2,830 research outputs found

    Intersecting M-branes and bound states

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    In this paper, we construct multi-scalar, multi-center pp-brane solutions in toroidally compactified M-theory. We use these solutions to show that all supersymmetric pp-branes can be viewed as bound states of certain basic building blocks, namely pp-branes that preserve 1/21/2 of the supersymmetry. We also explore the M-theory interpretation of pp-branes in lower dimensions. We show that all the supersymmetric pp-branes can be viewed as intersections of M-branes or boosted M-branes in D=11D=11.Comment: Latex, 14 pages, no figures. References adde

    General Kerr-NUT-AdS Metrics in All Dimensions

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    The Kerr-AdS metric in dimension D has cohomogeneity [D/2]; the metric components depend on the radial coordinate r and [D/2] latitude variables \mu_i that are subject to the constraint \sum_i \mu_i^2=1. We find a coordinate reparameterisation in which the \mu_i variables are replaced by [D/2]-1 unconstrained coordinates y_\alpha, and having the remarkable property that the Kerr-AdS metric becomes diagonal in the coordinate differentials dy_\alpha. The coordinates r and y_\alpha now appear in a very symmetrical way in the metric, leading to an immediate generalisation in which we can introduce [D/2]-1 NUT parameters. We find that (D-5)/2 are non-trivial in odd dimensions, whilst (D-2)/2 are non-trivial in even dimensions. This gives the most general Kerr-NUT-AdS metric in DD dimensions. We find that in all dimensions D\ge4 there exist discrete symmetries that involve inverting a rotation parameter through the AdS radius. These symmetries imply that Kerr-NUT-AdS metrics with over-rotating parameters are equivalent to under-rotating metrics. We also consider the BPS limit of the Kerr-NUT-AdS metrics, and thereby obtain, in odd dimensions and after Euclideanisation, new families of Einstein-Sasaki metrics.Comment: Latex, 24 pages, minor typos correcte

    A Killing tensor for higher dimensional Kerr-AdS black holes with NUT charge

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    In this paper, we study the recently discovered family of higher dimensional Kerr-AdS black holes with an extra NUT-like parameter. We show that the inverse metric is additively separable after multiplication by a simple function. This allows us to separate the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, showing that geodesic motion is integrable on this background. The separation of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation is intimately linked to the existence of an irreducible Killing tensor, which provides an extra constant of motion. We also demonstrate that the Klein-Gordon equation for this background is separable.Comment: LaTeX, 14 pages. v2: Typo corrected and equation added. v3: Reference added, introduction expanded, published versio

    From p-branes to Cosmology

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    We study the relationship between static p-brane solitons and cosmological solutions of string theory or M-theory. We discuss two different ways in which extremal p-branes can be generalised to non-extremal ones, and show how wide classes of recently discussed cosmological models can be mapped into non-extremal p-brane solutions of one of these two kinds. We also extend previous discussions of cosmological solutions to include some that make use of cosmological-type terms in the effective action that can arise from the generalised dimensional reduction of string theory or M-theory.Comment: Latex, 24 pages, no figur

    Mass of Rotating Black Holes in Gauged Supergravities

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    The masses of several recently-constructed rotating black holes in gauged supergravities, including the general such solution in minimal gauged supergravity in five dimensions, have until now been calculated only by integrating the first law of thermodynamics. In some respects it is more satisfactory to have a calculation of the mass that is based directly upon the integration of a conserved quantity derived from a symmetry principal. In this paper, we evaluate the masses for the newly-discovered rotating black holes using the conformal definition of Ashtekar, Magnon and Das (AMD), and show that the results agree with the earlier thermodynamic calculations. We also consider the Abbott-Deser (AD) approach, and show that this yields an identical answer for the mass of the general rotating black hole in five-dimensional minimal gauged supergravity. In other cases we encounter discrepancies when applying the AD procedure. We attribute these to ambiguities or pathologies of the chosen decomposition into background AdS metric plus deviations when scalar fields are present. The AMD approach, involving no decomposition into background plus deviation, is not subject to such complications. Finally, we also calculate the Euclidean action for the five-dimensional solution in minimal gauged supergravity, showing that it is consistent with the quantum statistical relation.Comment: Typos corrected and references update

    Multiplet Structures of BPS Solitons

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    There exist simple single-charge and multi-charge BPS p-brane solutions in the D-dimensional maximal supergravities. From these, one can fill out orbits in the charge vector space by acting with the global symmetry groups. We give a classification of these orbits, and the associated cosets that parameterise them.Comment: Latex, 34 pages, comments and reference adde

    Interacting Intersections

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    Intersecting p-branes can be viewed as higher-dimensional interpretations of multi-charge extremal p-branes, where some of the individual p-branes undergo diagonal dimensional oxidation, while the others oxidise vertically. Although the naive vertical oxidation of a single p-brane gives a continuum of p-branes, a more natural description arises if one considers a periodic array of p-branes in the higher dimension, implying a dependence on the compactification coordinates. This still reduces to the single lower-dimensional p-brane when viewed at distances large compared with the period. Applying the same logic to the multi-charge solutions, we are led to consider more general classes of intersecting p-brane solutions, again depending on the compactification coordinates, which turn out to be described by interacting functions rather than independent harmonic functions. These new solutions also provide a more satisfactory interpretation for the lower-dimensional multi-charge p-branes, which otherwise appear to be nothing more than the improbable coincidence of charge-centres of individual constituents with zero binding energy.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, references adde

    Cosmological Solutions in String Theories

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    We obtain a large class of cosmological solutions in the toroidally-compactified low energy limits of string theories in DD dimensions. We consider solutions where a pp-dimensional subset of the spatial coordinates, parameterising a flat space, a sphere, or an hyperboloid, describes the spatial sections of the physically-observed universe. The equations of motion reduce to Liouville or SL(N+1,R)SL(N+1,R) Toda equations, which are exactly solvable. We study some of the cases in detail, and find that under suitable conditions they can describe four-dimensional expanding universes. We discuss also how the solutions in DD dimensions behave upon oxidation back to the D=10D=10 string theory or D=11D=11 M-theory.Comment: Latex, 21 pages, a reference adjuste

    Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons Supergravity

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    N=(1,0) supergravity in six dimensions admits AdS_3\times S^3 as a vacuum solution. We extend our recent results presented in hep-th/0212323, by obtaining the complete N=4 Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons supergravity in D=3, up to quartic fermion terms, by S^3 group manifold reduction of the six dimensional theory. The SU(2) gauge fields have Yang-Mills kinetic terms as well as topological Chern-Simons mass terms. There is in addition a triplet of matter vectors. After diagonalisation, these fields describe two triplets of topologically-massive vector fields of opposite helicities. The model also contains six scalars, described by a GL(3,R)/SO(3) sigma model. It provides the first example of a three-dimensional gauged supergravity that can obtained by a consistent reduction of string-theory or M-theory and that admits AdS_3 as a vacuum solution. There are unusual features in the reduction from six-dimensional supergravity, owing to the self-duality condition on the 3-form field. The structure of the full equations of motion in N=(1,0) supergravity in D=6 is also elucidated, and the role of the self-dual field strength as torsion is exhibited.Comment: Latex, 22 pages, hep-th number correcte

    Spherically Symmetric Solutions in Higher-Derivative Gravity

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    Extensions of Einstein gravity with quadratic curvature terms in the action arise in most effective theories of quantised gravity, including string theory. This article explores the set of static, spherically symmetric and asymptotically flat solutions of this class of theories. An important element in the analysis is the careful treatment of a Lichnerowicz-type `no-hair' theorem. From a Frobenius analysis of the asymptotic small-radius behaviour, the solution space is found to split into three asymptotic families, one of which contains the classic Schwarzschild solution. These three families are carefully analysed to determine the corresponding numbers of free parameters in each. One solution family is capable of arising from coupling to a distributional shell of matter near the origin; this family can then match on to an asymptotically flat solution at spatial infinity without encountering a horizon. Another family, with horizons, contains the Schwarzschild solution but includes also non-Schwarzschild black holes. The third family of solutions obtained from the Frobenius analysis is nonsingular and corresponds to `vacuum' solutions. In addition to the three families identified from near-origin behaviour, there are solutions that may be identified as `wormholes', which can match symmetrically on to another sheet of spacetime at finite radius.Comment: 57 pages, 6 figures; version appearing in journal; minor corrections and clarifications to v