236 research outputs found

    On the solar cycle variation in the barometer coefficients of high latitude neutron monitors

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    Evaluation of barometer coefficients of neutron monitors located at high latitudes has been performed by using the results of the spherical harmonic analysis based on the records from around twenty stations for twelve years from January 1966 to December 1977. The average of data at eight stations, where continuous records are available for twelve years, show that the absolute value of barometer coefficient is in positive correlation with the cosmic ray neutron intensity. The variation rate of the barometer coefficient to the cosmic ray neutron intensity is influenced by the changes in the cutoff rigidity and in the primary spectrum

    Electron-Positron Pairs in Hot Accretion Flows and Thin Disk Coronae

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    We investigate equilibrium accretion flows dominated by e+e−e^+ e^- pairs. We consider one- and two-temperature accretion disk coronae above a thin disk, as well as hot optically thin two-temperature accretion flows without an underlying thin disk; we model the latter in the framework of advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs). In all three cases we include equipartition magnetic fields. We confirm the previous result that the equilibrium density of pairs in two-temperature ADAFs is negligible; and show that the inclusion of magnetic fields and the corresponding synchrotron cooling reduces the pair density even further. Similarly, we find that pairs are unimportant in two-temperature coronae. Even when the corona has significantly enhanced heating by direct transfer of viscous dissipation in the thin disk to the corona, the inefficient Coulomb coupling between protons and electrons acts as a bottleneck and prevents the high compactness required for pair-dominated solutions. Only in the case of a one-temperature corona model do we find pair-dominated thermal equilibria. These pair-dominated solutions occur over a limited range of optical depth and temperature.Comment: 38 pages, including 10 figures, LaTeX; to appear in Ap

    Recording system for the solar neutron monitoring at Mt. Norikura

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    To monitor solar neutron events, a new recording system will be installed at Mt. Norikura Cosmic Ray Observatory. The recording system is composed of a pulse counter with clock and a microcomputer with minifloppy disk. The counter and the microcomputer are connected through the General Purpose Interface Bus line. The one minute total count of the neutron monitor is recorded on the minifloppy disk

    Developing and utilizing an Euler computational method for predicting the airframe/propulsion effects for an aft-mounted turboprop transport. Volume 2: User guide

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    This manual explains how to use an Euler based computational method for predicting the airframe/propulsion integration effects for an aft-mounted turboprop transport. The propeller power effects are simulated by the actuator disk concept. This method consists of global flow field analysis and the embedded flow solution for predicting the detailed flow characteristics in the local vicinity of an aft-mounted propfan engine. The computational procedure includes the use of several computer programs performing four main functions: grid generation, Euler solution, grid embedding, and streamline tracing. This user's guide provides information for these programs, including input data preparations with sample input decks, output descriptions, and sample Unix scripts for program execution in the UNICOS environment

    Spectrum of Optically Thin Advection Dominated Accretion Flow around a Black Hole: Application to Sgr A*

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    The global structure of optically thin advection dominated accretion flows which are composed of two-temperature plasma around black holes is calculated. We adopt the full set of basic equations including the advective energy transport in the energy equation for the electrons. The spectra emitted by the optically thin accretion flows are also investigated. The radiation mechanisms which are taken into accout are bremsstrahlung, synchrotron emission, and Comptonization. The calculation of the spectra and that of the structure of the accretion flows are made to be completely consistent by calculating the radiative cooling rate at each radius. As a result of the advection domination for the ions, the heat transport from the ions to the electrons becomes practically zero and the radiative cooling balances with the advective heating in the energy equation of the electrons. Following up on the successful work of Narayan et al. (1995), we applied our model to the spectrum of Sgr A*. We find that the spectrum of Sgr A* is explained by the optically thin advection dominated accretion flow around a black hole of the mass M_bh=10^6 M_sun. The parameter dependence of the spectrum and the structure of the accretion flows is also discussed.Comment: AAS LaTeX file; 26 pages; 12 ps figures; to be published in ApJ. PDF files are obtainable via following anonymous ftp. ftp://ftp.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/pub/manmoto/preprint/spec_sgrA.tar.g

    Blob ejection from advection-dominated accretion flow: observational consequences

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    There is increasing evidence for the presence of an optically thin advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) in low luminosity active galactic nuclei and radio-loud quasars. The present paper is devoted to explore the fate of a blob ejected from an ADAF, and to discuss its observational consequences. It is inevitable for the ejected blob to drastically expand into its surroundings. Consequently, it is expected that a group of relativistic electrons should be accelerated, which may lead to nonthermal flares, since a strong shock will be formed by the interaction between the blob and its surroundings. Then the blob cools down efficiently, leading to the appearance of recombination lines about 10510^5s after its ejection from an ADAF. We apply this model to NGC 4258 for some observational prediction, and to PKS 2149--306 for the explanation of observational evidence. Future simultaneous observations of recombination X-ray lines and continuum emission are highly desired to test the present model.Comment: 4 pages in emulateapj.sty, no figure. Accepted by ApJ Letter

    Magnetic Exciton Mediated Superconductivity in the Hidden-Order Phase of URu2Si2

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    We propose the magnetic exciton mediated superconductivity occurring in the enigmatic hidden-order phase of URu2Si2. The characteristic of the massive collective excitation observed only in the hidden-order phase is well reproduced by the antiferro hexadecapole ordering model as the trace of the dispersive crystalline-electric-field excitation. The disappearance of the superconductivity in the high-pressure antiferro magnetic phase can naturally be understood by the sudden suppression of the magnetic-exciton intensity. The analysis of the momentum dependence of the magnetic-exciton mode leads to the exotic chiral d-wave singlet pairing in the Eg symmetry. The Ising-like magnetic-field response of the mode yields the strong anisotropy observed in the upper critical field even for the rather isotropic 3-dimensional Fermi surfaces of this compound.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Non-Collinear Magnetism due to Orbital Degeneracy and Multipolar Interactions

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    The origin of non-collinear magnetism under quadrupolar ordering is investigated with CeB6 taken as a target system. The mode-mixing effect among 15 multipoles is analyzed based on the Ginzburg-Landau free energy. Then the lower magnetic transition temperature and the order parameters are derived within the mean-field approximation. In the presence of pseudo-dipole-type interactions for the next-nearest neighbors, the observed pattern of non-collinear ordering is indeed stabilized for certain set of interaction parameters. The stability of the phase III' in the magnetic field is also explained, which points to the importance of the next-nearest-neighbor octupole-octupole interaction. Concerning the phase IV in CexLa1-xB6 with x ~ 0.75, a possibility of pure octupole ordering is discussed based on slight modifications of the strength of interactions.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 70 (6) (2001

    On the Hidden Order in URu2_{2}Si2_{2} --- Antiferro Hexadecapole Order and its Consequences

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    An antiferro ordering of an electric hexadecapole moment is discussed as a promising candidate for the long standing mystery of the hidden order phase in URu2_{2}Si2_{2}. Based on localized ff-electron picture, we discuss the rationale of the selected multipole and the consequences of the antiferro hexadecapole order of xy(x2−y2)xy(x^{2}-y^{2}) symmetry. The mean-field solutions and the collective excitations from them explain reasonably significant experimental observations: the strong anisotropy in the magnetic susceptibility, characteristic behavior of pressure versus magnetic field or temperature phase diagrams, disappearance of inelastic neutron-scattering intensity out of the hidden order phase, and insensitiveness of the NQR frequency at Ru-sites upon ordering. A consistency with the strong anisotropy in the magnetic responses excludes all the multipoles in two-dimensional representations, such as (Oyz,Ozx)(O_{yz},O_{zx}). The expected azimuthal angle dependences of the resonant X-ray scattering amplitude are given. The (x2−y2)(x^{2}-y^{2})-type antiferro quadrupole should be induced by an in-plane magnetic field along [110][110], which is reflected in the thermal expansion and the elastic constant of the transverse (c11−c12)/2(c_{11}-c_{12})/2 mode. The (x2−y2)(x^{2}-y^{2})-type [(xy)(xy)-type] antiferro quadrupole is also induced by applying the uniaxial stress along [110][110] direction [[100][100] direction]. A detection of these induced antiferro quadrupoles under the in-plane magnetic field or the uniaxial stress using the resonant X-ray scattering provides a direct redundant test for the proposed order parameter.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, 5 table

    Gamma-rays from Galactic Black Hole Candidates with Stochastic Particle Acceleration

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    We consider stochastic particle acceleration in plasmas around stellar mass black holes to explain the emissions above 1 MeV from Galactic black hole candidates. We show that for certain parameter regimes, electrons can overcome Coulomb losses and be accelerated beyond the thermal distribution to form a new population, whose distribution is broad and usually not a power law; the peak energy of the distribution is determined by the balance between acceleration and cooling, with particles piling up around it. Radiation by inverse Compton scattering off the thermal (from background) and non-thermal (produced by acceleration) particles can in principle explain the hard X-ray to gamma-ray emissions from black hole candidates. We present model fits of Cyg X-1 and GRO J0422 in 50 keV -- 5 MeV region observed with OSSE and COMPTEL.Comment: 2 figures, to appear in March 20 of ApJ
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