3,879 research outputs found

    Geochemistry of K/T boundaries in India and contributions of Deccan volcanism

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    Three possible Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary sections in the Indian subcontinent were studied for their geochemical and fossil characteristics. These include two marine sections of Meghalaya and Zanskar and one continental section of Nagpur. The Um Sohryngkew river section of Meghalaya shows a high iridium, osmium, iron, cobalt, nickel and chromium concentration in a 1.5 cm thick limonitic layer about 30 cm below the planktonic Cretaceous-Palaeocene boundary identified by the characteristic fossils. The Bottaccione and Contessa sections at Gubbio were also analyzed for these elements. The geochemical pattern at the boundary at the Um Sohryngkew river and Gubbio sections are similar but the peak concentrations and the enrichment factors are different. The biological boundary is not as sharp as the geochemical boundary and the extinction appears to be a prolonged process. The Zanskar section shows, in general, similar concentration of the siderophile, lithophile and rare earth elements but no evidence of enrichment of siderophiles has so far been observed. The Takli section is a shallow inter-trappean deposit within the Deccan province, sandwiched between flow 1 and flow 2. The geochemical stratigraphy of the inter-trappeans is presented. The various horizons of ash, clay and marl show concentration of Fe and Co, generally lower than the adjacent basalts. Two horizons of slight enrichment of iridium are found within the ash layers, one near the contact of flow 1 and other near the contact of flow 2, where iridium occurs at 170 and 260 pg/g. These levels are lower by a factor of 30 compared to Ir concentration in the K/T boundary in Meghalaya section. If the enhanced level of some elements in a few horizons of the ash layer are considered as volcanic contribution by some fractionation processes than the only elements for which it occurs are REE, Ir and possibly Cr

    Relation between geometric phases of entangled bi-partite systems and their subsystems

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    This paper focuses on the geometric phase of entangled states of bi-partite systems under bi-local unitary evolution. We investigate the relation between the geometric phase of the system and those of the subsystems. It is shown that (1) the geometric phase of cyclic entangled states with non-degenerate eigenvalues can always be decomposed into a sum of weighted non-modular pure state phases pertaining to the separable components of the Schmidt decomposition, though the same cannot be said in the non-cyclic case, and (2) the geometric phase of the mixed state of one subsystem is generally different from that of the entangled state even by keeping the other subsystem fixed, but the two phases are the same when the evolution operator satisfies conditions where each component in the Schmidt decomposition is parallel transported

    Is Our Model for Contention Resolution Wrong?

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    Randomized binary exponential backoff (BEB) is a popular algorithm for coordinating access to a shared channel. With an operational history exceeding four decades, BEB is currently an important component of several wireless standards. Despite this track record, prior theoretical results indicate that under bursty traffic (1) BEB yields poor makespan and (2) superior algorithms are possible. To date, the degree to which these findings manifest in practice has not been resolved. To address this issue, we examine one of the strongest cases against BEB: nn packets that simultaneously begin contending for the wireless channel. Using Network Simulator 3, we compare against more recent algorithms that are inspired by BEB, but whose makespan guarantees are superior. Surprisingly, we discover that these newer algorithms significantly underperform. Through further investigation, we identify as the culprit a flawed but common abstraction regarding the cost of collisions. Our experimental results are complemented by analytical arguments that the number of collisions -- and not solely makespan -- is an important metric to optimize. We believe that these findings have implications for the design of contention-resolution algorithms.Comment: Accepted to the 29th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2017

    Cosmic dust in the stratosphere

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    Balloonborne sampling technique for stratospheric collection of cosmic dus

    Geographical inequalities in health in a time of austerity: Baseline findings from the Stockton-on-Tees cohort study

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    Stockton-on-Tees has the highest geographical inequalities in health in England with the life expectancy at birth gap between the most and deprived neighbourhoods standing at over 17 years for men and 11 years for women. In this study, we provide the first detailed empirical examination of this geographical health divide by: estimating the gap in physical and general health (as measured by EQ. 5D, EQ. 5D-VAS and SF8PCS) between the most and least deprived areas; using a novel statistical technique to examining the causal role of compositional and contextual factors and their interaction; and doing so in a time of economic recession and austerity. Using a stratified random sampling technique, individual-level survey data was combined with secondary data sources and analysed using multi-level models with 95% confidence intervals obtained from nonparametric bootstrapping. The main findings indicate that there is a significant gap in health between the two areas, and that compositional level material factors, contextual factors and their interaction appear to be the major explanations of this gap. Contrary to the dominant policy discourse in this area, individual behavioural and psychosocial factors did not make a significant contribution towards explaining health inequalities in the study area. The findings are discussed in relation to geographical theories of health inequalities and the context of austerity

    High iridium concentration of alkaline rocks of Deccan and implications to K/T boundary

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    We report here an unusually high concentration of iridium in some alkali basalts and alkaline rocks of Deccan region having an age of about 65Ma, similar to the age of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. The alkali basalts of Anjar, in the western periphery of Deccan province, have iridium concentration as high as 178pg/g whereas the alkaline rocks and basalts associated with the Amba Dongar carbonatite complex have concentrations ranging between 8 and 80 pg/g. Some of these values are more than an order of magnitude higher than the concentration in the tholeiitic basalts of Deccan, indicating the significance of alkaline magmatism in the iridium inventory at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. Despite higher concentration, their contribution to the global inventory of iridium in the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary clays remains small. The concentration of iridium in fluorites from Amba Dongar was found to be <30 pg/g indicating that iridium is not incorporated during their formation in hydrothermal activity

    Topological properties of Berry's phase

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    By using a second quantized formulation of level crossing, which does not assume adiabatic approximation, a convenient formula for geometric terms including off-diagonal terms is derived. The analysis of geometric phases is reduced to a simple diagonalization of the Hamiltonian in the present formulation. If one diagonalizes the geometric terms in the infinitesimal neighborhood of level crossing, the geometric phases become trivial for any finite time interval TT. The topological interpretation of Berry's phase such as the topological proof of phase-change rule thus fails in the practical Born-Oppenheimer approximation, where a large but finite ratio of two time scales is involved.Comment: 9 pages. A new reference was added, and the abstract and the presentation in the body of the paper have been expanded and made more precis