8 research outputs found

    Bartholin gland cyst and abscess: an updated scenario

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    Bartholin glands are greater vestibular glands and are located on either side of the vaginal opening. They are mainly homologous to the bulbourethral or cowper’s gland in males. These two pea-sized glands secrets mucus which is essential for vaginal lubrication. Bartholin gland cysts are one of the most frequent fluid-filled masses developing in the vulval area. They may develop as cysts first without symptoms, but if left untreated, they can be infectious and can lead to surgical corrections. The incidence rate of Bartholin gland cysts and abscesses is 0.5 per 1000 people per year. In women, it mainly affects aging between 35 and 50 years. The cysts formed due to blockage of the Bartholin gland duct, which further causes retention and cystic dilation. Mainly, the disease happens due to sexually transmitted infections. Needle aspiration, incision, and drainage are the easiest and most reliable treatment options, but they are not carried out due to their high recurrence rate. This Bartholin gland cyst can interfere with the quality of life as the person can suffer discomfort in walking, difficulty in sitting and walking, and discomfort during intercourse. Most of the Bartholin’s gland cysts are also caused by the microorganisms that infect the perineal area. However, Bartholin’s cyst occurs in nulliparous women of childbearing age. Women in the reproductive age group should get counselling regarding the disease to take better precautionary measures to tackle the condition

    Effect of temperature on water sorption and solubility of dental adhesive resins

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    Objective: This study examined the effect of temperature on water sorption and solubility characteristics of four commercial dental adhesives. The null hypothesis tested was that temperature has no effect on the water sorption and solubility characteristics of these adhesives. Methods: The tested materials were: three-step etch-and-rinse (All-Bond 2, AB), two-step etch-and-rinse (One-Step, OS), two-step self-etch (Clearfil SE Bond, SE) and one-step self-etch (Clearfil S3 Bond, S3) adhesives. Seven resin disks (6 mm in diameter × 1 mm in thickness) were prepared from each tested material and were stored in deionized water at 23 °C, 37 °C and 55 °C. Water sorption and solubility of the resin disks were measured before and after water immersion and desiccation following two consecutive sorption and desorption cycles. The water sorption and solubility values obtained were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison tests. The relationships between maximum water sorption, solubility and kinetics of water diffusion with temperature were evaluated by means of Pearson correlation statistic. Results: OS exhibited the highest water sorption and solubility values in the second sorption-desorption cycle at 55 °C (p < 0.001). This is followed by S3, SE and AB with no significant difference between SE and AB. Significant positive correlations were observed between maximum water sorption (r = 0.307, p < 0.01), solubility (r = 0.244, p < 0.05), water sorption (r = 0.651, p < 0.001) and desorption (r = 0.733, p < 0.001) diffusion coefficients (obtained using Fick's law of diffusion) with temperature in the second cycle. Significance: High temperatures increased water sorption of simplified adhesives. Such water sorption may contribute to the failure of resin-dentin bonds. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Myocardial Injury after Noncardiac Surgery : a Large, International, Prospective Cohort Study Establishing Diagnostic Criteria, Characteristics, Predictors, and 30-day Outcomes

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