284 research outputs found


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    This research examined inequality of household income transferred due to the construction involuntary resettlement of the Koto Panjang dam in Kampar District, Riau Province. Dam construction caused the displaced of the households in the location. The households received compensation in the form of buildings and land. Even though the displaced household received the same compensation but some households had better lives while others were worse. This condition showed the inequality of household income in the new location. This study used primary data that obtained through questionnaires in 3 sub-districts of 10 villages. The analytical tool used to see the income inequality was the Gini ratio. This study found that the inequality of household income transferred in Koto Panjang was moderate. This showed that the households that have been moved due to the construction of the Koto Panjang Dam have been quite good compared to before

    Pengaruh Struktur Modal terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi pada Perusahaan Sub Sektor Makanan dan Minuman yang Listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2011-2015)

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    This study аims to determine the effect of cаpitаl structure with LtDER аnd DER vаriаbles on firm vаlue with vаriаble PBV аnd PER. This reseаrch wаs conducted on food аnd beverаge sub-sector in 2011-2015 which is listed on BEI becаuse it is one of the sectors thаt is immune to the weakening of financial performance. The reseаrch method used is quаntitаtive with аn explаnаtory аpproаch thаt emphаsizes on the dаtа in the form of numbers then processed аnd analyzed by stаtisticаl methods. The sаmple selection wаs determined by using purposive sаmpling technique. Bаsed on the determined criteriа obtаined sаmple of 10 sаmples. Dаtааnаlysis using Stаtisticаl Pаckаge For Sociаl Science (SPSS) version 20 becаuse it is considered аppropriаte to test hypotheticаl models in this study.The results showed thаt the vаriаble of cаpitаl structure with vаriаble LtDER аnd DER either simultаneously or pаrtiаlly influenced significаntly to firm vаlue with vаriаble of PBV аnd PER. LtDER hаs а positive аnd significаnt influence on PBV аnd PER, whereаs DER hаs а negаtive аnd significаnt influence on PBV аnd PER

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Konsumen Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Buah Impor Di Pasar Johar Kota Semarang (Studi Kasus Buah Apel Fuji Dan Jeruk Mandarin)

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    Indonesian agricultural products can be used as the leading commodity in the global competition, horticultural products especially such as fruits. The objectives of this resarch to know the characteristics of the consumer to purchase and consume the imported fruits, analyze the factors that affecting consumer behavior toward the demand of Fuji Apples and Mandarin Oranges in Johar Market. The sample area of research selected by purposive methods. The sample respondents of research with accidental sampling. The area of research in Johar Market Semarang City, which provide product of Fuji Apples and Mandarin Oranges. The total sample of respondents were taken as many as 88 respondents, which were consisted of 44 respondents Fuji Apples and 44 respondents Mandarin Oranges. Consumer of Fuji Apples and Mandarin Oranges were aged 31 until 40 years old. The average income of the consumers of the Mandarin Oranges was Rp.2.193.182 and the average income of the consumers of Fuji Apples was Rp.2.531.818. The status of their profession is as a housewife with a high school education level. They have number of family members from 3 - 4 people. The factors that affecting the demand of Fuji Apples are age, income, price. The factors that affecting demand of Mandarin Oranges are income and price

    Determination of the Air Hitam River, Pekanbaru CityWater Quality Based Biotic Index Macrozoobenthos

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    This research was conducted from January to February 2014 in the Air Hitam River,the city of Pekanbaru. This research aims to determine the condition of the Air Hitam Riverwater quality in terms of some aspects of physics, chemistry and biology macrozoobenthosorganisms. . There were 4 stations and 3 sampling points in each station. Water samples weretaken 3 times, once/ week. Water quality parameters measured were temperature, turbidity,current speed, total suspended solid, DO, pH, BOD and COD. While macrozoobenthos dataanalysis using the FBI index (Family Biotic Index).The results show that there are 9 classes / order, namely Gastropod (5 families),Trichoptera (2 families), Diptera (2 families), Ephemeroptera (1 family), Coleoptera (1family), Polydesmida, nematodes, Hydracarina and Oligochaeta. Water quality parametersare as follows: Temperature: 27.67-29.33 0C, turbidity: 9-17.56 NTU, current speed: 6-35cm/s, total suspended solid: 4.67-7.78 mg/l, DO: 4.96 -6.73 mg/l, COD: 22.40-38.40 mg/l,BOD5: 1.40-4.42 mg/l and pH: 5. Based on the Family Biotic Index macrozoobenthos, it canbe concluded that the level of water pollution in the Air Hitam River ranged from 5.31(polluted enough) to 6.93 (very much polluted). Based Storet Index, it can be concluded thatthe level of water pollution in the Air Hitam River is being polluted

    Hubungan Perubahan Fungsi Fisik Terhadap Kebutuhan Aktivitas Hidup Sehari-hari (Ahs) Pada Lansia Dengan Stroke (Studi Pada Unit Rehabilitasi Sosial Kota Semarang)

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    Insiden stroke mengenai populasi usia lanjut yang berusia 75-84 tahun sekitar 10 kali dari populasi 5564 tahun (Azizah, 2011). Dari jumlahtersebut, sepertiganya bisa pulih kembali, sepertiga lainnya mengalamigangguan fungsional ringan sampai sedang dan sepertiga sisanya mengalami gangguan fungsional berat yang mengharuskan penderita terus menerus di kasur. Stroke yang menyerang lanjut usia menyebabkanketergantungan lanjut usia makin meningkat. Tujuan penelitian iniuntuk mengetahui hubungan Perubahan fungsi fisik terhadap kebutuhanAktivitas Hidup Sehari-hari (AHS) pada lansia dengan stroke (Studi padaUnit Rehabilitasi Sosial Kota Semarang). Jenis penelitian ini adalahdeskriptif korelasi dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi dan sampeladalah lansia dengan stroke yang menghuni Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial“Mandiri” Semarang dan Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial “Wira Adi Karya” Ungaransebanyak 32 dengan teknik pengambilan sampel Purposive Sampling.Hasil penelitian didapatkan mayoritas umur responden adalah 69,75 tahun, jenis kelamin sebagian besar adalah laki-laki. Perubahan fungsi fisik pada lansia dengan stroke sebagian besar berjalan dengan bantuan. Kebutuhan Aktivitas Hidup Sehari-hari (AHS) pada lansia stroke sebagian besar dependen berat. Ada hubungan Perubahan fungsi fisik terhadap kebutuhan Aktivitas Hidup Sehari-hari (AHS) pada lansia dengan stroke (Studi pada Unit Rehabilitasi Sosial Kota Semarang) (pvalue=0,029). Diharapkan masyarakat, terutama yang mempunyai anggota keluarga lansia dengan stroke mampu memantau kesehatan lansia terutama Perubahan fungsi fisik dan kebutuhan Aktivitas Hidup Sehari-hari (AHS) untuk meningkatkan pelayanan pada lansia

    Anisotropic colloids through non-trivial buckling

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    We present a study on buckling of colloidal particles, including experimental, theoretical and numerical developments. Oil-filled thin shells prepared by emulsion templating show buckling in mixtures of water and ethanol, due to dissolution of the core in the external medium. This leads to conformations with a single depression, either axisymmetric or polygonal depending on the geometrical features of the shells. These conformations could be theoretically and/or numerically reproduced in a model of homogeneous spherical thin shells with bending and stretching elasticity, submitted to an isotropic external pressure.Comment: submitted to EPJ