190 research outputs found

    Transport of charged particles by adjusting rf voltage amplitudes

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    We propose a planar architecture for scalable quantum information processing (QIP) that includes X-junctions through which particles can move without micromotion. This is achieved by adjusting radio frequency (rf) amplitudes to move an rf null along the legs of the junction. We provide a proof-of-principle by transporting dust particles in three dimensions via adjustable rf potentials in a 3D trap. For the proposed planar architecture, we use regularization techniques to obtain amplitude settings that guarantee smooth transport through the X-junction.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Highly non-Gaussian states created via cross-Kerr nonlinearity

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    We propose a feasible scheme for generation of strongly non-Gaussian states using the cross-Kerr nonlinearity. The resultant states are highly non-classical states of electromagnetic field and exhibit negativity of their Wigner function, sub-Poissonian photon statistics, and amplitude squeezing. Furthermore, the Wigner function has a distinctly pronounced ``banana'' or ``crescent'' shape specific for the Kerr-type interactions, which so far was not demonstrated experimentally. We show that creating and detecting such states should be possible with the present technology using electromagnetically induced transparency in a four-level atomic system in N-configuration.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Heralded single photon absorption by a single atom

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    The emission and absorption of single photons by single atomic particles is a fundamental limit of matter-light interaction, manifesting its quantum mechanical nature. At the same time, as a controlled process it is a key enabling tool for quantum technologies, such as quantum optical information technology [1, 2] and quantum metrology [3, 4, 5, 6]. Controlling both emission and absorption will allow implementing quantum networking scenarios [1, 7, 8, 9], where photonic communication of quantum information is interfaced with its local processing in atoms. In studies of single-photon emission, recent progress includes control of the shape, bandwidth, frequency, and polarization of single-photon sources [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17], and the demonstration of atom-photon entanglement [18, 19, 20]. Controlled absorption of a single photon by a single atom is much less investigated; proposals exist but only very preliminary steps have been taken experimentally such as detecting the attenuation and phase shift of a weak laser beam by a single atom [21, 22], and designing an optical system that covers a large fraction of the full solid angle [23, 24, 25]. Here we report the interaction of single heralded photons with a single trapped atom. We find strong correlations of the detection of a heralding photon with a change in the quantum state of the atom marking absorption of the quantum-correlated heralded photon. In coupling a single absorber with a quantum light source, our experiment demonstrates previously unexplored matter-light interaction, while opening up new avenues towards photon-atom entanglement conversion in quantum technology.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Many-body localization in a quantum simulator with programmable random disorder

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    When a system thermalizes it loses all local memory of its initial conditions. This is a general feature of open systems and is well described by equilibrium statistical mechanics. Even within a closed (or reversible) quantum system, where unitary time evolution retains all information about its initial state, subsystems can still thermalize using the rest of the system as an effective heat bath. Exceptions to quantum thermalization have been predicted and observed, but typically require inherent symmetries or noninteracting particles in the presence of static disorder. The prediction of many-body localization (MBL), in which disordered quantum systems can fail to thermalize in spite of strong interactions and high excitation energy, was therefore surprising and has attracted considerable theoretical attention. Here we experimentally generate MBL states by applying an Ising Hamiltonian with long-range interactions and programmably random disorder to ten spins initialized far from equilibrium. We observe the essential signatures of MBL: memory retention of the initial state, a Poissonian distribution of energy level spacings, and entanglement growth in the system at long times. Our platform can be scaled to higher numbers of spins, where detailed modeling of MBL becomes impossible due to the complexity of representing such entangled quantum states. Moreover, the high degree of control in our experiment may guide the use of MBL states as potential quantum memories in naturally disordered quantum systems.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Efficient photoionization for barium ion trapping using a dipole-allowed resonant two-photon transition

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    Two efficient and isotope-selective resonant two-photon ionization techniques for loading barium ions into radio-frequency (RF)-traps are demonstrated. The scheme of using a strong dipole-allowed transition at \lambda=553 nm as a first step towards ionization is compared to the established technique of using a weak intercombination line (\lambda=413 nm). An increase of two orders of magnitude in the ionization efficiency is found favoring the transition at 553 nm. This technique can be implemented using commercial all-solid-state laser systems and is expected to be advantageous compared to other narrowband photoionization schemes of barium in cases where highest efficiency and isotope-selectivity are required.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Fabrication and heating rate study of microscopic surface electrode ion traps

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    We report heating rate measurements in a microfabricated gold-on-sapphire surface electrode ion trap with trapping height of approximately 240 micron. Using the Doppler recooling method, we characterize the trap heating rates over an extended region of the trap. The noise spectral density of the trap falls in the range of noise spectra reported in ion traps at room temperature. We find that during the first months of operation the heating rates increase by approximately one order of magnitude. The increase in heating rates is largest in the ion loading region of the trap, providing a strong hint that surface contamination plays a major role for excessive heating rates. We discuss data found in the literature and possible relation of anomalous heating to sources of noise and dissipation in other systems, namely impurity atoms adsorbed on metal surfaces and amorphous dielectrics.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Trapped electron coupled to superconducting devices

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    We propose to couple a trapped single electron to superconducting structures located at a variable distance from the electron. The electron is captured in a cryogenic Penning trap using electric fields and a static magnetic field in the Tesla range. Measurements on the electron will allow investigating the properties of the superconductor such as vortex structure, damping and decoherence. We propose to couple a superconducting microwave resonator to the electron in order to realize a circuit QED-like experiment, as well as to couple superconducting Josephson junctions or superconducting quantum interferometers (SQUIDs) to the electron. The electron may also be coupled to a vortex which is situated in a double well potential, realized by nearby pinning centers in the superconductor, acting as a quantum mechanical two level system that can be controlled by a transport current tilting the double well potential. When the vortex is trapped in the interferometer arms of a SQUID, this would allow its detection both by the SQUID and by the electron.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Mapping coherence in measurement via full quantum tomography of a hybrid optical detector

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    Quantum states and measurements exhibit wave-like --- continuous, or particle-like --- discrete, character. Hybrid discrete-continuous photonic systems are key to investigating fundamental quantum phenomena, generating superpositions of macroscopic states, and form essential resources for quantum-enhanced applications, e.g. entanglement distillation and quantum computation, as well as highly efficient optical telecommunications. Realizing the full potential of these hybrid systems requires quantum-optical measurements sensitive to complementary observables such as field quadrature amplitude and photon number. However, a thorough understanding of the practical performance of an optical detector interpolating between these two regions is absent. Here, we report the implementation of full quantum detector tomography, enabling the characterization of the simultaneous wave and photon-number sensitivities of quantum-optical detectors. This yields the largest parametrization to-date in quantum tomography experiments, requiring the development of novel theoretical tools. Our results reveal the role of coherence in quantum measurements and demonstrate the tunability of hybrid quantum-optical detectors.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Mitochondrial permeability transition is a central coordinating event of apoptosis.

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    In a number of experimental systems, the early stage o the apoptotic process, i.e. the stage that precedes nuclear disintegration, is characterized by the breakdown of the inner mitochondrial transmembrane potential (ΔΨ(m)). This ΔΨ(m) disruption is mediated by the opening of permeability transition (PT) pores and appears to be critical for the apoptotic cascade, since it is directly regulated by Bcl-2 and since mitochondria induced to undergo PT in vitro become capable of inducing nuclear chromatinolysis in a cell-free system of apoptosis. Here, we addressed the question of which apoptotic events are secondary to mitochondrial PT. We tested the effect of a specific inhibitor of PT, bongkrekic acid (BA), a ligand of the mitochondrial academic nucleotide translocator, on a prototypic model of apoptosis; glucocorticoid-induced thymocyte death. In addition to abolishing the apoptotic ΔΨ(m) disruption, BA prevents a number of phenomena linked to apoptosis: depletion of nonoxidized glutathione, genetic generation of reactive oxygen species, translocation of NFκB, exposure of phosphatidylserine residues on the outer plasma membrane, cytoplasmic vacuolization, chromatin condensation, and oligonucleosomal DNA fragmentation. BA is also an efficient inhibitor of p53- dependent thymocyte apoptosis induced by DNA damaged. These data suggest that a number of apoptotic phenomona are secondary to PT. In addition, we present data indicating that apoptotic ΔΨ(m) disruption is secondary to transcriptional events. These data connect the PT control point to the p53- and ICE/Ced 3-regulated control points of apoptosis and place PT upstream of nuclear and plasma membrane features of PCD.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe