476 research outputs found

    Influence of nutritive media and low temperatures on broomrape seed germination

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    The germination of broomrape seeds on different nutritive media and at low temperatures was tested. Broomrape seed was collected from three localities in Northern part of Serbia. Nutritive media which were used are: water agar, water agar with gibberelic acid and water agar with biological agent Trifender. Temperature regimes were: without cooling, and in the fridge for 7, 14 and 21 days at + 4°C. The highest number of germinated seeds was observed on the agar medium with gibberelic acid in presence of sunflower roots. Cooling of broomrape seeds on 4°C during 21 day leads to stimulation of their germination and average radicle length. The effect of bio-agent Trifender should be further investigated

    Dosadašnja istraženost i novi podaci o Fitozeidama i Tideidama (Acari: Phytoseiidae, Tydeidae) za faunu Srbije i Crne Gore

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    Thirty two (32) species of phytoseiids and six (6) species of tydeids (Acari Phytoseiidae and Tydeidae) are known from Serbia and Montenegro. To add to that knowledge five (5) phytoseiid species namely: Neoseiulus californicus N. marginatus, N. bicaudus, Typhlodromus phialatus, Phytoseius canadensis and four (4) tydeids namely: Tydeus caudatus, Lorryia parainfatus, L. obliqua and Metatriophtydeus sp. are recorded for the first time.U radu je dat pregled vrsta fitozeida i tideida (Acari: Phytoseiidae Tydeidae) koje su u periodu 1975-2001. registrovane na teritoriji Srbije i Crne Gore. Fitozeide su do sada bile umereno istražena grupa u našoj zemlji sa ukupno 32 nađene vrste, od kojih 20 u Srbiji a 19 u Crnoj Gori. Kod nas je ranije nađeno svega 6 vrsta tideida, od čega u Srbiji svih šest, a u Crnoj Gori samo jedna vrsta. Usled nedostatka naših specijalista za tideide ova grupa grinja je do danas ostala neistražena. U radu su izneti podaci o devet novih vrsta fitozeida i tideida za našu akarofaunu. Na teritoriji Srbije registrovano je pet vrsta fitozeida: Neoseiulus califomicus, N. marginatus, N. bicaudus, Typhlodromus phialatus i Phytoseius canadensis. U Srbiji su nađene i tri nove vrste tideida - Tydeus caudatus, Lorryia obliqua i Metatriophtydeus sp. Jedna vrsta tideide nađena je Crnoj Gori - L. parainflatus

    The Transient Jupiter Trojan-Like Orbit of P/2019 LD2 (ATLAS)

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    Comet P/2019 LD2 has orbital elements currently resembling those of a Jupiter Trojan, and therefore superficially appears to represent a unique opportunity to study the volatile content and active behavior of a member of this population for the first time. However, numerical integrations show that it was previously a Centaur before reaching its current Jupiter Trojan-like orbit in 2018 July, and is expected to return to being a Centaur in 2028 February, before eventually becoming a Jupiter-family comet in 2063 February. The case of P/2019 LD2 highlights the need for mechanisms to quickly and reliably dynamically classify small solar system bodies discovered in current and upcoming wide-field surveys.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Icaru

    Reactor physics modelling of accident tolerant fuel for LWRs using ANSWERS codes

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    The majority of nuclear reactors operating in the world today and similarly the majority of near-term new build reactors will be LWRs. These currently accommodate traditional Zr clad UO2/ PuO2 fuel designs which have an excellent performance record for normal operation and most transients. However, the events at Fukushima culminated in significant hydrogen production and hydrogen explosions, resulting from high temperature Zr/steam interaction following core uncovering for an extended period. These events have resulted in increased emphasis towards developing more accident tolerant fuels (ATFs)-clad systems, particularly for current and near-term build LWRs. R&D programmes are underway in the US and elsewhere to develop ATFs and the UK is engaging in these international programmes. Candidate advanced fuel materials include uranium nitride (UN) and uranium silicide (U3Si2). Candidate cladding materials include advanced stainless steel (FeCrAl) and silicon carbide. The UK has a long history in industrial fuel manufacture and fabrication for a wide range of reactor systems including LWRs. This is supported by a national infrastructure to perform experimental and theoretical R&D in fuel performance, fuel transient behaviour and reactor physics. In this paper, an analysis of the Integral Inherently Safe LW R design (I2S-LWR), a reactor concept developed by an international collaboration led by the Georgia Institute of Technology, within a U.S. DOE Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP) Integrated Research Project (IRP) is considered. The analysis is performed using the ANSWERS reactor physics code WIMS and the EDF Energy core simulator PANTHER by researchers at the University of Cambridge. The I2S-LWR is an advanced 2850 MWt integral PWR with inherent safety features. In order to enhance the safety features, the baseline fuel and cladding materials that were chosen for the I2S- LWR design are U3Si2 and advanced stainless steel respectively. In addition, the I S-LWR design adopts an integral configuration and a fully passive emergency decay heat removal system to provide indefinite cooling capability for a class of accidents. This paper presents the equilibrium cycle core design and reactor physics behaviour of the I2S-LWR with U3Si2 and the advanced steel cladding. The results were obtained using the traditional two-stage approach, in which homogenized macroscopic cross-section sets were generated by WIMS and applied in a full 3D core solution with PANTHER. The results obtained with WIMS/PANTHER were compared against the Monte Carlo Serpent code developed by VTT and previously reported results for the I2S-LWR. The results were found to be in a good agreement (e.g. < 200 pcm in reactivity) among the compared codes, giving confidence that the WIMS/PANTHER reactor physics package can be reliably used in modelling LWRs with ATFs.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjn/201601

    Finite Size Giant Magnon

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    The quantization of the giant magnon away from the infinite size limit is discussed. We argue that this quantization inevitably leads to string theory on a Z_M-orbifold of S^5. This is shown explicitly and examined in detail in the near plane-wave limit