288 research outputs found

    Subcellular Targeting of Theranostic Radionuclides

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    The last decade has seen rapid growth in the use of theranostic radionuclides for the treatment and imaging of a wide range of cancers. Radionuclide therapy and imaging rely on a radiolabeled vector to specifically target cancer cells. Radionuclides that emit β particles have thus far dominated the field of targeted radionuclide therapy (TRT), mainly because the longer range (μm–mm track length) of these particles offsets the heterogeneous expression of the molecular target. Shorter range (nm–μm track length) α- and Auger electron (AE)-emitting radionuclides on the other hand provide high ionization densities at the site of decay which could overcome much of the toxicity associated with β-emitters. Given that there is a growing body of evidence that other sensitive sites besides the DNA, such as the cell membrane and mitochondria, could be critical targets in TRT, improved techniques in detecting the subcellular distribution of these radionuclides are necessary, especially since many β-emitting radionuclides also emit AE. The successful development of TRT agents capable of homing to targets with subcellular precision demands the parallel development of quantitative assays for evaluation of spatial distribution of radionuclides in the nm–μm range. In this review, the status of research directed at subcellular targeting of radionuclide theranostics and the methods for imaging and quantification of radionuclide localization at the nanoscale are described

    Imaging DNA Damage Repair In Vivo After 177Lu-DOTATATE Therapy

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    Molecular radiotherapy using 177Lu-DOTATATE is a most effective treatment for somatostatin receptor-expressing neuroendocrine tumors. Despite its frequent and successful use in the clinic, little or no radiobiologic considerations are made at the time of treatment planning or delivery. On positive uptake on octreotide-based PET/SPECT imaging, treatment is usually administered as a standard dose and number of cycles without adjustment for peptide uptake, dosimetry, or radiobiologic and DNA damage effects in the tumor. Here, we visualized and quantified the extent of DNA damage response after 177Lu-DOTATATE therapy using SPECT imaging with 111In-anti-γH2AX-TAT. This work was a proof-of-principle study of this in vivo noninvasive biodosimeter with β-emitting therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. Methods: Six cell lines were exposed to external-beam radiotherapy (EBRT) or 177Lu-DOTATATE, after which the number of γH2AX foci and the clonogenic survival were measured. Mice bearing CA20948 somatostatin receptor-positive tumor xenografts were treated with 17

    Kinesin Light Chain 1 Suppression Impairs Human Embryonic Stem Cell Neural Differentiation and Amyloid Precursor Protein Metabolism

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    The etiology of sporadic Alzheimer disease (AD) is largely unknown, although evidence implicates the pathological hallmark molecules amyloid beta (Aβ) and phosphorylated Tau. Work in animal models suggests that altered axonal transport caused by Kinesin-1 dysfunction perturbs levels of both Aβ and phosphorylated Tau in neural tissues, but the relevance of Kinesin-1 dependent functions to the human disease is unknown. To begin to address this issue, we generated human embryonic stem cells (hESC) expressing reduced levels of the kinesin light chain 1 (KLC1) Kinesin-1 subunit to use as a source of human neural cultures. Despite reduction of KLC1, undifferentiated hESC exhibited apparently normal colony morphology and pluripotency marker expression. Differentiated neural cultures derived from KLC1-suppressed hESC contained neural rosettes but further differentiation revealed obvious morphological changes along with reduced levels of microtubule-associated neural proteins, including Tau and less secreted Aβ, supporting the previously established connection between KLC1, Tau and Aβ. Intriguingly, KLC1-suppressed neural precursors (NPs), isolated using a cell surface marker signature known to identify cells that give rise to neurons and glia, unlike control cells, failed to proliferate. We suggest that KLC1 is required for normal human neural differentiation, ensuring proper metabolism of AD-associated molecules APP and Tau and for proliferation of NPs. Because impaired APP metabolism is linked to AD, this human cell culture model system will not only be a useful tool for understanding the role of KLC1 in regulating the production, transport and turnover of APP and Tau in neurons, but also in defining the essential function(s) of KLC1 in NPs and their progeny. This knowledge should have important implications for human neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases

    Individualized 131I-mIBG therapy in the management of refractory and relapsed neuroblastoma.

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    Objective Iodine-131-labelled meta-iodobenzylguanidine (I-mIBG) therapy is an established treatment modality for relapsed/refractory neuroblastoma, most frequently administered according to fixed or weight-based criteria. We evaluate response and toxicity following a dosimetry-based, individualized approach.Materials and methods A review of 44 treatments in 25 patients treated with I-mIBG therapy was performed. Patients received I-mIBG therapy following relapse (n=9), in refractory disease (n=12), or with surgically unresectable disease despite conventional treatment (n=4). Treatment schedule (including mIBG dose and number of administrations) was individualized according to the clinical status of the patient and dosimetry data from either a tracer study or previous administrations. Three-dimensional tumour dosimetry was also performed for eight patients.Results The mean administered activity was 11089±7222 MBq and the mean whole-body dose for a single administration was 1.79±0.57 Gy. Tumour-absorbed doses varied considerably (3.70±3.37 mGy/MBq). CTCAE grade 3/4 neutropenia was documented following 82% treatments and grade 3/4 thrombocytopenia following 71% treatments. Further acute toxicity was found in 49% of patients. All acute toxicities resolved with appropriate therapy. The overall response rate was 58% (complete or partial response), with a further 29% of patients having stable disease.Conclusion A highly personalized approach combining patient-specific dosimetry and clinical judgement enables delivery of high activities that can be tolerated by patients, particularly with stem cell support. We report excellent response rates and acceptable toxicity following individualized I-mIBG therapy

    Trends in life science grid: from computing grid to knowledge grid

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    BACKGROUND: Grid computing has great potential to become a standard cyberinfrastructure for life sciences which often require high-performance computing and large data handling which exceeds the computing capacity of a single institution. RESULTS: This survey reviews the latest grid technologies from the viewpoints of computing grid, data grid and knowledge grid. Computing grid technologies have been matured enough to solve high-throughput real-world life scientific problems. Data grid technologies are strong candidates for realizing "resourceome" for bioinformatics. Knowledge grids should be designed not only from sharing explicit knowledge on computers but also from community formulation for sharing tacit knowledge among a community. CONCLUSION: Extending the concept of grid from computing grid to knowledge grid, it is possible to make use of a grid as not only sharable computing resources, but also as time and place in which people work together, create knowledge, and share knowledge and experiences in a community

    Functioning and quality of life in patients with neuropathy associated with anti-MAG antibodies

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    Although anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) antibody neuropathy is reported as a slowly progressive disease, it can lead to significant disability and impairment of health related quality of life (HR-QoL) and social participation. The aim of this crosssectional study was to evaluate the functioning and HR-QoL determinants in 67 patients with anti-MAG neuropathy in terms of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF). Evaluations included: Medical Research Council (MRC) sum score, Sensory Modality Sum score (SMS), Berg balance scale (BBS), Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for pain, 9-Hole Peg Test (9-HPT), 6-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD), Impact on Participation and Autonomy (IPA) and the physical component score (PCS) and mental component score (MCS) of the short-form-36 health status scale (SF-36) HR-QoL measure. In the regression models, 6MWD was the most reliable predictor of PCS, explaining the 52% of its variance, while the strongest determinants of 6MWD were BBS and FSS, explaining the 41% of its variance. Consistently, VAS and BBS were good predictor of PCS, explaining together 54% of its variance. FSS was the most reliable determinant of MCS, explaining 25% of its variance. SMS and MRC were not QoL determinants. The results of our study suggest that 6MWD and FSS might be considered as potential meaningful outcome measures in future clinical trials. Furthermore, neurorehabilitation interventions aimed at improving balance and walking performance, fatigue management, and specific pain relief therapy should be considered in order to ameliorate participation in social life and HR-QoL in anti-MAG neuropathy patients

    Investigation of the Stationary and Transient A1·− Radical in Trp → Phe Mutants of Photosystem I

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    Photosystem I (PS I) contains two symmetric branches of electron transfer cofactors. In both the A- and B-branches, the phylloquinone in the A1 site is π-stacked with a tryptophan residue and is H-bonded to the backbone nitrogen of a leucine residue. In this work, we use optical and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies to investigate cyanobacterial PS I complexes, where these tryptophan residues are changed to phenylalanine. The time-resolved optical data show that backward electron transfer from the terminal electron acceptors to P700·+ is affected in the A- and B-branch mutants, both at ambient and cryogenic temperatures. These results suggest that the quinones in both branches take part in electron transport at all temperatures. The electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectra of the spin-correlated radical pair P700·+A1·− and the photoaccumulated radical anion A1·−, recorded at cryogenic temperature, allowed the identification of characteristic resonances belonging to protons of the methyl group, some of the ring protons and the proton hydrogen-bonded to phylloquinone in the wild type and both mutants. Significant changes in PS I isolated from the A-branch mutant are detected, while PS I isolated from the B-branch mutant shows the spectral characteristics of wild-type PS I. A possible short-lived B-branch radical pair cannot be detected by EPR due to the available time resolution; therefore, only the A-branch quinone is observed under conditions typically employed for EPR and ENDOR spectroscopies

    Accommodating a Non-Conservative Internal Mutation by WaterMediated Hydrogen-Bonding Between β-Sheet Strands: A Comparison of Human and Rat Type B (Mitochondrial) Cytochrome b5

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    Mammalian type B (mitochondrial) cytochromes b5 exhibit greater amino acid sequence diversity than their type A (microsomal) counterparts, as exemplified by the type B proteins from human (hCYB5B) and rat (rCYB5B). The comparison of X-ray crystal structures of hCYB5B and rCYB5B reported herein reveals a striking difference in packing involving the five-stranded β-sheet, attributable to fully buried residue 21 in strand β4. The greater bulk of Leu21 in hCYB5B in comparison to Thr21 in rCYB5B results in a substantial displacement of the first two residues in β5, and consequent loss of two of the three hydrogen bonds between β5 and β4. Hydrogen-bonding between the residues is instead mediated by two well-ordered, fully buried water molecules. In a 10 ns molecular dynamics simulation, one of the buried water molecules in the hCYB5B structure exchanged readily with solvent via intermediates having three water molecules sandwiched between β4 and β5. When the buried water molecules were removed prior to a second 10 ns simulation, β4 and β5 formed persistent hydrogen bonds identical to those in rCYB5B, but the Leu21 side chain was forced to adopt a rarely observed conformation. Despite the apparently greater ease of water access to the interior of hCYB5B than of rCYB5B suggested by these observations, the two proteins exhibit virtually identical stability, dynamic and redox properties. The results provide new insight into the factors stabilizing the cytochrome b5 fold
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