575 research outputs found

    Broadband Study of Gamma-Ray Blazars at Redshifts z=2.0−2.5z=2.0-2.5

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    High redshift blazars are among the most powerful non-explosive sources in the Universe and play a crucial role in understanding the evolution of relativistic jets. To understand these bright objects, we performed a detailed investigation of the multiwavelength properties of 79 γ\gamma-ray blazars with redshifts ranging from z = 2.0 to 2.5, using data from Fermi LAT, Swift XRT/UVOT, and NuSTAR observations. In the γ\gamma-ray band, the spectral analysis revealed a wide range of flux and photon indices, from 5.32×10−105.32 \times 10^{-10} to 3.40×10−73.40 \times 10^{-7} photons cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1} and from 1.66 to 3.15, respectively, highlighting the diverse nature of these sources. The detailed temporal analysis showed that flaring activities were observed in 31 sources. Sources such as 4C+71.07, PKS 1329-049, and 4C+01.02, demonstrated significant increase in the γ\gamma-ray luminosity and flux variations, reaching peak luminosity exceeding 105010^{50} erg s−1^{-1}. The temporal analysis extended to X-ray and optical/UV bands, showed clear flux changes in some sources in different observations. The time-averaged properties of high redshift blazars were derived through modeling the spectral energy distributions with a one-zone leptonic scenario, assuming the emission region is within the broad-line region (BLR) and the X-ray and γ\gamma-ray emissions are due to inverse Compton scattering of synchrotron and BLR-reflected photons. This modeling allowed us to constrain the emitting particle distribution, estimate the magnetic field inside the jet, and evaluate the jet luminosity, which is discussed in comparison with the disk luminosity derived from fitting the excess in the UV band.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The creation of quasigeoid model by local method in the territory of the Republic of Armenia

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    The structure of the State altitude network of the Republic of Armenia, the adjusted observational data, as well as the obtained results of the accuracy assessment have been studied. Taking into account the available geodetic data, equipments, financial capabilities and professional skills of specialists in the country, it was accepted to create a quasigeoid model by local method. In 2008 a quasigeoid model of the territory of the Republic of Armenia has been created with the accepted method. 2015- 2017 in order to update the model, the altitude points of quasigeoid were condensed. As a result, an updated model of quasigeoid was obtained. The value of estimated accuracy is up to 6 cm. Taking into account the current geopolitical situation of the Republic of Armenia, as well as the requirements of the instruction, it is proposed to make changes to the structure of the State altitude network of the RA and reobserve the I class levelling network according to the new project. This will provide basic geodetic altitude data, necessary for the development of the country's economy

    Distributed demand side management with battery storage for smart home energy scheduling

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    Abstract: The role of Demand Side Management (DSM) with Distributed Energy Storage (DES) has been gaining attention in recent studies due to the impact of the latter on energy management in the smart grid. In this work, an Energy Scheduling and Distributed Storage (ESDS) algorithm is proposed to be installed into the smart meters of Time-of-Use (TOU) pricing consumers possessing in-home energy storage devices. Source of energy supply to the smart home appliances was optimized between the utility grid and the DES device depending on energy tariff and consumer demand satisfaction information. This is to minimize consumer energy expenditure and maximize demand satisfaction simultaneously. The ESDS algorithm was found to offer consumer-friendly and utility-friendly enhancements to the DSM program such as energy, financial, and investment savings, reduced/eliminated consumer dissatisfaction even at peak periods, Peak-to-Average-Ratio (PAR) demand reduction, grid energy sustainability, socio-economic benefits, and other associated benefits such as environmental-friendliness

    Moderately Luminous type II Supernovae

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    Core-collapse Supernovae (CC-SNe) descend from progenitors more massive than about 8 Msun. Because of the young age of the progenitors, the ejecta may eventually interact with the circumstellar medium (CSM) via highly energetic processes detectable in the radio, X-ray, ultraviolet (UV) and, sometimes, in the optical domains. In this paper we present ultraviolet, optical and near infrared observations of five type II SNe, namely SNe 2009dd, 2007pk, 2010aj, 1995ad, and 1996W. Together with few other SNe they form a group of moderately luminous type II events. We collected photometry and spectroscopy with several telescopes in order to construct well-sampled light curves and spectral evolutions from the photospheric to the nebular phases. Both photometry and spectroscopy indicate a degree of heterogeneity in this sample. The light curves have luminous peak magnitudes (−16.95<MB<−18.70-16.95<M_{B}<-18.70). The ejected masses of ^56\ni for three SNe span a wide range of values (2.8×10−22.8\times10^{-2}Msun<<M(\ni)<1.4×10−1<1.4\times10^{-1}Msun), while for a fourth (SN2010aj) we could determine a stringent upper limit (7×10−37\times10^{-3}Msun). Clues of interaction, such as the presence of high velocity (HV) features of the Balmer lines, are visible in the photospheric spectra of SNe 2009dd and 1996W. For SN2007pk we observe a spectral transition from a type IIn to a standard type II SN. Modelling the observations of SNe 2009dd, 2010aj and 1995ad with radiation hydrodynamics codes, we infer kinetic plus thermal energies of about 0.2-0.5 foe, initial radii of 2-5×1013\times10^{13} cm and ejected masses of ∼\sim5.0-9.5 Msun. These values suggest moderate-mass, super-asymptotic giant branch (SAGB) or red super-giants (RSG) stars as SN precursors, in analogy with other luminous type IIP SNe 2007od and 2009bw.Comment: 28 pages, 27 fig, accepted by A&A, 3 pages of online material, abstract abridged. revised significantly with respect to the previous versio

    SN 2006gy: was it really extra-ordinary?

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    We present an optical photometric and spectroscopic study of the very luminous type IIn SN 2006gy for a time period spanning more than one year. In photometry, a broad, bright (M_R~-21.7) peak characterizes all BVRI light curves. Afterwards, a rapid luminosity fading is followed by a phase of slow luminosity decline between day ~170 and ~237. At late phases (>237 days), because of the large luminosity drop (>3 mag), only upper visibility limits are obtained in the B, R and I bands. In the near-infrared, two K-band detections on days 411 and 510 open new issues about dust formation or IR echoes scenarios. At all epochs the spectra are characterized by the absence of broad P-Cygni profiles and a multicomponent Halpha profile, which are the typical signatures of type IIn SNe. After maximum, spectroscopic and photometric similarities are found between SN 2006gy and bright, interaction-dominated SNe (e.g. SN 1997cy, SN 1999E and SN 2002ic). This suggests that ejecta-CSM interaction plays a key role in SN 2006gy about 6 to 8 months after maximum, sustaining the late-time-light curve. Alternatively, the late luminosity may be related to the radioactive decay of ~3M_sun of 56Ni. Models of the light curve in the first 170 days suggest that the progenitor was a compact star (R~6-8 10^(12)cm, M_ej~5-14M_sun), and that the SN ejecta collided with massive (6-10M_sun), opaque clumps of previously ejected material. These clumps do not completely obscure the SN photosphere, so that at its peak the luminosity is due both to the decay of 56Ni and to interaction with CSM. A supermassive star is not required to explain the observational data, nor is an extra-ordinarily large explosion energy.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures. Accepted by ApJ. Paper with high-resolution figures available at http://web.oapd.inaf.it/supern/sn2006gy_astroph/agnoletto_2006gy.pd

    Recent outburst of the young star V1180 Cas

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    We report on the ongoing outburst of the young variable V1180 Cas, which is known to display characteristics in common with EXor eruptive variables. We present results that support the scenario of an accretion-driven nature of the brightness variations of the object and provide the first evidence of jet structures around the source. We monitored the recent flux variations of the target in the Rc, J, H, and K bands. New optical and near-IR spectra taken during the current high state of V1180 Cas are presented, in conjunction with H2 narrow-band imaging of the source. Observed near-IR colour variations are analogous to those observed in EXors and consistent with excess emission originating from an accretion event. The spectra show numerous emission lines, which indicates accretion, ejection of matter, and an active disc. Using optical and near-IR emission features we derive a mass accretion rate of ~3 E-8 Msun/yr, which is an order of magnitude lower than previous estimates. In addition, a mass loss rate of ~4 E-9 and ~4 E-10 Msun/yr are estimated from atomic forbidden lines and H2, respectively. Our H2 imaging reveals two bright knots of emission around the source and the nearby optically invisible star V1180 Cas B, clearly indicative of mass-loss phenomena. Higher resolution observations of the detected jet will help to clarify whether V1180 Cas is the driving source and to determine the relation between the observed knots.Comment: Accepted as Letter in A&A; 4 pages, 3 figure

    Abundance trend with condensation temperature for stars with different Galactic birth places

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    During the past decade, several studies reported a correlation between chemical abundances of stars and condensation temperature (also known as Tc trend). However, the real astrophysical nature of this correlation is still debated. The main goal of this work is to explore the possible dependence of the Tc trend on stellar Galactocentric distances, Rmean. We used high-quality spectra of about 40 stars observed with the HARPS and UVES spectrographs to derive precise stellar parameters, chemical abundances, and stellar ages. A differential line-by-line analysis was applied to achieve the highest possible precision in the chemical abundances. We confirm previous results that [X/Fe] abundance ratios depend on stellar age and that for a given age, some elements also show a dependence on Rmean. When using the whole sample of stars, we observe a weak hint that the Tc trend depends on Rmean. The observed dependence is very complex and disappears when only stars with similar ages are considered. To conclude on the possible dependence of the Tc trend on the formation place of stars, a larger sample of stars with very similar atmospheric parameters and stellar ages observed at different Galactocentric distances is neededComment: Accepted by A&

    Odd Chromatic Number of Graph Classes

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