31 research outputs found

    Effect of different compatibilizers on injection-molded green composite pieces based on polylactide filled with almond shell flour

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    [EN] Green composites made of polylactide (PLA) filled with almond shell flour (ASF) at a constant weight content of 25驴wt.-% were manufactured by injection molding. In order to increase the interfacial adhesion between the biopolymer and the lignocellulosic fillers, three different compatibilizers were tested, namely multi-functional epoxy-based styrene-acrylic oligomer (ESAO), aromatic carbodiimide (AC), and maleinized linseed oil (MLO). The effect of each compatibilizer on the thermal, mechanical, and thermomechanical properties and water uptake of the injection-molded PLA/ASF pieces was analyzed. The obtained results indicated that all the here-studied compatibilizers had a positive influence on both the thermal stability and the mechanical and thermomechanical performance of the green composite pieces but low impact on their water uptake profile. In addition, the morphological analysis performed at the fracture surfaces of the green composite pieces revealed that the filler驴matrix gap was substantially reduced. Among the tested compatibilizers, ESAO and MLO yielded the highest performance in terms of mechanical strength and ductility, respectively. In the case of MLO, it also offers the advantage of being a plant-derived additive so that its application in green composites positively contributes to the development of sustainable polymer technologies.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) program number MAT2014-59242-C2-1-R and AGL2015-63855-C2-1-R and Generalitat Valenciana (GV) program number GV/2014/008. A. Carbonell-Verdu wants to thank Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) for his FPI grant. D. Garcia-Garcia wants to thank the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (MECD) for his FPU grant (FPU13/06011). L. Quiles-Carrillo also wants to thank GV for his FPI grant (ACT/2016/182) and the MECD for his FPU grant (FPU15/03812).Quiles-Carrillo, L.; Montanes, N.; Garcia-Garcia, D.; Carbonell-Verdu, A.; Balart, R.; Torres-Giner, S. (2018). Effect of different compatibilizers on injection-molded green composite pieces based on polylactide filled with almond shell flour. Composites Part B Engineering. 147:76-85. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2018.04.017S768514

    Biodegradable polymer composites with nanoparticles of silver and natural parts to the elements of rehabilitation equipment in veterinary medicine

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    W pracy przedstawiono rezultaty bada艅 nad now膮 koncepcj膮 zastosowania biodegradowalnego kompozytu na osnowie polilaktydu z nanocz膮stkami srebra i cz膮stkami naturalnymi na wtryskiwane elementy sprz臋tu rehabilitacyjnego w weterynarii. Celem bada艅 by艂o opracowanie materia艂u, kt贸ry jest trwa艂y, w okre艣lonym czasie oraz przeciwbakteryjny, a po czasie jego u偶ytkowania ulegnie naturalnej biodegradacji. Uzyskane wyniki wskazuj膮 na mo偶liwo艣膰 wykorzystania naturalnych nape艂niaczy do zwi臋kszenia sztywno艣ci element贸w oraz przyspieszenia ich degradacji. W zako艅czeniu zaproponowano wykorzystanie po艂膮cze艅 kszta艂towych do stworzenia szereg贸w takich element贸w dla potrzeb sprz臋tu rehabilitacyjnego w weterynarii.The paper presents results of research on the new concept of the use of biodegradable polylactide matrix composite with silver nanoparticles and natural particles for injected elements of rehabilitation equipment in veterinary medicine. The aim of this study was to develop a material that is stable, at a specific time and antibacterial, and during its use will be inherently biodegradable. The results indicate the possibility of using natural fillers to increase the stiffness of components and to accelerate degradation. At the end of the connection, the proposed use to create a series of such components for the purpose of rehabilitation equipment in veterinary medicine

    Biopolimer composites from part of rehabilitation equipment

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    W pracy oceniono mo偶liwo艣膰 wykorzystania nowych biodegradowalnych biokompozyt贸w pochodzenia naturalnego nape艂nianych w艂贸knami lnu w ilo艣ci 10% masowo, jako materia艂贸w do wytwarzania element贸w jednorazowych na potrzeby sprz臋tu rehabilitacyjnego. Oceniono podstawowe w艂a艣ciwo艣ci wytrzyma艂o艣ciowe oraz wp艂yw procesu biodegradacji hydrolitycznej w roztworze soli fizjologicznej na badane w艂a艣ciwo艣ci. Zaproponowano zastosowanie biokompozyt贸w jako materia艂贸w do wytwarzania element贸w jednorazowego u偶ytku dla sprz臋tu medycznego i rehabilitacyjnego w miejsce dotychczas u偶ywanego polistyrenu czy kompozyt贸w polipropylenu.The study estimates the possibility of using new biodegradable biocomposites filled with 10 wt% flax fibers as materials for disposable parts of rehabilitation equipment production. Basic mechanical properties and the influence of hydrolytic degradation process in physiological saline on tensile test properties are analyzed. Application of biocomposites for disposable parts of rehabilitation and medical equipment instead of commonly used polystyrene or polypropylene is proposed in the article

    The effects of an early intrahospital rehabilitation on weight bearing during lower extremity lengthening with Ilizarov`s Method

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    Purpose : Exerting axial pressure on the affected lower limb remains one of the most crucial elements of Ilizarov method . Objective was to determine the effects of an early intrahospital rehabilitation on weight bearing during lower extremity lengthening with Ilizarov`s Method. Methods: Study included 15 patients who underwent lower limb lengthening. The patients were tested on the third day after surgery using the pedobarographic platform. The tests were performed four times in the standing position:twice with the support of forearm crutches and twice without crutches. Patients were asked to either remain in the relaxed standing position(two tests) or use the lower limb equipped with Ilizarov apparatus to support the body weight(two tests). Results: In relaxed stance average pressure with forearm crutches was 24.1% for affected limb, as compared to 75.9% for the healthy limb. In test without forearm crutches average pressure for affected limb was 26.1%, as compared to 73.9% for the healthy limb. Patients shifted body weight to the affected limb with forearm crutches on average, at the rate of 53.6% . In test without forearm crutches the affected limb was supporting the body weight at the rate of 48.26%. None of the patients was able to fully support the body weight on the affected leg. Conclusions: In spite of strict physiotherapy regimen,patients are, neither able to equally distribute their body weight between the two lower limbs ,nor to shift their body weight to the limb equipped with Ilizarov apparatus

    The changes of the superficial body temperature after short-term application and removal of elastic tape used in kinesiotaping

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    Termografia jest metod膮 diagnostyczn膮 stosowan膮 w bezinwazyjnej rejestracji i wizualizacji rozk艂adu temperatur na powierzchni cia艂a. Dzi臋ki termografii mo偶liwa jest m.in. ocena przeci膮偶e艅 treningowych u sportowc贸w oraz analiza termicznej reakcji tkanek mi臋kkich na mechaniczne odkszta艂canie. Celem pracy by艂a analiza zmian powierzchniowej temperatury cia艂a po kr贸tkotrwa艂ej aplikacji i usuni臋ciu elastycznego plastra stosowanego w kinesiotapingu. Mia艂o to pos艂u偶y膰 okre艣leniu metody usuwania plastra, kt贸ra najmniej wp艂ywa na wzrost powierzchniowej temperatury cia艂a. W badaniu uczestniczy艂o 47 os贸b, kt贸rych 艣rednie BMI (Body Mass Index) wynios艂o 20,85 kg/m2. Pomiary wykonywano pi臋ciokrotnie: przed aplikacj膮 plastr贸w (badanie 1), zaraz po odklejeniu plastra (badanie 2), 10 sekund (badanie 3), 30 sekund (badanie 4) i 60 sekund (badanie 5) po odklejeniu plastra. W badaniach wykorzystano elastyczny plaster Kinesio Tex oraz sztywny plaster marki Omnifix. Analiza zmian rozk艂adu temperatury powierzchni cia艂a w zale偶no艣ci od metody usuwania plastra (metoda szybka i wolna) w wi臋kszo艣ci przypadk贸w nie wykaza艂a istotnych statystycznie r贸偶nic. Zanotowano istotnie statystycznie ni偶sz膮 temperatur臋 badanej okolicy cia艂a po usuni臋ciu plastra Kinesio Tex, w por贸wnaniu z plastrem sztywnym.Thermography is a noninvasive diagnostic method applied in detection and visualization of superficial body temperature distribution. It is helpful in detection of sport overloads and the analysis of thermal reaction of soft tissues on mechanical deformation. The objective of this study was to analyze the changes of superficial body temperature after short-term application and removal of elastic tape used in kinesiotaping. The analysis was performed to define a method of such tape removal which would cause the minimal increase of superficial body temperature. The study included 47 students, with mean BMI (Body Mass Index): 20,85 kg/m2. The measurements were taken 5 times: before plaster application (1st measurement), after plaster removal (2nd measurement), after: 10 seconds (3rd measurement); 30 seconds (4th measurement) and 60 seconds (5th measurement) of plaster removal. The elastic plaster Kinesio Tex and stiff Omnifix plaster, were applied. The analysis of superficial body temperatures changes, depending on applied method of plaster removal (slowly and quickly), in most cases did not reveal statistically significant differences. The examination of body surface temperature distribution revealed the statistically significant lower temperature of measured area after removal of Kinesio Tex plaster, comparing to stiff plaster

    The influence of kinesiology taping on the temperature distribution within the rectus abdominis muscle area - preliminary report

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    Wst臋p: Kinesiology taping to efektywna metoda terapii, kt贸ra wspomaga procesy samodzielnej regeneracji organizmu. Jest niewiele publikacji na temat tej formy terapii. Celem pracy by艂a ocena wp艂ywu plastra Kinesio Tex na rozk艂ad temperatury okolicy mi臋艣nia prostego brzucha. Materia艂 i metoda: W badaniu uczestniczy艂y 32 kobiety, (艣rednia wieku 22 lata 卤 2,21), BMI<23. Rejestracji termowizyjnej dokonano trzykrotnie (przed aplikacj膮 plastra, zaraz po aplikacji i w pi膮tej dobie po aplikacji - przed 艣ci膮gni臋ciem plastra) zgodnie z procedur膮 Europejskiego Towarzystwa Termowizyjnego. Zdj臋cia rejestrowano w pozycji stoj膮cej, przy odwiedzionych ko艅czynach g贸rnych powy偶ej k膮ta 45掳. W badaniu zastosowano aplikacj臋 mi臋艣niow膮 typu I na mi臋sie艅 prosty brzucha po obu stronach p臋pka. Wyniki: Poziom ciep艂oty po obu stronach p臋pka w okolicy plastra by艂 r贸wnomierny. Nie wykazano istotnych statystycznie r贸偶nic (p < 0,05) mi臋dzy wynikami we wszystkich trzech badaniach. Wnioski: Zastosowanie plastra nie wp艂ywa na zmian臋 temperatury cia艂a w okolicy mi臋艣nia prostego brzucha tu偶 po naklejeniu plastra i w pi膮tej dobie po jego zastosowaniu. Plaster posiada w艂a艣ciwo艣ci izolacyjne, co nie pozwala na ocen臋 rozk艂adu temperatury w miejscu aplikacji plastra.Background: Kinesiology taping is an effective therapeutic method, which supports natural processes of body regeneration. There are not many publications devoted to this form of therapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of Kinesio Tex sticking plaster on the temperature distribution in the area of rectus abdominis muscle. Material and method: The examination group included 32 women, average age 22 years 卤 2,21, BMI not exceeding 23. The thermograms were recorded three times, before and just after plaster application, as well as after five days - before taking off the plaster. The thermal images were recorded in the standing position, with upper limbs uplifted at the angle of 45掳. The application type I on rectus abdominis muscle area, on both sides of the navel, was examined. Results: The temperature distribution on both sides of the navel, within the plaster area, was equal. There were no statistically significant differences (p < 0,05) between the results in all three examinations