195 research outputs found

    A novel S-sulfhydrated human serum albumin preparation suppresses melanin synthesis

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    Products of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) stimulate melanin synthesis. Reactive sulfur species (RSS) have been shown to have strong ROS and NO scavenging effects. However, the instability and low retention of RSS limit their use as inhibitors of melanin synthesis. The free thiol at Cys34 on human serum albumin (HSA) is highly stable, has a long retention and possess a high reactivity for RSS. We report herein on the developm ent of an HSA based RSS delivery system. Sulfane sulfur derivatives released from sodium polysulfides (Na 2 S n ) react readily with HSA. An assay for estimating the elimination of sulfide from polysulfide showed that almost all of the sulfur released from Na 2 S n bound to HSA. The Na 2 S n -treated HSA was found to efficiently scavenge ROS and NO produced from chemical reagents. The Na 2 S n -treated HSA was also found to inhibit melanin synthesis in B16 melanoma cells and this inhibition was independent of the number of added sulfur atoms. In B16 melanoma cells, the Na 2 S n -treated HSA also inhibited the levels of ROS and NO induced by UV radiation. Finally, the Na 2 S n -treated HSA inhibited melanin synthesis from L-DOPA and mushroom tyrosinase and suppressed the extent of aggregation of melanin pigments. These data suggest that Na 2 S n -treated HSA inhibits tyrosinase activity for melanin synthesis via two pathways; by directly inhibiting ROS signaling and by scavenging NO. These findings indicate that Na 2 S n -treated HSA has potential to be an attractive and effective candidate for use as a skin whitening agent

    Increased levels of ascorbic acid in the cerebrospinal fluid of cognitively intact patients with major depression: a preliminary study

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) in the elderly is a risk factor for dementia, but the precise biological basis remains unknown, hampering the search for novel biomarkers and treatments. In this study, we performed metabolomics analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from cognitively intact elderly patients (N = 28) with MDD and age- and gender-matched healthy controls (N = 18). The CSF levels of 177 substances were measured, while 288 substances were below the detection limit. Only ascorbic acid was significantly different, with higher levels in the MDD group at baseline. There were no correlations between CSF ascorbic acid levels and clinical variables in MDD patients at baseline. At the 3-year follow-up, there was no difference of CSF ascorbic acid levels between two groups. There was a negative correlation between CSF ascorbic acid and CSF amyloid-β42 levels in all subjects. However, there were no correlations between ascorbic acid and other biomarkers (e.g., amyloid-β40, total and phosphorylated tau protein). This preliminary study suggests that abnormalities in the transport and/or release of ascorbic acid might play a role in the pathogenesis of late-life depression

    Increased levels of ascorbic acid in the cerebrospinal fluid of cognitively intact elderly patients with major depression: a preliminary study

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) in the elderly is a risk factor for dementia, but the precise biological basis remains unknown, hampering the search for novel biomarkers and treatments. In this study, we performed metabolomics analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from cognitively intact elderly patients (N = 28) with MDD and age- and gender-matched healthy controls (N = 18). The CSF levels of 177 substances were measured, while 288 substances were below the detection limit. Only ascorbic acid was significantly different, with higher levels in the MDD group at baseline. There were no correlations between CSF ascorbic acid levels and clinical variables in MDD patients at baseline. At the 3-year follow-up, there was no difference of CSF ascorbic acid levels between the two groups. There was a negative correlation between CSF ascorbic acid and CSF amyloid-β42 levels in all subjects. However, there were no correlations between ascorbic acid and other biomarkers (e.g., amyloid-β40, total and phosphorylated tau protein). This preliminary study suggests that abnormalities in the transport and/or release of ascorbic acid might play a role in the pathogenesis of late-life depression

    Probing Microsecond Time Scale Dynamics in Proteins by Methyl 1H Carr−Purcell−Meiboom−Gill Relaxation Dispersion NMR Measurements. Application to Activation of the Signaling Protein NtrCr

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    To study microsecond processes by relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy, low power deposition and short pulses are crucial and encourage the development of experiments that employ H-1 Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) pulse trains. Herein, a method is described for the comprehensive study of microsecond to millisecond time scale dynamics of methyl groups in proteins, exploiting their high abundance and favorable relaxation properties. In our approach, protein samples are produced using [H-1, C-13]-D-glucose in similar to 100% D2O, which yields CHD2 methyl groups for alanine, valine, threonine, isoleucine, leucine, and methionine residues with high abundance, in an otherwise largely deuterated background. Methyl groups in such samples can be sequence-specifically assigned to near completion, using C-13 TOCSY NMR spectroscopy, as was recently demonstrated (Often, R.; et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 2952-2960). In this Article, NMR pulse schemes are presented to measure H-1 CPMG relaxation dispersion profiles for CHD2 methyl groups, in a vein similar to that of backbone relaxation experiments. Because of the high deuteration level of methyl-bearing side chains, artifacts arising from proton scalar coupling during the CPMG pulse train are negligible, with the exception of Ile-delta 1 and Thr-gamma 2 methyl groups, and a pulse scheme is described to remove the artifacts for those residues. Strong C-13 scalar coupling effects, observed for several leucine residues, are removed by alternative biochemical and NMR approaches. The methodology is applied to the transcriptional activator NtrC(r), for which an inactive/active state transition was previously measured and the motions in the microsecond time range were estimated through a combination of backbone N-15 CPMG dispersion NMR spectroscopy and a collection of experiments to determine the exchange-free component to the transverse relaxation rate. Exchange contributions to the H-1 line width were detected for 21 methyl groups, and these probes were found to collectively report on a local structural rearrangement around the phosphorylation site, with a rate constant of (15.5 +/- 0.5) x 10(3) per second (i.e., tau(ex) = 64.7 +/- 1.9 mu s). The affected methyl groups indicate that, already before phosphorylation, a substantial, transient rearrangement takes place between helices 3 and 4 and strands 4 and 5. This conformational equilibrium allows the protein to gain access to the active, signaling state in the absence of covalent modification through a shift in a pre-existing dynamic equilibrium. Moreover, the conformational switching maps exactly to the regions that differ between the solution NMR structures of the fully inactive and active states. These results demonstrate that a cost-effective and quantitative study of protein methyl group dynamics by H-1 CPMG relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy is possible and can be applied to study functional motions on the microsecond time scale that cannot be accessed by backbone N-15 relaxation dispersion NMR. The use of methyl groups as dynamics probes extends such applications also to larger proteins

    High-resolution structure determination of the CylR2 homodimer using paramagnetic relaxation enhancement and structure-based prediction of molecular alignment

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    Structure determination of homooligomeric proteins by NMR spectroscopy is difficult due to the lack of chemical shift perturbation data, which is very effective in restricting the binding interface in heterooligomeric systems, and the difficulty of obtaining a sufficient number of intermonomer distance restraints. Here we solved the high-resolution solution structure of the 15.4 kDa homodimer CylR2, the regulator of cytolysin production from Enterococcus faecalis, which deviates by 1.1 Å from the previously determined X-ray structure. We studied the influence of different experimental information such as long-range distances derived from paramagnetic relaxation enhancement, residual dipolar couplings, symmetry restraints and intermonomer Nuclear Overhauser Effect restraints on the accuracy of the derived structure. In addition, we show that it is useful to combine experimental information with methods of ab initio docking when the available experimental data are not sufficient to obtain convergence to the correct homodimeric structure. In particular, intermonomer distances may not be required when residual dipolar couplings are compared to values predicted on the basis of the charge distribution and the shape of ab initio docking solutions

    The opposite effects of fluvoxamine and sertraline in the treatment of psychotic major depression: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Psychotic major depression is a clinical subtype of major depressive disorder. A number of clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of the combination of an antidepressant (for example, a tricyclic antidepressant or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)) and an atypical antipsychotic or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in treating psychotic major depression. In several studies, monotherapy of SSRIs such as fluvoxamine has been shown to be effective in the treatment of psychotic major depression.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We report on a 36-year-old Japanese woman in whom fluvoxamine (a SSRI with sigma-1 receptor agonist) and sertraline (a SSRI with sigma-1 receptor antagonist) showed the opposite effects on psychotic symptoms in the treatment of psychotic major depression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Symptoms of depression and psychosis in the patient who was non-respondent to antipsychotic drugs improved after fluvoxamine monotherapy. At 3 years later, a switch to sertraline from fluvoxamine dramatically worsened the psychotic symptoms in the patient. Then, a switch back to fluvoxamine from sertraline improved these symptoms 1 week after fluvoxamine treatment.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Doctors should consider the monotherapy of sigma-1 receptor agonist fluvoxamine as an alternative approach to treating psychotic major depression.</p

    Reduced Stability and Increased Dynamics in the Human Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) Relative to the Yeast Homolog

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    Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) is an essential factor for DNA replication and repair. PCNA forms a toroidal, ring shaped structure of 90 kDa by the symmetric association of three identical monomers. The ring encircles the DNA and acts as a platform where polymerases and other proteins dock to carry out different DNA metabolic processes. The amino acid sequence of human PCNA is 35% identical to the yeast homolog, and the two proteins have the same 3D crystal structure. In this report, we give evidence that the budding yeast (sc) and human (h) PCNAs have highly similar structures in solution but differ substantially in their stability and dynamics. hPCNA is less resistant to chemical and thermal denaturation and displays lower cooperativity of unfolding as compared to scPCNA. Solvent exchange rates measurements show that the slowest exchanging backbone amides are at the β-sheet, in the structure core, and not at the helices, which line the central channel. However, all the backbone amides of hPCNA exchange fast, becoming undetectable within hours, while the signals from the core amides of scPCNA persist for longer times. The high dynamics of the α-helices, which face the DNA in the PCNA-loaded form, is likely to have functional implications for the sliding of the PCNA ring on the DNA since a large hole with a flexible wall facilitates the establishment of protein-DNA interactions that are transient and easily broken. The increased dynamics of hPCNA relative to scPCNA may allow it to acquire multiple induced conformations upon binding to its substrates enlarging its binding diversity

    Selective 13C labeling of nucleotides for large RNA NMR spectroscopy using an E. coli strain disabled in the TCA cycle

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    Escherichia coli (E. coli) is an ideal organism to tailor-make labeled nucleotides for biophysical studies of RNA. Recently, we showed that adding labeled formate enhanced the isotopic enrichment at protonated carbon sites in nucleotides. In this paper, we show that growth of a mutant E. coli strain DL323 (lacking succinate and malate dehydrogenases) on 13C-2-glycerol and 13C-1,3-glycerol enables selective labeling at many useful sites for RNA NMR spectroscopy. For DL323 E. coli grown in 13C-2-glycerol without labeled formate, all the ribose carbon atoms are labeled except the C3′ and C5′ carbon positions. Consequently the C1′, C2′ and C4′ positions remain singlet. In addition, only the pyrimidine base C6 atoms are substantially labeled to ~96% whereas the C2 and C8 atoms of purine are labeled to ~5%. Supplementing the growth media with 13C-formate increases the labeling at C8 to ~88%, but not C2. Not unexpectedly, addition of exogenous formate is unnecessary for attaining the high enrichment levels of ~88% for the C2 and C8 purine positions in a 13C-1,3-glycerol based growth. Furthermore, the ribose ring is labeled in all but the C4′ carbon position, such that the C2′ and C3′ positions suffer from multiplet splitting but the C5′ position remains singlet and the C1′ position shows a small amount of residual C1′–C2′ coupling. As expected, all the protonated base atoms, except C6, are labeled to ~90%. In addition, labeling with 13C-1,3-glycerol affords an isolated methylene ribose with high enrichment at the C5′ position (~90%) that makes it particularly attractive for NMR applications involving CH2-TROSY modules without the need for decoupling the C4′ carbon. To simulate the tumbling of large RNA molecules, perdeuterated glycerol was added to a mixture of the four nucleotides, and the methylene TROSY experiment recorded at various temperatures. Even under conditions of slow tumbling, all the expected carbon correlations were observed, which indicates this approach of using nucleotides obtained from DL323 E. coli will be applicable to high molecular weight RNA systems

    Biomass production of site selective 13C/15N nucleotides using wild type and a transketolase E. coli mutant for labeling RNA for high resolution NMR

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    Characterization of the structure and dynamics of nucleic acids by NMR benefits significantly from position specifically labeled nucleotides. Here an E. coli strain deficient in the transketolase gene (tktA) and grown on glucose that is labeled at different carbon sites is shown to facilitate cost-effective and large scale production of useful nucleotides. These nucleotides are site specifically labeled in C1′ and C5′ with minimal scrambling within the ribose ring. To demonstrate the utility of this labeling approach, the new site-specific labeled and the uniformly labeled nucleotides were used to synthesize a 36-nt RNA containing the catalytically essential domain 5 (D5) of the brown algae group II intron self-splicing ribozyme. The D5 RNA was used in binding and relaxation studies probed by NMR spectroscopy. Key nucleotides in the D5 RNA that are implicated in binding Mg2+ ions are well resolved. As a result, spectra obtained using selectively labeled nucleotides have higher signal-to-noise ratio compared to those obtained using uniformly labeled nucleotides. Thus, compared to the uniformly 13C/15N-labeled nucleotides, these specifically labeled nucleotides eliminate the extensive 13C–13C coupling within the nitrogenous base and ribose ring, give rise to less crowded and more resolved NMR spectra, and accurate relaxation rates without the need for constant-time or band-selective decoupled NMR experiments. These position selective labeled nucleotides should, therefore, find wide use in NMR analysis of biologically interesting RNA molecules