6 research outputs found

    Nicotine delivery to users from cigarettes and from different types of e-cigarettes

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    BACKGROUND: Delivering nicotine in the way smokers seek is likely to be the key factor in e-cigarette (EC) success in replacing cigarettes. We examined to what degree different types of EC mimic nicotine intake from cigarettes. METHODS: Twelve participants (‘dual users’ of EC and cigarettes) used their own brand cigarette and nine different EC brands. Blood samples were taken at baseline and at 2-min intervals for 10 min and again at 30 min. RESULTS: Eleven smokers provided usable data. None of the EC matched cigarettes in nicotine delivery (C (max) = 17.9 ng/ml, T (max) = 4 min and AUC(0–>30) = 315 ng/ml/min). The EC with 48 mg/ml nicotine generated the closest PK profile (C (max) = 13.6 ng/ml, T (max) = 4 min, AUC(0–>30) = 245 ng/ml/min), followed by a third generation EC using 20 mg/ml nicotine (C (max) = 11.9 ng/ml, T (max) = 6 min, AUC(0–>30) = 232 ng/ml/min), followed by the tank system using 20 mg/ml nicotine (C (max) = 9.9 ng/ml, T (max) = 6 min, AUC(0–>30) = 201 ng/ml/min). Cig-a-like PK values were similar, ranging from C (max) 7.5 to 9.7 ng/ml, T (max) 4-6 min, and AUC(0–>30) 144 to 173 ng/ml/min. Moderate differences in e-liquid nicotine concentrations had little effect on nicotine delivery, e.g. the EC with 24 mg/ml cartridge had the same PK profile as ECs with 16 mg/ml cartridges. Using similar strength e-liquid, the tank EC provided significantly more nicotine than cig-a-like ECs. CONCLUSIONS: EC brands we tested do not deliver nicotine as efficiently as cigarettes, but newer EC products deliver nicotine more efficiently than cig-a-like brands. Moderate variations in nicotine content of e-liquid have little effect on nicotine delivery. Smokers who are finding cig-a-like EC unsatisfactory should be advised to try more advanced systems

    Potential for non-combustible nicotine products to reduce socioeconomic inequalities in smoking: a systematic review and synthesis of best available evidence

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    While some experts have emphasised the potential for e-cigarettes to facilitate cessation among smokers with low socioeconomic status (SES), there is limited evidence of their likely equity impact. We assessed the potential for electronic cigarettes and other non-combustible nicotine-containing products (NCNPs) to reduce inequalities in smoking by systematically reviewing evidence on their use by SES in countries at stage IV of the cigarette epidemic

    The health of adult women in Accra, Ghana: self-reporting and objective assessments 2008-2009

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    Objectives: The study provides a full description of the state of women’s health in Accra, Ghana using self reported as well as objective health measures. Using data from the Women’s Health Survey of Accra, Wave 2 (WHSA-2), the authors a) examine the consistency of the objective measures of health status (anthropometry and blood pressures) with self-report measures, including the Short Form 36 indices for 8 separate domains of health; and b) describe the main socio-economic differentials in morbidity.Methods: Cross-sectional household survey with field measurements. 2814 women aged 18 and over were interviewed and measured in their homes in late 2008 and early 2009. The physical measurements included height, weight, waist and hip measurement and 3 or more measures of resting blood pressure.Results: Using the 8 domains of self-reported health captured by the Short Form 36 instrument, we find that physical health worsens more sharply with age than mental health. Social class differentials are narrow in the younger cohorts but widen amongst the elderly. The physical measurements reveal unhealthy levels of obesity and hypertension, worsening steadily with rising age. Age and the wealth of the household influence women’s health more than their individual characteristics such as education.Conclusions: Younger women appear to be in good health with steady declines in physical and mental health with age. The major threat to women’s health appears to be the rising levels of obesity and hypertension with mean BMIs for all women over age 45 in excess of 30, producing elevated blood pressures and associated high risks of heart attacks and stroke rising sharply amongst the elderly

    Symptoms of common mental disorders and their correlates among women in Accra, Ghana: a population-based survey

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    Introduction: To comply with its new mental health bill, Ghana needs to integrate mental health within other health and social services. Mental disorders represent 9% of disease burden in Ghana. Women are more affected by common mental disorders, and are underrepresented in treatment settings. This study examines physical and social correlates of mental illness in adult women in Accra, Ghana, so as to inform general clinical practice and health policy.Methods: The SF-36 and K6 forms and 4 psychosis questions were administered in three languages to 2,814 adult women living in Accra, as part of a larger cross-sectional population-based survey of women’s health. The validity of these tools was assessed through correlations within and between measures. Risk factors for mental distress were analysed using multivariate regression. Health service use was also described using statistical frequencies.Results: Both the SF36 and K6 appear valid in a female Ghanaian population. Low levels of education, poverty and unemployment are negatively associated with mental health. Physical ill health is also associated with mental distress. No association was found between mental distress and religion or ethnicity. Some additional risk factors were significant for one, but not both of the outcome variables. Only 0.4% of women reported seeing a mental health professional in the previous year, whereas 58.6% had visited a health centre.Conclusion: The implications for women are that marriage is neither good nor bad for mental health, but education and employment are strong protective factors. Researchers should note that the SF36 and K6 can be used in a Ghanaian population, however more research is needed to determine the cut-off point for serious mental illness on the K6, as well as research into mental disorders in a mixed-gender population