770 research outputs found

    Unwrapping the Comfort of Sameness With Spanish Immersion Elementary School

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    I watched my 6-year-old hover around the periphery of the table, unable to find somewhere to sit. The cafeteria was a cacophony of little voices, Spanish and English, tumbling over each other, her classmates sitting close and waiting to be dismissed to homeroom. I couldn’t help but notice how different Noelle looked from most of the children, with her liquid blond hair and saucerlike blue eyes. [excerpt

    Crew: Finding Community When Your Dreams Crash

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    Most young adults at some point experience a personal shipwreck —missing out on the job you wanted, the unexpected end of a relationship, a crisis of faith—that threatens to rip apart the fabric of your identity. What helps navigate a personal shipwreck is to have a crew of reliable people who walk with you through it. In Crew: Finding Community When Your Dreams Crash, Christin Taylor explores how young adults can both find good company during a time of personal shipwreck and be good company for others who might be experiencing their own shipwreck. In the process, you will learn the hope and security that comes from being part of a community. Based on sound scriptural principles and the latest research on young adult spiritual formation, Taylor gives young adults the knowledge and perspective you need to build a community that will help you make your way toward a sense of hope and new meaning. [From the publisher]https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/books/1059/thumbnail.jp

    7 Things Churches Can Do to Make Queer People Feel Welcome

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    For as long as I can remember, the church, for me, has been a place characterized by shame and hurt. I remember Christian high school friends telling me that I would go to hell for being Queer. I remember hearing sermons from televangelists about the evils of homosexuality, and church leaders pressuring youth leaders to cast out their Queer members. I\u27ve heard more talk of love the sinner, hate the sin, and God didn\u27t make gay, than anyone should, and I\u27ve even received personalized hate mail declaring that God hates dykes. [excerpt

    Shipwrecked in L.A.: Finding Meaning and Purpose When Your Dreams Crash

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    Most young adults encounter at least one shipwreck during their twenties. Everything you think you know about yourself, your life, your future, and even your faith suddenly breaks apart. You\u27re left scrambling to construct a lifeboat that will take you back to the shore. Christin Taylor knew how her life was going to turn out. She was going to be a missionary to the Hollywood film industry. But just eight weeks after moving to L.A., her hopes and dreams were shattered. The next four years found Christin circling around, into, and back out of the film industry, until she finally found her way home. As Christin shares a compelling story about her life and work in Burbank, Hollywood, and Beverly Hills, she interacts with the best research on young-adult formation and development, guiding young adults through this tumultuous time as they try to pick up the pieces and find hope for the future. [From the Publisher]https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/books/1015/thumbnail.jp

    Social Influence and the Brain: Persuasion, Susceptibility to Influence and Retransmission

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    Social influence is an important topic of research, with a particularly long history in the social sciences. Recently, social influence has also become a topic of interest among neuroscientists. The aim of this review is to highlight current research that has examined neural systems associated with social influence, from the perspective of being influenced as well as influencing others, and highlight studies that link neural mechanisms with real-world behavior change beyond the laboratory. Although many of the studies reviewed focus on localizing brain regions implicated in influence within the lab, we argue that approaches that account for networks of brain regions and that integrate neural data with data beyond the laboratory are likely to be most fruitful in understanding influence

    Relationship of neurite architecture to brain activity during task-based fMRI

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    Functional MRI (fMRI) has been widely used to examine changes in neuronal activity during cognitive tasks. Commonly used measures of gray matter macrostructure (e.g., cortical thickness, surface area, volume) do not consistently appear to serve as structural correlates of brain function. In contrast, gray matter microstructure, measured using neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI), enables the estimation of indices of neurite density (neurite density index; NDI) and organization (orientation dispersion index; ODI) in gray matter. Our study explored the relationship among neurite architecture, BOLD (blood-oxygen-level-dependent) fMRI, and cognition, using a large sample (n = 750) of young adults of the human connectome project (HCP) and two tasks that index more cortical (working memory) and more subcortical (emotion processing) targeting of brain functions. Using NODDI, fMRI, structural MRI and task performance data, hierarchical regression analyses revealed that higher working memory- and emotion processing-evoked BOLD activity was related to lower ODI in the right DLPFC, and lower ODI and NDI values in the right and left amygdala, respectively. Common measures of brain macrostructure (i.e., DLPFC thickness/surface area and amygdala volume) did not explain any additional variance (beyond neurite architecture) in BOLD activity. A moderating effect of neurite architecture on the relationship between emotion processing task-evoked BOLD response and performance was observed. Our findings provide evidence that neuro-/social-affective cognition-related BOLD activity is partially driven by the local neurite organization and density with direct impact on emotion processing. In vivo gray matter microstructure represents a new target of investigation providing strong potential for clinical translation

    Analisis Kuat Geser Pada Pemanfaatan Batu Apung Berlapis Cat Sebagai Alternatif Pengganti Agregat Kasar Pada Beton

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    Beton ringan adalah salah satu inovasi dalam pembuatan beton. Beberapa keuntungan beton ringan dibandingkan dengan beton biasa adalah beratnya yang lebih ringan, waktu pembangunan dan pengangkutan yang lebih cepat, dan biaya yang lebih murah. Metode yang digunakan untuk membuat beton ringan juga beragam, salah satunya adalah menggunakan agregat ringan batu apung sebagai pengganti agregat normal. Riset ini meneliti kuat geser beton ringan yang menggunakan batu apung sebagai pengganti agregat kasar. Batu apung dicat terlebih dahulu untuk mengurangi kemampuan penyerapan air batu apung tersebut. Benda uji yang digunakan adalah balok beton sebanyak 12 balok yang terdiri dari 6 balok beton normal dan 6 balok beton ringan. Kedua tipe beton tersebut diuji dengan diberi beban sampai mencapai keruntuhan. Ada dua jenis beban yang akan digunakan, yaitu 1 beban terpusat dan 2 beban terpusat. Masing-masing jenis beton akan diberi 2 jenis beban tersebut. Kedua jenis beton tersebut direncanakan dengan dimensi beton dan mix design yang sama dengan perbandingan 1 : 2 : 3 (semen : pasir : agregat kasar). Dari hasil uji beton silinder didapatkan mutu beton normal sebesar 23,17 MPa dan beton ringan sebesar 9,67 MPa. Kemudian pada pengujian selanjutnya yaitu pengujian tekan balok beton didapatkan hasil yang memperlihatkan bahwa beton normal memiliki beban maksimal yang lebih besar daripada beton ringan

    Interaksi Rasio Tulangan Dan Mutu Beton Terhadap Kuat Lentur Balok Bertulangan Bambu Dengan Kait

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    Penggunaan beton bertulang di masyarakat semakin meningkat untuk konstruksi, dengan hanya menggunakan tulangan baja sebagai satu-satunya bahan tulangan pada beton bertulang diperlukan alternatif pengganti tulangan baja.Inovasi yang diperlukan adalah tulangan yang murah, dapat diperbarui, dan mudah didapat salah satunya yaitu bambu. Bambu sendiri memiliki kekurangan yaitu bersifat higroskopis,cara yang coba digunakan untuk mengatasi kekurangan pada sifat bambu yaitu dengan pelapisan pada tulangan bambu dan ditambahkannya pengait agar mengurangi sifat higroskopis dan meningkatkan tegangan lekat.Pada penelitian ini digunakan 24 benda uji balok dan 16 benda uji pull-out untuk mengamati interaksi rasio tulangan dan mutu beton terhadap kuat lentur balok. Rasio tulangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini 0,8% dan 1,6%, sedangkan mutu beton yang digunakan 20MPa dan 30 MPa. Berdasarkan hasil metode anova didapatkan bahwa tidak terdapat interaksi yang signifikan antara rasio tulangan dengan mutu beton terhadap kuat lentur balok bertulangan bambu dengan kait dimana didapat nilai f hitung lebih kecil dari f tabel dengan tingkat ketidakpastian sebesar 5% dan dengan analisis kontras perbandingan beban maksimum didapatkan hasil yang berbanding lurus dengan metode anova dimana nilai presentase interaksi antara mutu beton dengan rasio tulangan hanya sebesar 1,06 %. Analisis kontrasperbandingan lendutan didapat nilai presentase interaksi antara mutu beton dengan rasio tulangan sebesar 12,25%. Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa interaksi mutu beton dan rasio tulangan tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kuat lentur balok bertulangan bambu dengan kait
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