990 research outputs found

    Globalisasi dan Perpindahan Lintas Batas Limbah Berbahaya

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     This paper is pondering about trafficking of dangerous waste across border. The reason why such act considered to be a harmful act to community health and environment since many industrious and developed countries were willing to pay a lot of money for undeveloped countries to be their dumping ground. This explains why many undeveloped countries tend to receive such dangerous waste. Trafficking of dangerous waste from developed to undeveloped countries exists in two form, cargo and trade. Cargo means that trafficking dangerous waste across border were considered to be illegal. Trade means that it was conducted through a legal mechanism. This paper explains such phenomenon by linking economic and political powers through the used of dependentia and world system theory. In concluding remark, it is recommended that industry from developed countries must produced, recycled and reused material on components it manufactured so it will not harm the environment. And for the undeveloped countries are expected to be consistent with the Basel Convention which banned receiving such dangerous waste.&nbsp

    Effects of Dysprosium Oxide Nanoparticles on Escherichia coli

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    There is increasing interest in the study of dysprosium oxide nanoparticles (nDy2O3) for biomedical applications due to their fluorescence and paramagnetic properties. However, the fate of nDy2O3 and their effects on natural biological systems are a growing concern. This study assessed the toxicity of nDy2O3 on Escherichia coli for concentrations between 0.02 and 2 mg L−1, exposed to three concentrations of NaCl (8500, 850, and 85 mg L−1) and three glucose concentrations (35, 70, and 140 mg L−1). The ranges of these variables were selected to cover manufacturer recommendations of analytical methodologies for toxicity assessment, environmental and industrial nDy2O3 effluent concentrations, and metabolic activity. Two array-based toxicity techniques were used to evaluate the 27 combinations of conditions. Fluorescent dyes (Live/Dead) and respirometric assays were used to measure the undisturbed cell membrane (UCM) and remaining respiration percentage (RRP), respectively. Respirometric tests showed a higher toxic effect than Live/Dead test assays, indicating that metabolic processes are more affected than the physical structure of the cell by exposure to nDy2O3. After exposing the bacteria to concentrations of 2.0 mg L−1 uncoated nDy2O3 for 2 h at 85 mg L−1 NaCl and 140 mg L−1 glucose, the RRP and UCM decreased to 43% and 88%, respectively. Dysprosium ion (Dy+3) toxicity measurement suggested that Dy+3 was the main contributor to the overall toxicity

    Ejercicio dosis-respuesta de la pendiente V? E / V?CO 2 en mujeres posmenopáusicas en el estudio DREW

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    Purpose: Being overweight/obese, having hypertension, and being postmenopausal are risk factors for the development of congestive heart failure (CHF). A characteristic of CHF is an abnormal V?E/V?CO2 slope, which is predictive of mortality in patients with CHF. Although the V?E/V?CO2 slope is well established in CHF patients, little is known regarding interventions for 'at-risk' populations. Methods: We examined the V?E/V?CO2 slope in 401 sedentary, overweight, moderately hypertensive women randomized to 6 m of nonexercise (control) or 4 kcal·kg?1·wk?1 (KKW), 8 KKW, or 12 KKW of exercise at an intensity corresponding to 50% of baseline V?O2max. We examined trends in exercise treatment dose versus change in mean V?E/V?CO2 slope using a linear regression model (KKW vs V?E/V?CO2 slope) and a linear mixed model. Results: Regression analysis showed a significant trend for a reduction in the V?E/V?CO2 slope from baseline (mean ± SD: 32.6 ± 6.3; P < 0.004). When expressed as mean change (95% confidence interval (CI)) from baseline, we observed significant reductions in the V?E/V?CO2 slope for the 8-KKW (?1.14; 95% CI, ?1.5 to ?0.2) and 12-KKW (?1.67; 95% CI, ?2.3 to ?0.3) groups. No significant effect was noted for the 4-KKW (?0.4; 95% CI, ?1.2 to 0.15) group. Conclusion: Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise at doses of 8 KKW or greater seems to present an adequate dose of exercise to promote small but significant reductions in the V?E/V?CO2 slope in postmenopausal women who exhibit risk factors associated with the development of CHF

    Autoimmune (auto-inflammatory) syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) - Animal models as a proof of concept

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    ASIA syndrome, 'Autoimmune (Auto-inflammatory) Syndromes Induced by Adjuvants' includes at least four conditions which share a similar complex of signs and symptoms and have been defined by hyperactive immune responses: siliconosis, macrophagic myofasciitis syndrome, Gulf war syndrome and post-vaccination phenomena. Exposure to adjuvants has been documented in these four medical conditions, suggesting that the common denominator to these syndromes is a trigger entailing adjuvant activity. An important role of animal models in proving the ASIA concept has been established. Experimentally animal models of autoimmune diseases induced by adjuvants are currently widely used to understand the mechanisms and etiology and pathogenesis of these diseases and might thus promote the development of new diagnostic, predictive and therapeutic methods. In the current review we wish to unveil the variety of ASIA animal models associated with systemic and organ specific autoimmune diseases induced by adjuvants. We included in this review animal models for rheumatoid arthritis-like disease, for systemic lupus erythematosus-like disease, autoimmune thyroid disease-like disease, antiphospholipid syndrome, myocarditis and others. All these models support the concept of ASIA, as the Autoimmune (Auto-inflammatory) Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants. © 2013 Bentham Science Publishers

    Immediate effect of cryotherapy on the spastic reflex excitability in people with spasticity post-stroke

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    Introducción: Existe controversia sobre los efectos terapéuticos de la crioterapia en el músculo espástico y las&nbsp;implicaciones clínicas que fundamentan su uso como coadyuvante en el proceso de rehabilitación. Objetivo: Evaluar&nbsp;el efecto inmediato de la aplicación del paquete de hielo sobre la excitabilidad refleja en la musculatura plantiflexora&nbsp;espástica en personas post-ECV. Métodos: Estudio experimental de mediciones repetidas con asignación aleatoria a&nbsp;dos grupos de intervención: Grupo Experimental (n=10) y Grupo Control (n=5). Se registró latencia (ms), duración&nbsp;(ms) y amplitud (mV) de las ondas M y H y el índice de amplitud Hmáximo/Mmáximo (%) antes y después de&nbsp;la crioterapia o reposo. Los participantes fueron quince individuos de ambos géneros con hemiparesia espástica&nbsp;post-ECV, edad media de 60,7±10,7años, mediana tiempo de evolución 36 meses (RIC17-49). No hubo diferencias&nbsp;significativas en las características basales entre los grupos de intervención. Resultados: La crioterapia induce&nbsp;un aumento estadísticamente significativo en la latencia de la onda H (32,9±3,3 vs. 34,9±3,6ms, p&lt;0,001) y M&nbsp;(8,0±1,9 vs. 9,4±2,4ms, p&lt;0,05) y en la duración de la onda M (6,3±1,3 vs. 9,8±2,2ms, p&lt;0,001) y H (7,2±1,6 vs.&nbsp;9,9± 2,0ms, p&lt;0,001). No se determinaron cambios significativos en la amplitud, ni en el índice Hmáx/Mmáx.&nbsp;Conclusiones: Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que el enfriamiento puede ser útil para el tratamiento de la espasticidad,&nbsp;pues retrasa la respuesta muscular evocada por estimulación eléctrica directa y refleja. A su vez, prolonga el período refractario del potencial de acción, por lo cual se requeriría más tiempo para activar las fibras musculares.Introduction: There is controversy about the therapeutic effects of cryotherapy on spasticity and clinical implications&nbsp;underlying its use as an adjunct in the rehabilitation process. Objetive: To evaluate the immediate effect of the&nbsp;application of ice pack on the H-reflex excitability in spastic muscles post-stroke people. Methods: A randomized&nbsp;experimental study of repeated measurements, with two intervention groups, was performed: Experimental group&nbsp;(n=10) and control group (n=5). Latency (ms) duration (ms) and amplitude (mV) of M and H waves and the amplitude&nbsp;index Hmáximo / Mmáximo (%) were recorded before and after cryotherapy or rest. The participants were fifteen &nbsp;subjects with spastic hemiparesis post-stroke were screened, mean age 60.7±10.7 years, median of injury duration 36 months (IQR17-49). There were no significant differences in baseline characteristics between the intervention groups. Results: Cryotherapy induces a statistically significant increase in the H wave latency (32.9±3.3 vs. 34.9± 3.6ms, p&lt;0,001) and M wave (8.0±1.9 vs. 2.4ms±9.4, p&lt; 0.05); as well as, increase was observed in the duration of the M wave (6.3±1.3 vs. 9.8±2.2ms, p&lt;0.001) and H (7.2±1.6 vs. 9.9±2.0ms, p&lt;0.001). No significant changes in the amplitude or the Hmax/Mmax ratio were determined. There were no differences between the H-reflex or the M-wave variables recorded before and after in the control group. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that cooling may be useful for the treatment of spasticity, due to it delays muscle response evoked by direct and reflects electrical stimulation. Simultaneously, cooling prolongs the refractory period of the action potential, whereby more time is required to activate the muscle fibers

    Immediate effect of cryotherapy on the spastic reflex excitability in people with spasticity post-stroke

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    Introducción: Existe controversia sobre los efectos terapéuticos de la crioterapia en el músculo espástico y las&nbsp;implicaciones clínicas que fundamentan su uso como coadyuvante en el proceso de rehabilitación. Objetivo: Evaluar&nbsp;el efecto inmediato de la aplicación del paquete de hielo sobre la excitabilidad refleja en la musculatura plantiflexora&nbsp;espástica en personas post-ECV. Métodos: Estudio experimental de mediciones repetidas con asignación aleatoria a&nbsp;dos grupos de intervención: Grupo Experimental (n=10) y Grupo Control (n=5). Se registró latencia (ms), duración&nbsp;(ms) y amplitud (mV) de las ondas M y H y el índice de amplitud Hmáximo/Mmáximo (%) antes y después de&nbsp;la crioterapia o reposo. Los participantes fueron quince individuos de ambos géneros con hemiparesia espástica&nbsp;post-ECV, edad media de 60,7±10,7años, mediana tiempo de evolución 36 meses (RIC17-49). No hubo diferencias&nbsp;significativas en las características basales entre los grupos de intervención. Resultados: La crioterapia induce&nbsp;un aumento estadísticamente significativo en la latencia de la onda H (32,9±3,3 vs. 34,9±3,6ms, p&lt;0,001) y M&nbsp;(8,0±1,9 vs. 9,4±2,4ms, p&lt;0,05) y en la duración de la onda M (6,3±1,3 vs. 9,8±2,2ms, p&lt;0,001) y H (7,2±1,6 vs.&nbsp;9,9± 2,0ms, p&lt;0,001). No se determinaron cambios significativos en la amplitud, ni en el índice Hmáx/Mmáx.&nbsp;Conclusiones: Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que el enfriamiento puede ser útil para el tratamiento de la espasticidad,&nbsp;pues retrasa la respuesta muscular evocada por estimulación eléctrica directa y refleja. A su vez, prolonga el período refractario del potencial de acción, por lo cual se requeriría más tiempo para activar las fibras musculares.Introduction: There is controversy about the therapeutic effects of cryotherapy on spasticity and clinical implications&nbsp;underlying its use as an adjunct in the rehabilitation process. Objetive: To evaluate the immediate effect of the&nbsp;application of ice pack on the H-reflex excitability in spastic muscles post-stroke people. Methods: A randomized&nbsp;experimental study of repeated measurements, with two intervention groups, was performed: Experimental group&nbsp;(n=10) and control group (n=5). Latency (ms) duration (ms) and amplitude (mV) of M and H waves and the amplitude&nbsp;index Hmáximo / Mmáximo (%) were recorded before and after cryotherapy or rest. The participants were fifteen &nbsp;subjects with spastic hemiparesis post-stroke were screened, mean age 60.7±10.7 years, median of injury duration 36 months (IQR17-49). There were no significant differences in baseline characteristics between the intervention groups. Results: Cryotherapy induces a statistically significant increase in the H wave latency (32.9±3.3 vs. 34.9± 3.6ms, p&lt;0,001) and M wave (8.0±1.9 vs. 2.4ms±9.4, p&lt; 0.05); as well as, increase was observed in the duration of the M wave (6.3±1.3 vs. 9.8±2.2ms, p&lt;0.001) and H (7.2±1.6 vs. 9.9±2.0ms, p&lt;0.001). No significant changes in the amplitude or the Hmax/Mmax ratio were determined. There were no differences between the H-reflex or the M-wave variables recorded before and after in the control group. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that cooling may be useful for the treatment of spasticity, due to it delays muscle response evoked by direct and reflects electrical stimulation. Simultaneously, cooling prolongs the refractory period of the action potential, whereby more time is required to activate the muscle fibers

    Localization and Capacitance Fluctuations in Disordered Au Nano-junctions

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    Nano-junctions, containing atomic-scale gold contacts between strongly disordered leads, exhibit different transport properties at room temperature and at low temperature. At room temperature, the nano-junctions exhibit conductance quantization effects. At low temperatures, the contacts exhibit Coulomb-Blockade. We show that the differences between the room-temperature and low temperature properties arise from the localization of electronic states in the leads. The charging energy and capacitance of the nano-junctions exhibit strong fluctuations with applied magnetic field at low temperature, as predicted theoretically.Comment: 20 pages 8 figure

    Auroras de Diana

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    Sign.: [calderón]8-2[calderón]4, A-Y

    Impacto económico en el turismo de cruceros en la actualidad

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    The pleasure trip is the one onboard a passenger ship, either through a region, continent, or around the world, and is known as Cruise Tourism. Cruises are also known as floating hotels, given the diversity of services they offer, and for this reason, the knowledge you will provide to the participants of these trips with truthful information on supply and demand in terms of cruise services and identify within of this activity the alternative of making a pleasure trip either individually, family and collectively among employees of the same company, not to mentionthe realization of recreational and fun activities, such as fifteen years, baptisms, birthdays, weddings, divorces, conventions, and business congresses.El viaje de placer llevado a cabo a bordo de un buque de pasajeros, por una región, continente o alrededor del mundo se conoce como la actividad de Turismo de Cruceros. Los cruceros son conocidos como hoteles flotantes, dada la diversidad de servicios que en ellos se ofrecen, es por ello que su conocimiento proporcionará a los y las participantes de estos viajes una información actualizada de la oferta y demanda de servicios de cruceros, con el objetivo de reconocer en esta actividad una posibilidad de realiza este viaje de placer ya sea de forma individual, familiar y colectiva entre empleados de una misma empresa, sin dejar mencionar la realización de actividades recreativa de diversión tipos tales como quince años, bautizos, celebración de matrimonios y divorcios, convenciones y congresos empresariales. etc
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