458 research outputs found

    Biometric multimodal security simulation on schedule Ii controlled drug

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    The paper present a multimodal (multi biometrics) security system focusing on the implementation of fingerprint recognition and facial feature recognition to enhance the existing method of security using password or personal identification number (PIN). This project is operated through a personal computer where all the identification for fingerprint and facial feature are done by using specific software. Successful identification will send a signal through a serial communication circuit and open an application. In this project, the final application should be a cupboard that store and secure schedule II controlled drug in hospital. Due to some problem, the final application was replaced by using a light emitting diode (LED) simulation circuit

    Improving Students Speaking Skill By Using Multi-flow Map At The Tenth Grade Of Students Man 5 Jombang

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    The objective of this study is to examine ; (1) How is the implementation of using Multi Flow Map in Teaching Speaking for the Tenth Grade of Students MAN 5 Jombang?; (2) How are the students‟ achievements after using Multi Flow Map in Speaking Skill? The method that used in this research is communicative language teaching the media that used in this research is multi-flow map.. The research design of this research is Classroom Action Research. This design was used because it was appropriate design to solve the problem that happened in the class. The subject was the tenth of MAN 5 Jombang. The taking score is related in four components, those are: pronunciation, grammatical, vocabulary and fluency. The result of the first cycle is failed because of students‟ interaction were less optimal. So the writer decides to go to the second cycle, in this cycle the writer use more interesting media and the writer as the teacher more communicative during the class. The improvement of students‟ speaking skill can be seen from the increase of their individual score from preliminary study to Cycle 2. The score of the speaking skill test showed that 19 of the students reached the target gain score. The criterion of success previously determined, 90,5% of the students in the class achieved 19 students in gain had been achieved. The improvement on the speaking skill covered the component of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and fluency. Dealing with the students‟ interaction in the teaching and learning process, the analysis of observation showed positive results in that the students were enthusiastic and actively during in speaking. It can make the average of students‟ score (77,67) higher than KKM (75).Finally, the implementation of Multi-flow Map to improve students speaking skill in the two Cycles was successfully

    Managerial Leadership Style in the Private Sector in Jordan

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    This thesis consists of a study of the leadership performance among 114 top managers in 44 companies in Jordan, measured by their views on how organisational decisions should be taken and their actual performance in decision taking. The companies concerned represent organisations operating in both the manufacturing and in the financial sector in the private sector in the Jordanian economy

    Re-examining Dutch Orientalism in Constructing Indonesian Islam

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    Book Review:Book title:The Makings of Indonesian Islam: Orientalism and the Narration of a Sufi PastAuthor:Michael LaffanNo. of Pages:xx + 301Year:2011Publisher:Princeton University Pres


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    Latar Belakang: Pohon memiliki ciri yang khas dalam rangkaian proses pertumbuhannya yang diwariskan secara genetik pada keturunannya. Pohon dengan berbagai bentuk tajuknya berperan dalam membentuk pola percabangan pohon. Percabangan pohon dapat dikatakan sebagai arsitektur khusus untuk klasifikasi dan interpretasi bentuk tumbuhan, oleh karena itu sifatnya yang konsisten maka model arsitektur pada setiap jenis pohon dapat dijadikan data tambahan dalam membedakan dengan jenis pohon yang lain. Bentuk pohon merupakan elemen desain yang paling memegang peran penting dan harus dipertimbangkan dalam membuat perancangan lanskapMetode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode jelajahHasil: Hasil Identifikasi pohon di kawasan Savana Bekol Taman Nasional Baluran menunjukkan terdapat 6 jenis pohon yang tersebar di kawasan Savana Bekol. Pohon yang berhasil di amati termasuk dalam 6 spesies yaitu Azadirachata indica, Acacia nilotica, Muntingia calabura, Tamarindus indica, Corypha utan, Ziziphus mauritiana. Setelah melakukan identifikasi arsitektur pohon terdapat 5 model yaitu model Holtum, model Scarrone, model Leeuwenberg, model Troll, Model RauhKesimpulan: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan maka didapat moel arsitektur pohon di Taman Nasional Baluran (melalui eksplorasi) mendapat beberapa sampel. Diantaranya 6 jenis yang menjadi sampel ditemukan model arsitektur pohon ada 5 yaitu troll, model Scarrone, model Leeuwenberg, model Rauh, dan model Holtu

    The Impact of Investing in Research and Development on Performance: Evidence from Jordan

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    This research aimed to investigate the effect of investing in research and development on the performance of Jordanian companies. Investment in research and development was measured by the ratio of investment to sales and the number of researchers. Financial performance was measured by financial ratios. The population of the study consisted of 45 industrial companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange. Data was obtained only from 21 companies for seven years. The results indicate that the level of investment in research and development is very low compared to international standards. The results also show no significant relationships between investment in research and development and the financial performance of the companies. The research provides some conclusions and recommendations in light of the results


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    Latar Belakang: Pulau Merah merupakan sebuah obyek wisata pantai yang mana didalamnya terdapat keanekaragaman biota laut diwilayah intertidalnya. Salah satu biota laut yang mudah ditemui di wilayah intertidal yang berasosiasi dengan komunitas karang adalah bulu babi (Echinoidea). Adanya aktivitas pengujung secara langsung dapat mempengaruhi keberadaan dari bulu babi tersebut. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan dilakukan sebuah penelitian.Metode: purposive sampling dengan pembagian wilayah 3 site penelitian, dimana tiap site terdapat garis transek 10 m yang didalamnya terdapat sampling plot berukuran 11 m2 dengan jumlah total 15 plot. Adapun analisis data menggunakan perhitungan indeks morisita (Id) dengan menghitung Mu dan Mc serta menghitung standar derajat morisita (Ip).Hasil: Didapatkan 10 jenis bulu babi diantaranya Arbacia Puctulata, Deadema savignyi, Deadema setosum, Centrostepanus rodgersii, Echinometrix calamaris, Heterocentrotus mamillatus, Echinometra oblonga, Echinometra Viridis, Tripneustes gratilla dengan (Id)=2,27, Mu=406,78, Mc=23,55, Derajat Morisita=0,03, Ip=Seragam.Kesimpulan: Pola distribusi bulu babi (Echinoidea) di Pantai Pulau Merah seraga
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