9 research outputs found


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    Latar Belakang : Scoliosis merupakan deformitas tulang belakang yang ditandai oleh lengkungan ke lateral dengan atau tanpa rotasi tulang belakang. Sekitar 80% kasus scoliosis struktural mempunyai etiologi idiopatik dan biasanya ditemukan pada anak-anak atau remaja.Tujuan : Mengetahui efektivitas schroth methode dan penggunaan brace spine untuk memperbaiki posture pasa scoliosis adoescent. Metode : Menggunakan metode narrative review dengan framework PICO (Problem:Scoliosis Adolescent, Intervention:Schroth Methode, Comparasion:Brace Spine, Outcome:Changes in Scoliosis Posture). Pencarian artikel menggunakn database google scholar, PubMed, ScienceDirect dengan kriteria inklusi artikel nasional dan internasional yang di publish secara full text, diterbitkan dalam 10 tahun terakhir (2011-2021) serta artikel yang berhubungan dengan penelitian Scoliosis Adolescenet dengan intervensi Schroth Methode dan Brace Spine. Hasil : Dari 12 artikel 6 artikel membahas efektivitas schroth methode dan 6 artikel membahas efektifitas penggunaan brace spine untuk memperbaiki posture pada scoliosis adolescent, yang keduanya sama-sama memiliki hasil yang signifikan dalam penanganan scoliosis adolescent. Kesimpulan : Schroth Methode dapat memperkuat dan memperpanjang otot asimetris dengan program koreksi tubuh, pengaturan pola pernafasan dan stimulasi sehingga menghentikan perkembangan kurva, meningkatkan kapasitas vital dan memperbaiki posture. Brace Spine secara aktif mengoreksi deviasi dan rotasi lateral dan mengembalikan deformitas bidang sagital dengan mendorong ke atas dari panggul, sehingga mencapai postur kolom vertebral yang simetris serta adanya penekanan hidrostatis yang berperan membantu memperbaiki posisi yang stabil pada postur. Saran : Penelitian ini diharapkan mampu menjadi tambahan referensi bagi penderita, profesi fisioterapi dan peneliti selanjutnya serta dapat dikembangkan menggunakan metode yang lebih baik lagi

    Morpho-arrangement study of the anthropogenic landform for potential exposure of tsunami hazard identification in parangtritis, yogyakarta

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    This research was conducted in the tsunami prone area of Parangtritis, Yogyakarta. The purpose of this study is to classify and analyse the distribution of anthropogenic landforms, as preliminary information to identify the potential exposure to tsunami. The method used in this research is descriptive-comparative, i.e. by comparing the variations of anthropogenic landforms typology within the present management zones (core, restricted, supporting zone). For each zone, the type of human intervention were identified with regard to the following classification: industrogenic, urbanogenic, traffic, agrogenic, water management, tourism, and sports. The anthropogenic landforms are then classified into excavation, planation, and accumulation types. The results of the study were presented in the form of tables and maps of anthropogenic landforms in each management zone. Assessment of the level of exposure to tsunami hazard is carried out qualitatively for each anthropogenic landform in the different management zones. This research revealed that type of intervention in each management zone are varied. The supporting zone and restricted zone have the most complex interventions, i.e. industrogenic, urbanogenic, traffic, water management, tourism, and sports. The excavation, planation, and accumulation forms are very diverse, depend on the people activities in each management zone. A particular human activity in the study area has a certain level of exposure to tsunami hazard. It is necessary to consider for reducing the specific risk to tsunami. © 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved

    Study of the Environmental Quality Index in an Urban Campus Area

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    Environmental Quality Index (EQI) has been used as a common measurement for environmental quality in Indonesia. However, EQI is only measured in a wide administrative area. In reality, environmental quality measurement in smaller areas is also needed to formulate the right environmental policy. EQI study at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), as an urban campus, is important because it prioritizes the educopolis vision which commits to create a conducive education environment and be responsive to ecological issues. This research aims to identify the EQI of UGM and analyse the vision of educopolis and open system campus related to EQI. The method which is used is mixed-method of quantitative to obtain the EQI value from Air Pollution Index, Water Pollution Index, and Forest Cover Index, as well as qualitative method to review the educopolis vision and open system campus through analysis of strength, weakness, opportunity, threat (SWOT). The EQI in this study is 50.77, categorized as very less. The vision of the educopolis campus in contrast with the current open system campus. The management strategy to improve the EQI is formulated through the management of vehicles, waste, integrated water in Belik and Code sub-watersheds, and urban green space. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    LiDAR et SfM-MVS par drone du dôme volcanique du Merapi et du bord du cratère : changement entre 2012 et 2014

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    International audienceSpatial approaches, based on the deformation measurement of volcanic domes and crater rims, is key in evaluating the activity of a volcano, such as Merapi Volcano, where associated disaster risk regularly takes lives. Within this framework, this study aims to detect localized topographic change in the summit area that has occurred concomitantly with the dome growth and explosion reported. The methodology was focused on two sets of data, one LiDAR-based dataset from 2012 and one UAV dataset from 2014. The results show that during the period 2012–2014, the crater walls were 100–120 m above the crater floor at its maximum (from the north to the east–southeast sector), while the west and north sectors present a topographic range of 40–80 m. During the period 2012–2014, the evolution of the crater rim around the dome was generally stable (no large collapse). The opening of a new vent on the surface of the dome has displaced an equivalent volume of 2.04 × 104 m3, corresponding to a maximum −9 m (+/−0.9 m) vertically. The exploded material has partly fallen within the crater, increasing the accumulated loose material while leaving “hollows” where the vents are located, although the potential presence of debris inside these vents made it difficult to determine the exact size of these openings. Despite a measure of the error from the two DEMs, adding a previously published dataset shows further discrepancies, suggesting that there is also a technical need to develop point-cloud technologies for active volcanic craters.Les approches spatiales, basées sur la mesure de la déformation des dômes volcaniques et des bords de cratères, sont essentielles pour évaluer l'activité d'un volcan, tel que le volcan Merapi, où le risque de catastrophe associé fait régulièrement des victimes. Dans ce cadre, cette étude vise à détecter les changements topographiques localisés dans la zone du sommet qui se sont produits de manière concomitante avec la croissance du dôme et l'explosion signalée. La méthodologie s'est concentrée sur deux jeux de données, un jeu de données basé sur le LiDAR de 2012 et un jeu de données UAV de 2014. Les résultats montrent qu'au cours de la période 2012-2014, les parois du cratère se trouvaient à 100-120 m au-dessus du fond du cratère à son maximum (du secteur nord au secteur est-sud-est), tandis que les secteurs ouest et nord présentent une amplitude topographique de 40-80 m. Au cours de la période 2012-2014, l'évolution du bord du cratère autour du dôme était généralement stable (pas de grand effondrement). L'ouverture d'un nouvel évent à la surface du dôme a déplacé un volume équivalent de 2,04 × 104 m3, correspondant à un maximum de -9 m (+/-0,9 m) verticalement. Les matériaux explosés sont en partie tombés à l'intérieur du cratère, augmentant les matériaux meubles accumulés tout en laissant des " creux " à l'emplacement des évents, bien que la présence potentielle de débris à l'intérieur de ces évents ait rendu difficile la détermination de la taille exacte de ces ouvertures. Malgré une mesure de l'erreur des deux MNE, l'ajout d'un ensemble de données publiées précédemment montre d'autres divergences, ce qui suggère qu'il existe également un besoin technique de développer des technologies de nuages de points pour les cratères volcaniques actifs