206 research outputs found

    Pronomina Persona Dalam Novel Naifu Dan Terjemahannya Dalam Bahasa Indonesia

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    Pronouns are a type of word that replaces the noun or noun phrase. One of the personal pronouns to be discussed in this writing is personal pronouns. Demonstrative persona used to call or call someone who is known and not known while communicating at home, school, the office, and a public place in daily life. In addition, demonstrative can also serves as the identity speakers of if observed from talks spoken by speakers of it self. The Japan language prepositional pronouns have clear rules, in determining who is customarily wears the persona pronouns. The use of a personal pronoun based on social condition can be observed from the speakers ' speech is used when someone is communicating. The use of pronouns personal that is uttered by the Japan society, especially young people in conversation each day on a situation that is not official, such as at home, in the streets, in the parks and so forth when a familiar friend, boyfriend, friend, sibling. The use of pronouns persona is also often used in movies, anime, comics, plays, and so on. In Japanese language, demonstrative called by daimeishi, later the personal pronouns persona called ninshou daimeishi. Ninshou daimeishi grouped into three parts those are jishou or pronouns persona first, taishou or pronouns persona second, tashou or pronouns persona thir

    Anteseeden dan Konsekuensi dari Severity Of Other Customer Failure

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    The background of this research was to conduct a profound study of impact of other-customer failure The purpose of this paper is to investigate how and why other-customer misbehavior has a negative influence on customer satisfaction with the service firm.The objectives of this research was : (a) the effect of controllability to firm responsibility, (b) the effect of stability to firm responsibility, (c) the effect of firm responsibility to customer satisfaction, (d) the effect of firm responsibility to service recovery expectations, (e) the effect of service recovery expectations to customer satisfaction, (f) the effect of severity of other customer failure to service recovery expectations, (g) the effect of severity of other customer failure to customer satisfaction, (h) the effect of perceived employee effort to customer satisfaction.The design of this research applies a survey toward unit of analysis on hotels services by interview the customers for testing hypothesis. Meanwhile the required data consist of seventh variables which arecontrollability attributions, stability attributions, firm responsibility, service recovery expectation, severity of other customer failure, perceived employee effort and customer satisfaction. The aggregatenumbers of hotels guests being respondent of the study are 200. Data analysis used in this research was consists of Structural Equation Model Analysis by AMOS 6 as software.The result of this research conclude that controllability and stability attributions had an effect to firm responsibility, firm responsibility had an effect to service recovery expectations, severity of othercustomer failure had an effect to service recovery expactations, and perceived employee effort had an effect to customer satisfaction. Meanwhile firm responsibility had an effect to customer satisfaction,service recovery expectations had an effect terhadap customer satisfaction, severity of other customer failure had an effect to customer satisfaction

    Comparison Between Propolis and Celecoxib as Anti-inflammatory Agent in Rat with Knee Synovitis

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    Introduction. Synovitis is an inflammation occurs in a joint marked by an increase in macrophage numbers in synovium resulting in cartilago and bone destruction by production of fibroblasts. Administration of non-steroid anti inflammation drug (NSAID) in management of arthritis and synovitis has its own complications, including gastrointestinal and bleeding disorder. Propolis, a natural bee product, is recognized as one of traditional pain killers at knee joint pain containing flavonoid and caffeic acid phenolic esters (CAPE). Several studies show its anti-inflammation effect, but its effect compared to other NSAID is still unknown. Therefore the aim of the study is to compare Propolis and celecoxib anti-inflammation effect in rat with knee joint synovitis. Materials and Methods. In this experimental study, Wistar strain rats were used. They were divided into three groups. Each group were given peptidoglycan only, peptidoglycan followed by Propolis, and peptidoglycan followed by celecoxib. Scoring based on number of macrophages and synovitis degree were evaluated by immunohistochemistry CD 68 and HE staining. It was evaluated in day 1, 3, and 14. Those scores were collected and analyzed using ANOVA. Results. Increasing number of macrophages and synovitis degree for all groups occur on day 3 and continuously decreasing until day 14. There is a significant difference in number of macrophages between grup 1 and the other two groups on day 3 (p<0.05). It shows that there is an anti-inflammation effect of both propolis and celecoxib. On day 3 and 14, the number of macrophages in grup 2 were five times lower than grup 3. (p<0.05) Conclusions. Propolis anti-inflammation effect shows 4-5 folds stronger than celecoxib in knee joint synovitis

    Reward, Punishment dan Kinerja Karyawan pada Karyawan PT Bangun Beton Indonesia Cilegon

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Reward and Punisment on employee performance in the Marketing Department of PT. Build Indonesian Cilegon Concrete. Data was collected through a questionnaire method for 30 employees as respondents who worked in the Marketing Department of PT. Build Cilegon Indonesia Concrete, the sample uses saturated samples. The research method uses quantitative methods, while the data sources used are primary and secondary data. The data collection technique uses 2 methods, namely questionnaire and literature study. The test used is a test of validity, reliability, and classical assumptions, with the analysis used is multiple regression.Y \u27= -2,171 + 0,13 X1 + 0,93 X2+ eThe results of the analysis of getting the independent variables have a significant effect on the dependent variable. The t test is known that the Reward value is 11.949, this shows the Reward variable has a positive effect on the performance variable. The Punishment tcount value was 14,514 which showed that the Punishment variable had a positive effect on performance. F test is known that the Fcount value is 102.392, which indicates that the independent variables together affect the dependent variable. Determination coefficient analysis obtained a value of 0.884 which means that the magnitude of the relationship of the independent variable to the dependent variable is 88.4%, the remaining 11.6% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study

    Aplikasi Teknik Olah Reka Latar Dengan Tema Phobia Pada Produk Fashion

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    Phobia merupakan ketakutan yang irasional, sejenis gangguan kecemasan, dimana penderitanya mengalami ketakutan tanpa henti terhadap sebuah situasi, benda, atau tempat tertentu. Fobia dapat menyerang orang-orang dari berbagai usia, jenis kelamin, dan status sosial ekonomi, dan jumlah wanita yang terserang fobia lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan laki-laki. Fobia disebabkan oleh situasi tertentu, stres, pengalaman atau peristiwa menakutkan. Beberapa psikologi mengatakan bahwa sebuah gambar atau foto dapat menjadi sebuah terapi jika itu dapat menenangkan jiwa seseorang, mengekspresikan perasaan yang dialami, dan mengarahkan seseorang ke arah yang lebih baik dan bermanfaat. Untuk mengatasi fobia juga dapat dilakukan dengan terapi exposure, dimana para penderita fobia dihadapkan dengan objek ketakutan mereka sampai rasa takut itu sendiri perlahan menghilang. Dalam tugas akhir ini, eksplorasi yang akan dilakukan adalah dengan mengangkat berbagai jenis fobia yang diderita kebanyakan orang, lalu mengolah gambaran tersebut menjadi sebuah komposisi yang baru. Eksplorasi yang akan dilakukan mencakup berbagai teknik olah reka latar, diantaranya adalah teknik transfer printing, foiling, flocking, dan embroidery. Hasil eksplorasi tersebut diharapkan dapat memberikan tingkat Kenyamanan tertentu apda pemakainya dan dapat menjadi terapi bagi para penderita fobia. Selain sebagai terapi, produk yang merupakan hasil akhir dari eksplorasi ini dapat menjadi sebuah produk fashion yang unik bagi masayarakat umum

    Pengaruh Inflasi, Suku Bunga, Ukuran Reksa Dana, dan Umur Reksa Dana terhadap Kinerja Reksa Dana

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    This study aims to determine the significance of the effect of inflation, interest rates, equity fund size, and age of mutual fund shares in fund performance shares listed on the Indonesian stock exchange. This research was conducted at the company's equity funds. The sampling method used in this research is the method nonprobability sampling with purposive sampling technique, with the criteria of equity funds that the effective date of more than five years of trading. Based on these criteria obtained a sample of 20 companies. The data in this study using non-participant observation that retrieve data on the Stock Exchange Indonesia.Model analysis used is multiple linear regression with the finding that inflation negatively affect the performance of mutual fund shares, interest rates negatively affect the performance of mutual fund shares, the size of mutual funds positive effect on the stock performance of mutual fund shares, and age equity fund positively affects the performance of mutual fund shares

    Performansi Purifikasi Biogas Dengan KOH Based Absorbent

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    The absorpstion of CO2 is aimed to increase the methane gas fraction in biogas. Enhancing methane fraction hopefully will increase the total energy of the biogas it self. The purification process of biogas minimizing another elements maintains combustion, especially minimizing H2O, CO2, and H2S. The purification using KOH as the absorbent to decrease the CO2. The result shown that the content of CO2 decreased into 27% from 35.5%, the average content of CH4 increased from 18% to 48.5%. Increasing KOH composition decreases bubble generator diameter and mass flow

    Ameliorasi Iklim melalui Zonasi Hutan Kota berdasarkan Peta Sebaran Polutan Udara

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    Bandung regency is one of the cities with many environmental problems oc like other cities in Indonesia. These problems are the continues increasing the number and density of population, and the increasing increased industrial and transportation. On the other hard, the forest area and green open space in Bandung Regency continues to decline. This causes increased air pollution and air temperature. The problems can be sowed with micro climate reparation in Bandung regency using urban forest in order to improve the climate conditions (amelioration) efficiently and effectively
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