500 research outputs found

    A microfluidic device for the study of the orientational dynamics of microrods

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    We describe a microfluidic device for studying the orientational dynamics of microrods. The device enables us to experimentally investigate the tumbling of microrods immersed in the shear flow in a microfluidic channel with a depth of 400 mu and a width of 2.5 mm. The orientational dynamics was recorded using a 20 X microscopic objective and a CCD camera. The microrods were produced by shearing microdroplets of photocurable epoxy resin. We show different examples of empirically observed tumbling. On the one hand we find that short stretches of the experimentally determined time series are well described by fits to solutions of Jeffery's approximate equation of motion [Jeffery, Proc. R. Soc. London. 102 (1922), 161-179]. On the other hand we find that the empirically observed trajectories drift between different solutions of Jeffery's equation. We discuss possible causes of this orbit drift.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Sperm morphology in Estonian and Tori Breed Stallions

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    The standard procedure for assessing the breeding potential of a stallion includes the parameter total number of spermatozoa classified as morphologically normal. This study investigated sperm morphology of fresh semen in randomly chosen Estonian (E, n = 8) and Tori (T, n = 7) breed stallions with proven fertility. Two ejaculates were examined from each stallion. An aliquot from each ejaculate was fixed in 1 mL formol-saline immediately after collection and examined with phase-contrast microscope at a magnification 1000× for all types of morphological abnormalities. Furthermore smears were prepared and stained according to Williams (carbolfuchsin-eosin) for a more detailed examination of the sperm heads with light microscope at a magnification 1000×. Analysis of variance was applied to the data, and results are presented as LSmeans (± SE). One T stallion that had a disturbance in the spermatogenesis and one 22-year-old E stallion were not included in the analyses. The T stallions had on average 57.5 ± 4.1% and the E-stallions 74.4 ± 3.8% morphologically normal spermatozoa (p = 0.012). In 4 of 7 T stallions and 7 of 8 E stallions both ejaculates had >50% morphologically normal spermatozoa. There was a significant difference between breeds in mean percentage of proximal droplets (17.3 ± 2.7% and 2.9 ± 2.5% for T and E stallions, respectively; p = 0.003)

    Topological orders and Edge excitations in FQH states

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    Fractional quantum Hall (FQH) liquids contain extremely rich internal structures which represent a whole new kind of ordering. We discuss characterization and classification of the new orders (which is called topological orders). We also discuss the edge excitations in FQH liquids, which form the so-called chiral Luttinger liquids. The chiral Luttinger liquids at the edges also have very rich structures as a reflection of the rich topological orders in the bulk. Thus, edge excitations provide us a practical way to measure topological orders in experiments.Comment: 67 pages, plain-tex, 3 figures. The section about spin vector was rewritten to make it more readabl

    Meissner effect in honeycomb arrays of multi-walled carbon nanotubes

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    We report Meissner effect for type-II superconductors with a maximum Tc of 19 K, which is the highest value among those in new-carbon related superconductors, found in the honeycomb arrays of multi-walled CNTs (MWNTs). Drastic reduction of ferromagnetic catalyst and efficient growth of MWNTs by deoxidization of catalyst make the finding possible. The weak magnetic anisotropy, superconductive coherence length (- 7 nm), and disappearance of the Meissner effect after dissolving array structure indicate that the graphite structure of an MWNT and those intertube coupling in the honeycomb array are dominant factors for the mechanism.Comment: 6 page

    Modified Spin Wave Thoery of the Bilayer Square Lattice Frustrated Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnet

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    The ground state of the square lattice bilayer quantum antiferromagnet with nearest and next-nearest neighbour intralayer interaction is studied by means of the modified spin wave method. For weak interlayer coupling, the ground state is found to be always magnetically ordered while the quantum disordered phase appear for large enough interlayer coupling. The properties of the disordered phase vary according to the strength of the frustration. In the regime of weak frustration, the disordered ground state is an almost uncorrelated assembly of interlayer dimers, while in the strongly frustrated regime the quantum spin liquid phase which has considerable N\'eel type short range order appears. The behavior of the sublattice magnetization and spin-spin correlation length in each phase is discussed.Comment: 15 pages, revtex, figures upon reques

    Direct Calculation of the Spin Stiffness in the J1J_1--J2J_2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet

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    We calculate the spin stiffness ρs\rho_s for the frustrated spin-12\frac{1}{2} Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice by exact diagonalizations on finite clusters of up to 3636 sites followed by extrapolations to the thermodynamic limit. For the non-frustrated case, we find that ρs=(0.183±0.003)J1\rho_s = (0.183\pm 0.003)J_1, in excellent agreement with the best results obtained by other means. Turning on frustration, the extrapolated stiffness vanishes for 0.4J2/J10.60.4 \lesssim J_2/J_1 \lesssim 0.6. In this intermediate region, the finite-size scaling works poorly -- an additional sign that their is neither N\'eel nor collinear magnetic order. Using a hydrodynamic relation, and previous results for the transverse susceptibility, we also estimate the spin-wave velocity in the N\'eel-ordered region.Comment: 4 pages, uuencoded compressed ps-file (made with uufiles

    Weakly frustrated two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnets: thermodynamic properties from a non-perturbative approach

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    We analyze the thermodynamic properties of the spin-S two-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice with nearest and next-nearest neighbor couplings in the Neel phase (J_2/J_1<0.4) employing the quantum hierarchical reference theory (QHRT), a non-perturbative implementation of the renormalization group method to quantum systems. We investigate the staggered susceptibility, the structure factors and the correlation length at finite temperature and for different values of the frustration ratio. From the finite temperature results, we also extrapolate ground state properties, such as spin stiffness and spontaneous staggered magnetization, providing an estimate of the extent of quantum corrections. The behavior of these quantities as a function of frustration may provide some hint on the breakdown of the Neel phase at zero temperature for larger values of J_2

    The Feasibility of Societal Cost Equivalence between Robotic Hysterectomy and Alternate Hysterectomy Methods for Endometrial Cancer

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    Objectives. We assess whether it is feasible for robotic hysterectomy for endometrial cancer to be less expensive to society than traditional laparoscopic hysterectomy or abdominal hysterectomy. Methods. We performed a retrospective cohort analysis of patient characteristics, operative times, complications, and hospital charges from all (n = 234) endometrial cancer patients who underwent hysterectomy in 2009 at our hospital. Per patient costs of each hysterectomy method were examined from the societal perspective. Sensitivity analysis and Monte Carlo simulation were performed using a cost-minimization model. Results. 40 (17.1%) of hysterectomies for endometrial cancer were robotic, 91 (38.9%), were abdominal, and 103 (44.0%) were laparoscopic. 96.3% of the variation in operative cost between patients was predicted by operative time (R = 0.963, P < 0.01). Mean operative time for robotic hysterectomy was significantly longer than other methods (P < 0.01). Abdominal hysterectomy was consistently the most expensive while the traditional laparoscopic approach was consistently least expensive. The threshold in operative time that makes robotic hysterectomy cost equivalent to the abdominal approach is within the range of our experience. Conclusion. It is feasible for robotic hysterectomy to be less expensive than abdominal hysterectomy, but unlikely for robotic hysterectomy to be less expensive than traditional laparoscopy

    Topological quantum memory

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    We analyze surface codes, the topological quantum error-correcting codes introduced by Kitaev. In these codes, qubits are arranged in a two-dimensional array on a surface of nontrivial topology, and encoded quantum operations are associated with nontrivial homology cycles of the surface. We formulate protocols for error recovery, and study the efficacy of these protocols. An order-disorder phase transition occurs in this system at a nonzero critical value of the error rate; if the error rate is below the critical value (the accuracy threshold), encoded information can be protected arbitrarily well in the limit of a large code block. This phase transition can be accurately modeled by a three-dimensional Z_2 lattice gauge theory with quenched disorder. We estimate the accuracy threshold, assuming that all quantum gates are local, that qubits can be measured rapidly, and that polynomial-size classical computations can be executed instantaneously. We also devise a robust recovery procedure that does not require measurement or fast classical processing; however for this procedure the quantum gates are local only if the qubits are arranged in four or more spatial dimensions. We discuss procedures for encoding, measurement, and performing fault-tolerant universal quantum computation with surface codes, and argue that these codes provide a promising framework for quantum computing architectures.Comment: 39 pages, 21 figures, REVTe

    Spin Dynamics of the Triangular Heisenberg Antiferromagnet: A Schwinger Boson Approach

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    We have analyzed the two-dimensional antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice using a Schwinger boson mean-field theory. By expanding around a state with local 120120^\circ order, we obtain, in the limit of infinite spin, results for the excitation spectrum in complete agreement with linear spin wave theory (LSWT). In contrast to LSWT, however, the modes at the ordering wave vectors acquire a mass for finite spin. We discuss the origin of this effect.Comment: 15 pages REVTEX 3.0 preprint, 6 postscript figures ( uuencoded and compressed using the script uufiles ) are submitted separately