensis and the Cape dune mole-rat Bathyergus suillus, respectively. To test our prediction that NST capacity is higher in solitary bathyergids, we combined our data with those available for other members of this family. In contrast to our prediction, NST did not differ between social and solitary bathyergids. Body mass, as the main factor, and minimum air temperature (Tmin), accounts for more than 80% of NST variation in bathyergid mole-rats.Fil: Luna, Facundo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Okrouhlík, J.. University of South Bohemia; República ChecaFil: McKechnie, A. E.. University of Pretoria; SudáfricaFil: Bennett, N. C.. University of Pretoria; SudáfricaFil: Sumbera, Radim. University of South Bohemia; República Chec

    Nano powders, components and coatings by plasma technique

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    Ultra fine and nanometer powders and a method of producing same are provided, preferably refractory metal and ceramic nanopowders. When certain precursors are injected into the plasma flame in a reactor chamber, the materials are heated, melted and vaporized and the chemical reaction is induced in the vapor phase. The vapor phase is quenched rapidly to solid phase to yield the ultra pure, ultra fine and nano product. With this technique, powders have been made 20 nanometers in size in a system capable of a bulk production rate of more than 10 lbs/hr. The process is particularly applicable to tungsten, molybdenum, rhenium, tungsten carbide, molybdenum carbide and other related materials

    Risk of posterior capsular rupture during phacoemulsification cataract surgery in eyes with previous intravitreal antivascular endothelial growth factor injections

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    Purpose: To investigate if previous intravitreal anti vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) injections are a predictor for posterior capsule rupture (PCR) during phacoemulsification cataract surgery. Setting: National Health Service: Whipps Cross University Hospital Eye Treatment Centre. District General, London, United Kingdom Design: Single centre, retrospective, electronic medical record (EMR) database study with univariate analysis. Methods: EMR (Medisoft) was used to extract data for eyes undergoing phacoemulsification surgery between 01.08.16 to 01.01.18. Patient demographics, indication for intravitreal therapy, treatment type, number of previous intravitreal injections (IVI), diabetic status, surgeon grade and operative complications were included as variables for analysis. Results: Data was available for 4047 cataract operations. Of these, 108 had undergone previous anti-VEGF IVI treatment. Three eyes were noted to have pre-operative PC trauma and were excluded from the final analysis. The logistic regression analysis after exclusion of the eyes with pre-existing damage to the PC confirmed that prior anti-VEGF IVI treatment was associated with an increased risk of PCR when compared to the non IVI group (9.26% vs 1.88%, p<0.0001). There is a dose dependent relationship between the number of anti-VEGF injections and the likelihood of PCR. Conclusions: Previous intravitreal anti-VEGF injections are significantly correlated with an increased risk of surgical PCR despite the absence of visible structural damage to the PC pre-operatively

    Better VPS Fabrication of Crucibles and Furnace Cartridges

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    An experimental investigation has shown that by (1) vacuum plasma spraying (VPS) of suitable refractory metal alloys on graphite mandrels, and then (2) heat-treating the VPS alloy deposits under suitable conditions, it is possible to fabricate improved crucibles and furnace cartridges that could be used at maximum temperatures between 1,400 and 1,600 C and that could withstand chemical attack by the materials to be heated in the crucibles and cartridges. Taken by itself, the basic concept of fabricating furnace cartridges by VPS of refractory materials onto graphite mandrels is not new; taken by itself, the basic concept of heat treatment of VPS deposits for use as other than furnace cartridges is also not new; however, prior to this investigation, experimental crucibles and furnace cartridges fabricated by VPS had not been heat treated and had been found to be relatively weak and brittle. Accordingly, the investigation was directed toward determining whether certain combinations of (1) refractory alloy compositions, (2) VPS parameters, and (3) heat-treatment parameters could result in VPS-fabricated components with increased ductility

    Improved Blackbody Temperature Sensors for a Vacuum Furnace

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    Some improvements have been made in the design and fabrication of blackbody sensors (BBSs) used to measure the temperature of a heater core in a vacuum furnace. Each BBS consists of a ring of thermally conductive, high-melting-temperature material with two tantalum-sheathed thermocouples attached at diametrically opposite points. The name "blackbody sensor" reflects the basic principle of operation. Heat is transferred between the ring and the furnace heater core primarily by blackbody radiation, heat is conducted through the ring to the thermocouples, and the temperature of the ring (and, hence, the temperature of the heater core) is measured by use of the thermocouples. Two main requirements have guided the development of these BBSs: (1) The rings should have as high an emissivity as possible in order to maximize the heat-transfer rate and thereby maximize temperature-monitoring performance and (2) the thermocouples must be joined to the rings in such a way as to ensure long-term, reliable intimate thermal contact. The problem of fabricating a BBS to satisfy these requirements is complicated by an application-specific prohibition against overheating and thereby damaging nearby instrumentation leads through the use of conventional furnace brazing or any other technique that involves heating the entire BBS and its surroundings. The problem is further complicated by another application-specific prohibition against damaging the thin tantalum thermocouple sheaths through the use of conventional welding to join the thermocouples to the ring. The first BBS rings were made of graphite. The tantalum-sheathed thermocouples were attached to the graphite rings by use of high-temperature graphite cements. The ring/thermocouple bonds thus formed were found to be weak and unreliable, and so graphite rings and graphite cements were abandoned. Now, each BBS ring is made from one of two materials: either tantalum or a molybdenum/titanium/zirconium alloy. The tantalum-sheathed thermocouples are bonded to the ring by laser brazing. The primary advantage of laser brazing over furnace brazing is that in laser brazing, it is possible to form a brazed connection locally, without heating nearby parts to the flow temperature of the brazing material. Hence, it is possible to comply with the prohibition against overheating nearby instrumentation leads. Also, in laser brazing, unlike in furnace brazing, it is possible to exert control over the thermal energy to such a high degree that it becomes possible to braze the thermocouples to the ring without burning through the thin tantalum sheaths on the thermocouples. The brazing material used in the laser brazing process is a titanium-boron paste. This brazing material can withstand use at temperatures up to about 1,400 C. In thermal-cycling tests performed thus far, no debonding between the rings and thermocouples has been observed. Emissivity coatings about 0.001 in. (.0.025 mm) thick applied to the interior surfaces of the rings have been found to improve the performance of the BBS sensors by raising the apparent emissivities of the rings. In thermal-cycling tests, the coatings were found to adhere well to the rings