991 research outputs found

    Neptune at Summer Solstice: Zonal Mean Temperatures from Ground-Based Observations 2003-2007

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    Imaging and spectroscopy of Neptune's thermal infrared emission is used to assess seasonal changes in Neptune's zonal mean temperatures between Voyager-2 observations (1989, heliocentric longitude Ls=236) and southern summer solstice (2005, Ls=270). Our aim was to analyse imaging and spectroscopy from multiple different sources using a single self-consistent radiative-transfer model to assess the magnitude of seasonal variability. Globally-averaged stratospheric temperatures measured from methane emission tend towards a quasi-isothermal structure (158-164 K) above the 0.1-mbar level, and are found to be consistent with spacecraft observations of AKARI. This remarkable consistency, despite very different observing conditions, suggests that stratospheric temporal variability, if present, is ±\pm5 K at 1 mbar and ±\pm3 K at 0.1 mbar during this solstice period. Conversely, ethane emission is highly variable, with abundance determinations varying by more than a factor of two. The retrieved C2H6 abundances are extremely sensitive to the details of the T(p) derivation. Stratospheric temperatures and ethane are found to be latitudinally uniform away from the south pole (assuming a latitudinally-uniform distribution of stratospheric methane). At low and midlatitudes, comparisons of synthetic Voyager-era images with solstice-era observations suggest that tropospheric zonal temperatures are unchanged since the Voyager 2 encounter, with cool mid-latitudes and a warm equator and pole. A re-analysis of Voyager/IRIS 25-50 {\mu}m mapping of tropospheric temperatures and para-hydrogen disequilibrium suggests a symmetric meridional circulation with cold air rising at mid-latitudes (sub-equilibrium para-H2 conditions) and warm air sinking at the equator and poles (super-equilibrium para-H2 conditions). The most significant atmospheric changes are associated with the polar vortex (absent in 1989).Comment: 35 pages, 19 figures. Accepted for publication in Icaru

    Observation of Pure Spin Transport in a Diamond Spin Wire

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    Spin transport electronics - spintronics - focuses on utilizing electron spin as a state variable for quantum and classical information processing and storage. Some insulating materials, such as diamond, offer defect centers whose associated spins are well-isolated from their environment giving them long coherence times; however, spin interactions are important for transport, entanglement, and read-out. Here, we report direct measurement of pure spin transport - free of any charge motion - within a nanoscale quasi 1D 'spin wire', and find a spin diffusion length ~ 700 nm. We exploit the statistical fluctuations of a small number of spins (N\sqrt{N} < 100 net spins) which are in thermal equilibrium and have no imposed polarization gradient. The spin transport proceeds by means of magnetic dipole interactions that induce flip-flop transitions, a mechanism that can enable highly efficient, even reversible, pure spin currents. To further study the dynamics within the spin wire, we implement a magnetic resonance protocol that improves spatial resolution and provides nanoscale spectroscopic information which confirms the observed spin transport. This spectroscopic tool opens a potential route for spatially encoding spin information in long-lived nuclear spin states. Our measurements probe intrinsic spin dynamics at the nanometre scale, providing detailed insight needed for practical devices which seek to control spin.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, under consideration at Nature Nanotechnolog

    Logarithmic growth dynamics in software networks

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    In a recent paper, Krapivsky and Redner (Phys. Rev. E, 71 (2005) 036118) proposed a new growing network model with new nodes being attached to a randomly selected node, as well to all ancestors of the target node. The model leads to a sparse graph with an average degree growing logarithmically with the system size. Here we present compeling evidence for software networks being the result of a similar class of growing dynamics. The predicted pattern of network growth, as well as the stationary in- and out-degree distributions are consistent with the model. Our results confirm the view of large-scale software topology being generated through duplication-rewiring mechanisms. Implications of these findings are outlined.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, published in Europhysics Letters (2005

    Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Uranus from the Spitzer Infrared Spectrometer: 2. Determination of the Mean Composition of the Upper Troposphere and Stratosphere

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    Mid-infrared spectral observations Uranus acquired with the Infrared Spectrometer (IRS) on the Spitzer Space Telescope are used to determine the abundances of C2H2, C2H6, CH3C2H, C4H2, CO2, and tentatively CH3 on Uranus at the time of the 2007 equinox. For vertically uniform eddy diffusion coefficients in the range 2200-2600 cm2 s-1, photochemical models that reproduce the observed methane emission also predict C2H6 profiles that compare well with emission in the 11.6-12.5 micron wavelength region, where the nu9 band of C2H6 is prominent. Our nominal model with a uniform eddy diffusion coefficient Kzz = 2430 cm2 sec-1 and a CH4 tropopause mole fraction of 1.6x10-5 provides a good fit to other hydrocarbon emission features, such as those of C2H2 and C4H2, but the model profile for CH3C2H must be scaled by a factor of 0.43, suggesting that improvements are needed in the chemical reaction mechanism for C3Hx species. The nominal model is consistent with a CH3D/CH4 ratio of 3.0+-0.2x10-4. From the best-fit scaling of these photochemical-model profiles, we derive column abundances above the 10-mbar level of 4.5+01.1/-0.8 x 10+19 molecule-cm-2 for CH4, 6.2 +- 1.0 x 10+16 molecule-cm-2 for C2H2 (with a value 24% higher from a different longitudinal sampling), 3.1 +- 0.3 x 10+16 molecule-cm-2 for C2H6, 8.6 +- 2.6 x 10+13 molecule-cm-2 for CH3C2H, 1.8 +- 0.3 x 10+13 molecule-cm-2 for C4H2, and 1.7 +- 0.4 x 10+13 molecule-cm-2 for CO2 on Uranus. Our results have implications with respect to the influx rate of exogenic oxygen species and the production rate of stratospheric hazes on Uranus, as well as the C4H2 vapor pressure over C4H2 ice at low temperatures

    Nonlinear Meissner Effect in CuO Superconductors

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    Recent theories of the NMR in the CuO superconductors are based on a spin-singlet dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} order parameter. Since this state has nodal lines on the Fermi surface, nonlinear effects associated with low-energy quasiparticles become important, particularly at low temperatures. We show that the field-dependence of the supercurrent, below the nucleation field for vortices, can be used to locate the positions of the nodal lines of an unconventional gap in momentum space, and hence test the proposed dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} state.Comment: 5 pages (RevTex), 1 figure (postscript file incl.

    Origin of four-fold anisotropy in square lattices of circular ferromagnetic dots

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    We discuss the four-fold anisotropy of in-plane ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) field HrH_r, found in a square lattice of circular Permalloy dots when the interdot distance aa gets comparable to the dot diameter dd. The minimum HrH_r, along the lattice axes,andthemaximum,alongthe axes, and the maximum, along the axes, differ by \sim 50 Oe at a/da/d = 1.1. This anisotropy, not expected in uniformly magnetized dots, is explained by a non-uniform magnetization \bm(\br) in a dot in response to dipolar forces in the patterned magnetic structure. It is well described by an iterative solution of a continuous variational procedure.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revtex, details of analytic calculation and new references are adde

    Force-detected nuclear magnetic resonance: Recent advances and future challenges

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    We review recent efforts to detect small numbers of nuclear spins using magnetic resonance force microscopy. Magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM) is a scanning probe technique that relies on the mechanical measurement of the weak magnetic force between a microscopic magnet and the magnetic moments in a sample. Spurred by the recent progress in fabricating ultrasensitive force detectors, MRFM has rapidly improved its capability over the last decade. Today it boasts a spin sensitivity that surpasses conventional, inductive nuclear magnetic resonance detectors by about eight orders of magnitude. In this review we touch on the origins of this technique and focus on its recent application to nanoscale nuclear spin ensembles, in particular on the imaging of nanoscale objects with a three-dimensional (3D) spatial resolution better than 10 nm. We consider the experimental advances driving this work and highlight the underlying physical principles and limitations of the method. Finally, we discuss the challenges that must be met in order to advance the technique towards single nuclear spin sensitivity -- and perhaps -- to 3D microscopy of molecules with atomic resolution.Comment: 15 pages & 11 figure

    Williams Syndrome and Neonatal Cardiac Surgery for Congenital Single Ventricle

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    Williams syndrome (WS) is an arteriopathic derangement associated with supravalvular aortic stenosis and branch pulmonary stenosis. We describe double-outlet right ventricle with mitral atresia and aortic arch hypoplasia in an infant with WS. This case demonstrates the difficulty in managing patients with WS with complex cardiac defects. To our knowledge, this is the first reported single-ventricle physiology in a patient with WS. (Level of Difficulty: Advanced.)