46 research outputs found


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    Purpose: to analyze the personnel potential of doctors and paramedical personnel of primary health care centers of Zaporizhzhia region. Materials and Methods. Selection of data of relatively actual and regular quantity of doctors and middle medical personnel is conducted for period 2015–2017 in 32 centers of primary health care of the Zaporizhzhia area (general totality), their age structure, experience of work on speciality, presence of category. For realization of comparative analysis in a dynamics by means of the program Statistic 10.0 relative and middle sizes were expected. The estimation of authenticity of difference of the obtained data in the different groups of supervision and verification of null-hypothesis came true by the calculation of criterion of accordance χ2. Results and Discussion. It was established that in 2017 the staffing of family doctors in Zaporizhzhia region averaged 66.1 %, almost every third from them attained retirement age, or has age to 45, that is a positive achievement for the last decade. Without regard majority of both doctors of primary link and middle medical personnel have experience of work 10 over, large one third of all working does not have a qualifying category, and once in 5 years the courses of internship pass on speciality with the purpose for work in the system of health protection, that testifies to absence to motivation to the increase of level almost every third from them attained retirement age, or has age 45 to, that is a positive achievement for the last decade. Without regard to circumstance that swingeing majority of both doctors of primary link and middle medical personnel of having qualifications in future can influence on quality of medicare. The change of legal form of work of establishments of health protection, that render primary medical care in Zaporizhzhia region, resulted in mirror changes in loading on doctors on administrative-territorial principle on the end of 2019; increase of quantity of doctors on the cities of area and reduction in rural locality, but there is their amount fully provides experience of work 10 over, large one third of all working does not have a qualifying category, and once in 5 years of internship pass on speciality with the purpose of continuation of work in the system of health protection, that testifies to absence to motivation to the increase of level. Conclusions. The need has been established for both increasing the staffing level of primary care physicians, especially in rural areas, and the motivation to have the corresponding qualification categories of work experience among practicing physicians.Мета: провести аналіз кадрового потенціалу лікарів і середнього медичного персоналу центрів первинної медико-санітарної допомоги Запорізької області. Матеріали і методи. Проведено викопіювання даних щодо фактичної та штатної чисельності лікарів і середнього медичного персоналу за період 2015–2017 рр. у 32 центрах первинної медико-санітарної допомоги Запорізької області (генеральна сукупність), їх вікова структура, стаж роботи за спеціальністю, наявність категорії. Для проведення порівняльного аналізу в динаміці нами за допомогою програми Statistic 10.0 розраховано відносні та середні величини. Оцінку достовірності різниці отриманих даних у різних групах спостереження та перевірку нульової гіпотези здійснювали шляхом розрахунку критерію відповідності хі-квадрат (χ2). Результати. Встановлено, що в 2017 р. укомплектованість сімейними лікарями по Запорізькій області в середньому становила 66,1 %, майже кожен третій з них досяг пенсійного віку або має вік до 45 років, що є позитивним досягненням за останнє десятиріччя. Незважаючи на той факт, що більшість як лікарів первинної ланки, так і середнього медичного персоналу мають стаж роботи понад 10 років, третина всіх працюючих не мають кваліфікаційної категорії, а один раз на 5 років проходять курси стажування за фахом із метою продовження роботи в системі охорони здоров’я, що свідчить про відсутність мотивації до підвищення рівня кваліфікації і в подальшому може вплинути на якість медичної допомоги. Зміна організаційно-правової форми роботи закладів охорони здоров’я, що надають первинну медичну допомогу в Запорізькій області, призвела до дзеркальних змін у навантаженні на лікарів за адміністративно-територіальним принципом на кінець 2019 р.: збільшення чисельності лікарів по містах області та зменшення в сільській місцевості, але наявна їх кількість повністю забезпечує потребу по області, навіть залишається в наявності резерв щодо підписання декларацій з населенням або поступового заміщення тих, хто досяг пенсійного віку. Висновки. Встановлено потребу як у підвищенні рівня кадрового укомплектування лікарями первинної ланки, особливо в сільській місцевості, так і в мотивації мати відповідні кваліфікаційні категорії до стажу роботи і серед практикуючих лікарів, і серед середнього медичного персоналу

    Patient routing and process approach implementation for regional oncology service

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    Background. Cancer care involves a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment of patients. A complex interaction of actors in the deployment of oncology services dictates usage of modern management technologies for improving the quality and efficiency of patient care through processes optimisation.Objectives. Provision of recommendations for patient routing based on research into the oncology service inter-level information exchange, integration of the process approach and electronic services. The lack of a unified information space with a regional oncology service has been explained. Measures are proposed for the patient routing optimisation as part of establishing a unified digital oncology service circuit.Methods. The oncology service was effectively remodelled through functional and information engineering of electronic services and the process management integration to establish a horizontal decision flow between facilities and employees on a process level bypassing the supervisor coordination. Statistical approaches were used to analyse the oncological patient population.Results. The following electronic services have been implemented: specialised patient referral routing, telemedicine and teleradiology. A comprehensive information framework has been created comprising medical, laboratory and radiological information subsystems integrated through regional electronic services of the unified state healthcare information platform. The goals, objectives, general principles, architecture and expected social economic impact on healthcare of Krasnodar Krai have been defined.Conclusion. Use of electronic services ensures an improved quality of specialised care and effective routing of patients. We perceive prospects of the integrated information platform in the extension and improvement of its subsystems’ functionality and content, sourcing more data providers and the circuit expansion to the federal and regional levels

    Comparative effects of different supplemented dietary doses of chlorophyll on blood parameters of experimental male rats

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    Abstract Chlorophylls are organic pigments that are a part of our daily diet, particularly in light of the increased popularity of more eco-friendly and healthy practices. Since altering oxidative equilibrium seems to be connected to the emergence of numerous illnesses, the antioxidant capacities of both groups of lipophilic compounds have been studied. The objective was to evaluate adding dietary chlorophyll at two concentrations—30 and 60 mg/ml—would improve blood characteristics in rats. Supplemented dietary chlorophyll showed significantly increased WBCs, RBCs, granulocytes, lymphocytes, HGB, HCT MCHC, and Platelets. it nonsignificant effect on RDW, MPV, and Eosinophil. These findings support a significant rise in critical hematological parameters at two separate time intervals, 14 and 28 days following dietary chlorophyll supplementation, at dosages of 30 and 60 mg/ml. After 30 and 60 mg/ml, platelet count, PCT, lymphocytes, and monocytes substantially (p0.001) rose. In light of these findings, critical hematological indicators markedly rise in response to exogenous dietary chlorophyll. To strengthen blood parameters and enhance blood features and prevent anemia, dietary chlorophyll is advised

    Computational geometry analysis of dendritic spines by structured illumination microscopy

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    We are currently short of methods that can extract objective parameters of dendritic spines useful for their categorization. Authors present in this study an automatic analytical pipeline for spine geometry using 3D-structured illumination microscopy, which can effectively extract many geometrical parameters of dendritic spines without bias and automatically categorize spine population based on their morphological feature

    Cellular and Network Contributions to Excitability of Layer 5 Neocortical Pyramidal Neurons in the Rat

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    There is a considerable gap between investigating the dynamics of single neurons and the computational aspects of neural networks. A growing number of studies have attempted to overcome this gap using the excitation in brain slices elicited by various chemical manipulations of the bath solution. However, there has been no quantitative study on the effects of these manipulations on the cellular and network factors controlling excitability. Using the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique we recorded the membrane potential from the soma of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in acute brain slices from the somatosensory cortex of young rats at 22°C and 35°C. Using blockers of synaptic transmission, we show distinct changes in cellular properties following modification of the ionic composition of the artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF). Thus both cellular and network changes may contribute to the observed effects of slice excitation solutions on the physiology of single neurons. Furthermore, our data suggest that the difference in the ionic composition of current standard ACSF from that of CSF measured in vivo cause ACSF to depress network activity in acute brain slices. This may affect outcomes of experiments investigating biophysical and physiological properties of neurons in such preparations. Our results strongly advocate the necessity of redesigning experiments routinely carried out in the quiescent acute brain slice preparation