148 research outputs found

    Malayan Filariasis Studies in Kendari Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia : III Surveillance of Mansonia Mosquitoes with Reference to Seasonal and Ecological Aspect of Ma. Uniformis and Ma. Indiana

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    Studi nyamuk penular filariasis malayi pada empat desa endemis (Wawolemo. Pondidaha. Lalohao dan Teteona) di Kabupaten Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara, telah dilakukan dari bulan November 1980 sampai Oktober 1982. Nyamuk penular Brugia malayi di alam selain Anopheles barbirostris dan An. Nigerrimus adalah Mansonia uniformis, Ma. Indiana dan Ma. bonneae/dives. Ma. uniformis dan Ma. Indiana merupakan jenis yang terbanyak ditemukan di antara 5 jenis nyamuk Mansonia spp. Tidak ditemui perbedaan yang ber­makna untuk kepadatan kedua jenis nyamuk ini di antara empat desa yang diteliti. Daur gonotrofik Ma. uniformis dan Ma. Indiana di laboratorium masing-masing berkisar antara 80-98 jam dan 81-92 jam. Puncak kepadatan waktu menggigit orang dari kedua jenis nyamuk ini adalah antara jam 19.00 -22.00. Kedua jenis nyamuk ini lebih cenderung bersifat zoofilik. Kepadatan bulanan Ma. uniformis dan Ma. Indiana tidak mempunyai keeratan hubungan yang positif dengan curah hujan, dengan puncak kepadatan antara bulan Agustus dan Oktober. Nisbah nya­muk parous untuk kedua jenis nyamuk ini relatif rendah dan tidak mempunyai keeratan hubungan de­ngan kepadatannya dan juga dengan curah hujan. Nisbah infeksi alamiah dari Brugia sp. pada Ma. Indiana (0,6%) lebih tinggi dari Ma. uniformis (0,4%). Indeks infeksi buatan rata-rata 1,88 pada Ma. uniformis dan 0,55 pada Ma. Indiana. Uji kerentanan DDT terhadap Ma. uniformis dan Ma. Indiana memperlihatkan kedua jenis nyamuk ini rentan terhadap DDT

    Malayan Filariasis Studies in Kendari Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia II: Surveillance of Mosquitoes with Reference to Two Anopheles Vector Species

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    Studi nyamuk penular filariasis malayi pada empat desa endemis filariasis (Wawolemo, Pondi-daha, Lalohao dan Teteona) di Kabupaten Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara, telah dilakukan dari bulan November 1980 sampai Oktober 1982. Nyamuk penular Brugia malayi di alam adalah Anopheles barbirostris dan An. Nigerrimus sebagai penular yang potensial, serta tiga jenis dari marga Mansonia. Kepadatan bulanan An. barbirostris dan An. Nigerrimus mempunyai keeratan hubungan yang positif dengan curah hujan, dengan puncak kepadatan pada bulan Juni. Nisbah nyamuk parous untuk kedua jenis nyamuk ini relatif rendah dan tidak mempunyai keeratan hubungan positif dengan kepadatannya. Kepadatan jentik dari kedua jenis nyamuk ini juga relatif rendah. Daur gonotrofik An. barbirostris di laboratorium berkisar antara 65 sampai 87 jam. An. barbirostris lebih cenderung antropofilik dari An. Nigerrimus. Puncak kepadatan waktu menggigit orang dari An. barbirostris dimulai menjelang tengah malam hingga menjelang pagi hari, sedangkan An. Nigerrimus aktif menggigit orang antara jam 19.00 sampai 22.00. Nisbah infeksi alamiah dari larva Brugia pada An. barbirostris lebih tinggi daripada An. Nigerrimus. Indeks infeksi buatan rata-rata 0,22 pada An. barbirostris dan 0,83 pada An. Nigerrimus. Uji kerentanan DDT terhadap An. barbirostris memperlihatkan bahwa nyamuk ini rentan terhadap DDT

    Exploring the impact of relationship marketing upon customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in Malaysian banking industry

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    In present extremely competitive and globalize banking context, increasing customer loyalty emerges as one of the most imperative challenges faced by marketers. Cultivating loyal customers is frequently argued to be the single most important driver of organizations’ long-term financial performance, which can lead to increased customer share, lower expenditure, and higher profit. Therefore, marketing academics emphasize the effect of relationship marketing as a strategically vital tool to secure loyal customers. The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the impact of relationship marketing on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and to test the impact of customer satisfaction as mediator on the association between relationship marketing and customer loyalty. This study was carried out using the convenience and snowball samplings comprising 162 respondents through the distribution of online structured questionnaires to retail bank customers within the area of Klang Valley, Malaysia. Data analysis was further conducted using the SPSS software, and the results of regression analysis show that relationship marketing is significant in explaining the variation in customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. In addition, customer satisfaction has been proven to partially mediate the relationship marketing-customer loyalty relationship. These findings contribute to the understanding on the relationship between relationship marketing, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty which provide critical implications for retail bank managers and highlight possible directions for future research

    Field Trials Of Fenitrothion, Malathion, And Ddt Dusts Against Fleas On Rattus Rattus Diardii In Ciloto, West Java, Indonesia

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    Sebuah percobaan penanggulangan pinjal Xenopsyll cheopis dari tikus Rattus rattus diardii dilaku­kan di Ciloto dari bulan Februari sampai Nopember 1978. Racun serangga yang digunakan 50 % mala-thion wdp, 40 % fenitrothion wdp dan 75 % DDT wdp. dicampur dengan serbuk bedak sehingga ter­dapat 5 % zat racun aktif (active ingredient). Percobaan dilakukan pada 3 dusun. Pengamatan dilakukan dari bulan Februari sampai Nopember 1978 di daerah percobaan dan daerah kontrol DDT 5 % tidak effektif untuk pemberantasan pinjal, malathion 5 % effektif sampai 15 minggu dan Fenitrothion 5 % sampai 19 minggu sesudah perlakuan pertama. Ketiga racun serangga juga effektif untuk tungau dan kutu, tapi tidak demikian untuk tungau dewasa mesostigmatik (mesostigmatic mites)

    Strings on pp-waves and massive two dimensional field theories

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    We find a general class of pp-wave solutions of type IIB string theory such that the light cone gauge worldsheet lagrangian is that of an interacting massive field theory. When the light cone Lagrangian has (2,2) supersymmetry we can find backgrounds that lead to arbitrary superpotentials on the worldsheet. We consider situations with both flat and curved transverse spaces. We describe in some detail the background giving rise to the N=2 sine Gordon theory on the worldsheet. Massive mirror symmetry relates it to the deformed CP1CP^1 model (or sausage model) which seems to elude a purely supergravity target space interpretation.Comment: harvmac, 26 pages, v2,3: references added, typos correcte

    Low autocorrelated multi-phase sequences

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    The interplay between the ground state energy of the generalized Bernasconi model to multi-phase, and the minimal value of the maximal autocorrelation function, Cmax=maxKCKC_{max}=\max_K{|C_K|}, K=1,..N1K=1,..N-1, is examined analytically and the main results are: (a) The minimal value of minNCmax\min_N{C_{max}} is 0.435N0.435\sqrt{N} significantly smaller than the typical value for random sequences O(logNN)O(\sqrt{\log{N}}\sqrt{N}). (b) minNCmax\min_N{C_{max}} over all sequences of length N is obtained in an energy which is about 30% above the ground-state energy of the generalized Bernasconi model, independent of the number of phases m. (c) The maximal merit factor FmaxF_{max} grows linearly with m. (d) For a given N, minNCmaxN/m\min_N{C_{max}}\sim\sqrt{N/m} indicating that for m=N, minNCmax=1\min_N{C_{max}}=1, i.e. a Barker code exits. The analytical results are confirmed by simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Augmented reality in smart retailing: A (n) (A) Symmetric Approach to continuous intention to use retail brands’ mobile AR apps

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    Smart retailing has recently emerged as a new form of retail brand management enabled by novel technologies such as mobile augmented reality applications, to create better experience and value for customers. Augmented reality has also received significant attention as a growing field in marketing theory and practice. However, there is a limited understanding on how and why customer interactions with an augmented reality app can result in positive customer benefit perception, engagement and behavioural consequences. This study examines the chain of effects from AR attributes on the building blocks of continuous intention to use a shopping AR app and to pay a price premium, by incorporating the roles of a customer’s benefits perception, psychological inspiration and engagement via a(n) (A)Symmetric Approach. The results support all direct hypothesised relationships among the variables, except the relationship between interactivity and utilitarian benefits, which was found to be insignificant. The study further demonstrates the moderating role of AR customisation in the proposed model, and reveals that the impact of utilitarian and hedonic benefits on shopping AR application engagement is nonlinear. Non-linearity also transpires in the impact of psychological inspiration on willingness to pay price premium. Interestingly, the findings indicate that augmented reality customisation to some extent enhances the relationships in the hypothesised model

    The natural history of secondary muscle-invasive bladder cancer

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    BACKGROUND: The management of patients with high-grade non muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) brings diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. In the current study, we sought to study the natural history of progression to "secondary" muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC)-cancer that developed during follow up of patients presenting with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). METHODS: Between 1998 and 2008, 760 patients were treated for bladder cancer. Primary MIBC (>=T2) tumors (present upon presentation) were diagnosed in 114 patients. All patients with high-grade NMIBC were treated with intravesical BCG. Mean follow-up was 44 months. RESULTS: Forty patients (6.1%) developed secondary MIBC after a mean period of 21 months from initial diagnosis of bladder cancer. The 2- and 5-year disease-specific survival rates were better for patients with secondary MIBC (90% and 56% compared to 69% and 42% for patients with primary disease, p=0.03). The Kaplan-Meier curves of the two groups were parallel but displaced by approximately 2 years. CONCLUSION: In the current series, MIBC progression occurred among initially presenting patients with NMIBC in 6.1%. In most patients, the initial diagnosis of NMIBC is correct and muscle invasion occurs after a mean period of about 2 years. This supports a non-radical approach in patients with high-grade T1, Ta or Tis. Meticulous follow-up with liberal biopsy of any suspicious lesion may provide early diagnosis of invasive disease