30 research outputs found

    Insights into a viral motor : the structure of the HK97 packaging termination assembly

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    Double-stranded DNA viruses utilise machinery, made of terminase proteins, to package viral DNA into the capsid. For cos bacteriophage, a defined signal, recognised by small terminase, flanks each genome unit. Here we present the first structural data for a cos virus DNA packaging motor, assembled from the bacteriophage HK97 terminase proteins, procapsids encompassing the portal protein, and DNA containing a cos site. The cryo-EM structure is consistent with the packaging termination state adopted after DNA cleavage, with DNA density within the large terminase assembly ending abruptly at the portal protein entrance. Retention of the large terminase complex after cleavage of the short DNA substrate suggests that motor dissociation from the capsid requires headful pressure, in common with pac viruses. Interestingly, the clip domain of the 12-subunit portal protein does not adhere to C12 symmetry, indicating asymmetry induced by binding of the large terminase/DNA. The motor assembly is also highly asymmetric, showing a ring of 5 large terminase monomers, tilted against the portal. Variable degrees of extension between N- and C-terminal domains of individual subunits suggest a mechanism of DNA translocation driven by inter-domain contraction and relaxation

    Uptake of iron by yeast cells and its impact on biomass production

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    Procedures for the production of Saccharomyces cerevisiae biomass enriched with iron and the effects of the iron ions addition into the molasses medium on the yeast growth and the production of ethanol were studied. The growth of the yeast S. cerevisiae and the ethanol production in media with different concentrations of Fe were monitored in the batch process under semiaerobic and anaerobic conditions. The highest biomass concentration and ethanol production were achieved in the medium with 0.6-0.8 g l-1 of Fe under both (semiaerobic and anaerobic) conditions. Kinetics of the iron ions accumulation in yeast cells during 24 h of growth in the batch process under semiaerobic and anaerobic conditions were monitored. In anaerobic conditions the maximum uptake (10 mg g-1 d.m. yeast biomass) was obtained after 12 h of fermentation, while in semiaerobic conditions a four times lower uptake (2.5 mg g-1 d.m. yeast biomass) was obtained after 16 h of fermentation

    Cryo-electron microscopy reveals how acetogenins inhibit mitochondrial respiratory complex I.

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    Mitochondrial complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase), a crucial enzyme in energy metabolism, captures the redox potential energy from NADH oxidation/ubiquinone reduction to create the proton motive force used to drive ATP synthesis in oxidative phosphorylation. High-resolution single-particle electron cryo-EM analyses have provided detailed structural knowledge of the catalytic machinery of complex I, but not of the molecular principles of its energy transduction mechanism. Although ubiquinone is considered to bind in a long channel at the interface of the membrane-embedded and hydrophilic domains, with channel residues likely involved in coupling substrate reduction to proton translocation, no structures with the channel fully occupied have yet been described. Here, we report the structure (determined by cryo-EM) of mouse complex I with a tight-binding natural product acetogenin inhibitor, which resembles the native substrate, bound along the full length of the expected ubiquinone-binding channel. Our structure reveals the mode of acetogenin binding and the molecular basis for structure-activity relationships within the acetogenin family. It also shows that acetogenins are such potent inhibitors because they are highly hydrophobic molecules that contain two specific hydrophilic moieties spaced to lock into two hydrophilic regions of the otherwise hydrophobic channel. The central hydrophilic section of the channel does not favor binding of the isoprenoid chain when the native substrate is fully bound but stabilizes the ubiquinone/ubiquinol headgroup as it transits to/from the active site. Therefore, the amphipathic nature of the channel supports both tight binding of the amphipathic inhibitor and rapid exchange of the ubiquinone/ubiquinol substrate and product