114 research outputs found

    Kemampuan Manajerial Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru Di Smk Negeri 1 Lhoksukon, Kabupaten Aceh Utara

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    : Managerial competence of principal can improve the performance of teachers in order to improve the quality of education. The purpose of this study was to determine the program planning, implementation and follow-up of managerial competence of principal in State Vocational High School 1 of Lhoksukon in Aceh Utara Regency. This study used a qualitative approach and descriptive method. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview and documentation study. The subjects of this study were principal, vice principal, teachers, school committee and school treasurer. The results of this study showed that: (1) Program planning of managerial competence of the principal was developing programs to improve teacher performance. (2) The program was implemented by improving teacher performance through provision of awards, opportunities, challenges, empowerment and high responsibility development. (3) The follow-up of the program was the establishment of open and democratic communication between the principal and the school personnel

    Kemampuan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Pelaksanaan Supervisi Pengajaran Di SD Negeri 24 Banda Aceh

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    Teaching supervision is one of the efforts to improve teacher professionalism. The purpose of this study was to find out how the teaching supervision program, teaching supervision techniques, and supporting and inhibiting factor of the implementation of teaching supervision of principal were. This study used descriptive method and qualitative approach. Data were collected through interview, observation and documentation study. Subject of the study were principal, vice principal and teachers. The result showed that: (1) Learning supervision program prepared by principal including planning, scheduling, supervision model, supervision clues, feedback and follow up implementation. In the implementation, principal examine learning administration instrument such as syllabus, lesson plan, teaching and learning process, annual program, semester program, effective week, question item analysis. (2) Teaching supervision techniques was conducted by class visiting, class observation, individual talk, teacher meeting, and assigning the teachers for training, upgrading, and educational seminar. (3) Supporting factor of teaching supervision implementation were teacher readiness to be coached by the principal, the establishment of good relationship in school environment, in addition the principal can monitor the teachers' teaching development or achievement. Therefore, the principal would now which teachers were successful and which teachers needed further coaching in teaching. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factor in the implementation of teaching supervision was the limited time due to the busyness of principal inside and outside of the school

    Manajemen Kurikulum Program Studi Pendidikan Sendratasik Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Syiah Kuala

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    : The management curriculum is a very important factor for any educational institution to support the success of the educational program. This research aims to study, observe and describe the curriculum management FKIP Unsyiah Sendratasik Education, include: 1) The process of curriculum planning; 2) Implementation of the curriculum; and 3) Evaluation of the curriculum. This study used a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview and documentation. Subjects in this study maids Dean, Chairman and Secretary Prodi Sendratasik, lecturers and students. The results showed that the management education curriculum Prodi Sendratasik include: 1) The Curriculum education Sendratasik Unsyiah was referring to the Malang University Sendratasik Curriculum. The curriculum planning process, conducted according to the provisions and regulations of the department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UNSYIAH. 2) The implementation of the entire learning program based on the vision, mission, and goals are already running but has not yet been fullest. Implementation of the curriculum include: lesson planning, lesson implementation, and evaluation of learning, has been running well and all the activities run in accordance with the academic calendar, but it still faces various problems due to infrastructure inadequate.3) Evaluation of the curriculum is done every end of the semester, the curriculum revision is done periodically when needed. Education study program curriculum Sendratasik imposed four curriculum structure that is not in accordance with the nomenclature of Higher Education, is considered less effective relevance to junior high / high school curriculum as well as the application of the four structures are not supported by adequate human resources

    Kompetensi Profesional Guru Dalam Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Bidangstudi IPS Pada SMP Kecamatan Jaya Baru Kota Banda Aceh

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    Pengelolaan pembelajaran terkait dengan upaya guru untuk menciptakan kondisi pembelajaran yang efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses penyusunan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi dan kendala dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran IPS di SMP Kecamatan Jaya Baru Kota Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif.Sumber data penelitian adalahkepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah bidang kurikulum dan guru IPS. Teknik Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; (1) Perencanaan pembelajaran diawali dengan pembagian tugas guru dan penyusunan jadwal kegiatan belajar mengajar pada awal tahun ajaran sekolah. Dokumen perencanaan pembelajaran IPS dimiliki oleh guru terdiri dari kelender pendidikan, program tahunan, program semester, program modul, program mingguan dan harian, program pengayaan dan remedial, program bimbingan dan konseling, pengembangan silabus dan RPP. Dalam hal ini guru dibolehkan mendownload program-program pembelajaran sekolah lain sebagai perbandingan, namun tidak melakukan plagiat, guru wajib memodifikasinya sesuai dengan kebutuhan lokal. (2) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran IPS dilaksanakan dengan alokasi waktu 4 jam tatap muka perminggu perkelas. Metode pembelajaran yang dominan dilakukan oleh guru adalah metode ceramah, tanya jawab,diskusi kelompok dan penugasan. Langkah-langkah pelaksanaan pembelajaran mencakup tiga kegiatan, yakni kegiatan awal, kegiatan inti dan kegiatan penutup (3) Evaluasi pembelajaran dilakukan dalam bentuk tes formatif dan sumatif. Materi tes disusun dalam bentuk soal essay dan pilihan berganda tanpa dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas terlebih dahulu. Pemberian skor dan nilai berdasarkan Penilaian Acuan Patokan. Program remedial dilaksanakan bagi siswa-siswa yang belum mencapai KKM (4) kendala bagi guru dalam mempersiapkan perangkat pembelajaran IPS; (a) kejenuhan dalam mengajar mengurangi motivasi guru terhadap improvisasi mutu pembelajaran, (b) guru IPS kurang mendapat bimbingan dan pelatihan, (c) media pembelajaran IPS sangat terbatas, (d) adanya persepsi bahwa pembelajaran IPS itu mudah dan kurang menarik. Kendala bagi guru dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran IPS adalah; (a) karakteristik siswa yang beragam menyebabkan pengendalian kelas kurang efektif, (b) kurang variatifnya metode pembelajaran menyebabkan kurang efektifnya penyampaian materi (c) kurang aktifnya situasi kelas disebabkan siswa kurang tertarik terhadap materi IP

    A general framework for improving electrocardiography monitoring system with machine learning

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    As one of the most important health monitoring systems, electrocardiography (ECG) is used to obtain information about the structure and functions of the human heart for detecting and preventing cardiovascular disease. Given its important role, it is vital that the ECG monitoring system provides relevant and accurate information about the heart. Over the years, numerous attempts were made to design and develop more effective ECG monitoring system. Nonetheless, the literature reveals not only several limitations in conventional ECG monitoring system but also emphasizes on the need to adopt new technology such as machine learning to improve the monitoring system as well as its medical applications. This paper reviews previous works on machine learning to explain its key features, capabilities as well as presents a general framework for improving ECG monitoring system

    Managing productivity in Universiti Malaysia Pahang: Rethinking the whom, which, what, and whose of productivity

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    Drawing on reviews of scholarly literature, this study suggests rethinking productivity in Universiti Malaysis Pahang (UMP) along four dimensions: the productivity of whom, productivity for which unit of analysis, productivity according to what functions, and productivity in whose interests. It offers principles for promoting enlightened discussion and pursuit of productivity of academic staff at UMP. In contrast to the dominant discussion, which emphasises focus, centralised standard measures, and accountability, the bias unfairness in this study is toward balance, decentralised diversity, and recalibration. Academic Differentiated Career Pathways (ADCAP) suggest the ideal is not for academic staff and faculties to produce to centrally managed objectives but for all individuals and units faculties to manage individually and collectively to design their work to improve their productivity along multiple dimensions

    Fuzzy Logic Controller Design for Intelligent Air-Conditioning System

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    Inefficient air cooling systems may cause of wasting energy in a great amount specially in the urban area. Being the most popular cooling system, air-conditioners have been used in domestic usage as well as in industrial applications. However, the unintelligent nature of such cooling system gives rise to excess energy consumption which causes a huge problem in the current energy hungry world. In this paper, we present design of a fuzzy logic controller for the intelligent air-conditioning system. The performance of the controller is also simulated. The proposed controller has the adaptive nature to control fan and compressor speed which leads to reducing power consumption. Also, the system controls the operation mode to retain the healthy oxygen level and humid condition of the indoor environment

    The Impact of the Frequency of 7,12- Dimethylbenz [á] Anthracene (Dmba) Administration on the Formation of Dysplasia and Squamous Cell Carcinoma on the Skin of Albino Mice

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    Introduction: Dosage and frequency of 7,12-dimethylbenz[á] anthracene (DMBA) com- pound exposure suspected to affect the rapid growth of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in albino mice. Objective: find out the impact of DMBA exposure to dysplasia and SCC formation on albino mice. Methods: Twenty-five albino mice were divided into five groups, namely: Group 1 is the control (acetone), group 2 is 5 albino mice given four times DMBA100 µg exposure for eight weeks, group 3 is 5 albino mice were given eight times DMBA100 µg exposure for eight weeks, group 4 is 5 albino mice were given twelve times DMBA100 µg exposure for eight weeks, and group 5 is 5 albino mice were given sixteen times DMBA 100 µg exposure for eight weeks. Histopathological examination were conducted to assess histopathological feature including inflammation, dysplasia, and SCC. Results: There is a significant effect of the frequency of DMBA exposure to the clinical figure and against histopathological feature of the skin albino mice.Conclusions: Dosage and fre- quency of DMBA exposure affect the occurence of dysplasia and SCC, which are in- creasingly being DMBA exposure will accelerate the growth of SCC. The frequency of the most widely pose a SCC in DMBA 100 µg sixteen times exposure group, twice a week for eight weeks

    Comparison of Total Antioxidant Capacity and Cd-4 in Patients with HIV Stage I and Stage IV

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    Introduction: The role of Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) is the cumulative effect of all the antioxidants found in the blood and body fluids. Objective: to know the total antioxidant status in patients with HIV and CD4 stage I and stage IV. Methods: Thirty-four patients with HIV who are divided into two groups, one was HIV patients with stage I and group 2 was HIV patients with stage IV. Checking of total antioxidant status and CD4 in both groups. Results: There was no significant difference in total antioxidant status in HIV oenderita stage I and stage IV. There are significant differences in the levels of CD4 HIV patients with stage I and stage IV. There is a relationship between total antioxidant status and CD4 in patients with HIV. Conclusion: the higher the CD4 count, the higher the total antioxidant capacity in patients with HIV

    Algoritma Strategi Untuk Menghindari Rintangan Pada Robot Sepak Bola

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    Robot sepak bola merupakan domain yang menarik untuk di kaji pada bidang robot otonom oleh para peneliti dan mahasiswa. Namun demikian untuk pengembangan (penulisan program, pengujian, dan debugging) robot dalam domain tersebut merupakan tugas yang tidak mudah. Makalah ini berkonsentrasi pada pengembangan posisi dan algoritma untuk menghindari rintangan pada robot sepak bola. Pada tahapan ini dikembangkan strategi dalam robot sepak bola seperti pergerakan dasar, tendangan ke arah gawang, dan pergerakan penjaga gawang. Formulasi yang digunakan untuk memposisikan dan menghindari rintangan pada robot sepak bola didasarkan pada pendekatan matematik. Formula ini dipergunakan untuk memastikan bahwa gerakan robot adalah tepat dan sesuai pada sasaran. Kecepatan pergerakan robot dihitung untuk mengatur ketepatan robot dalam menghindari rintangan yang ada. Teori mengenai pengaturan posisi dan koordinat robot (x,y) digunakan untuk menemukan rintangan dan menghindarinya. Penelitian ini mempergunakan simulasi dan pengujian untuk mengevaluasi penerapan algoritma yang dibuat. Fungsi untuk menendang, pergerakan obyek, dan menghindari rintangan telah berhasil dilaksanakan. Hasil yang didapatkan dapat dipergunakan sebagai bagian strategi dalam kompetisi robot sepak bola secara keseluruhan
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