25 research outputs found

    Microscopy in forensic science

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    This chapter examines the use of electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and other analytical techniques in forensic investigation and research. These tools can be used to enhance examination of human remains and trace evidence to improve understanding of cause of death, victim identification or post mortem interval.A police-designed scenario is used to highlight trace evidence such as glass, gun shot residue and paint. The validity of forensic techniques is discussed, with reference to international standards, repeatability, and false convictions. Ballistic evidence is used to highlight the complexities in evidence interpretation, including manufacturing variability, environmental effects and likelihood ratios.The use of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and other techniques in the development of forensic research is showcased, with particular examples from the field of fingerprints. Examples include improvements in the development of fingermarks from difficult surfaces, interaction of evidence types, and added intelligence from the crime scene, such as forensic timeline or gender of perpetrator

    The Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Protein Turnover during the Progression of Cancer Cachexia in the ApcMin/+ Mouse

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    Muscle wasting that occurs with cancer cachexia is caused by an imbalance in the rates of muscle protein synthesis and degradation. The ApcMin/+ mouse is a model of colorectal cancer that develops cachexia that is dependent on circulating IL-6. However, the IL-6 regulation of muscle protein turnover during the initiation and progression of cachexia in the ApcMin/+ mouse is not known. Cachexia progression was studied in ApcMin/+ mice that were either weight stable (WS) or had initial (≤5%), intermediate (6–19%), or extreme (≥20%) body weight loss. The initiation of cachexia reduced %MPS 19% and a further ∼50% with additional weight loss. Muscle IGF-1 mRNA expression and mTOR targets were suppressed with the progression of body weight loss, while muscle AMPK phosphorylation (Thr 172), AMPK activity, and raptor phosphorylation (Ser 792) were not increased with the initiation of weight loss, but were induced as cachexia progressed. ATP dependent protein degradation increased during the initiation and progression of cachexia. However, ATP independent protein degradation was not increased until cachexia had progressed beyond the initial phase. IL-6 receptor antibody administration prevented body weight loss and suppressed muscle protein degradation, without any effect on muscle %MPS or IGF-1 associated signaling. In summary, the %MPS reduction during the initiation of cachexia is associated with IGF-1/mTOR signaling repression, while muscle AMPK activation and activation of ATP independent protein degradation occur later in the progression of cachexia. IL-6 receptor antibody treatment blocked cachexia progression through the suppression of muscle protein degradation, while not rescuing the suppression of muscle protein synthesis. Attenuation of IL-6 signaling was effective in blocking the progression of cachexia, but not sufficient to reverse the process

    Developing teacher expertise at work : In-service trainee teachers in colleges of further education in England

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    Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) chemical mapping was used to investigate the order of deposition of natural latent fingerprints and laser printed ink on paper. This feasibility study shows that sodium, potassium and C3H5 positive ions were particularly abundant endogenous components of the natural fingerprints and also present in the paper examined, but were mostly absent in the laser printed ink. Mapping of these ions enables the observation of friction ridges from latent prints on the ink surface, only when a fingerprint was deposited above the layer of ink. As a demonstration of proof of concept, blind testing of 21 samples from three donors resulted in a 100% success rate. The sensitivity of this technique was investigated within this trial through the examination of up to fifth depletion fingerprints and ageing of up to 28 days. Migration of fingerprint and paper components to the ink surface, although observed with increased ageing time, was not found to compromise determination of the deposition sequence

    Immunological effect of administration of sequential doses of Haemophilus influenzae type b and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in the same versus alternating limbs in the routine infant immunisation schedule:an open-label randomised controlled trial

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    Background: the use of different limbs for the administration of sequential doses of an intradermal rabies vaccine was shown to result in reduced vaccine immunogenicity. We aimed to assess whether this phenomenon also occurs with routine infant vaccines.Methods: in this open-label, randomised, controlled study, eligible healthy infants 6–12 weeks of age recruited through five clinical trials units (four in the UK and one in Malta) were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to two vaccination groups: consistent limb or alternating limb. Infants in the consistent limb group received the diphtheria–tetanus–acellular pertussis–inactived polio–Haemophilus influenzae type b combined vaccine (DTaP–IPV–Hib) at 2, 3, and 4 months of age, and the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) at 2, 4, and 12 months, all administered to the right leg. Infants in the alternating limb group received DTaP–IPV–Hib in the left leg at 2 months and in the right leg at 3 and 4 months; and PCV13 in the left leg at 2 months, in the right leg at 4 months, and in the left arm at 12 months. All infants in both groups received the combined H influenzae type b and capsular group C Neisseria meningitidis tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine (Hib–MenC–TT), administered in the left leg at 12 months. Randomisation was achieved by randomly generated codes, with permuted block size of 30, and was stratified by study site. Group allocation was not masked from study staff and parents of participants after enrolment, but group allocation was masked from laboratory staff assessing blood samples. The current study was a prespecified secondary objective of a parent phase 4 trial that assessed the induction of immunity following varying schedules of vaccination with glyco-conjugate capsular group C Neisseria meningitidis (Men C) vaccines in infancy. The objective of the current study was to compare the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of vaccines delivered in either consistent or alternating limbs. Immunogenicity was assessed by comparing serum IgG geometric mean concentrations at 5, 12, 13, and 24 months, analysed per protocol. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01129518.Findings: between July 5, 2010, and Aug 1, 2013, we enrolled 509 infants and randomly allocated them to the consistent limb group (n=254) or the alternating limb group (n=255). Anti-H influenzae type b anti-polyribosylribitol phosphate IgG geometric mean concentrations were lower in the consistent limb group than in the alternating limb group at 5 months (consistent limb 0·41 ?g/mL [95% CI 0·31–0·54] vs alternating limb 0·61 ?g/mL [0·45–0·82]; p=0·0268) and at 12 months (0·35 ?g/mL [0·28–0·43] vs 0·50 ?g/mL [0·40–0·62]; p=0·0136). Anti-tetanus toxoid antibody IgG geometric mean concentrations were lower in the consistent limb group (1·63 IU/mL [95% CI 1·40–1·90]) than in the alternating limb group (2·30 IU/mL [1·97–2·68]) at 13 months (p=0·0008) and at 24 months (0·44 IU/mL [0·37–0·52] vs 0·61 IU/mL [0·51–0·73]; p=0·0074). Anti-pneumococcal IgG geometric mean concentrations were similar between both groups at all timepoints. The proportions of participants who had adverse events did not differ between the two groups.Interpretation: use of different (alternating) limbs for sequential doses of routine infant vaccines does not reduce, and might enhance, immunogenicity. The underlying mechanism for this finding warrants further researc