954 research outputs found

    Determination of effective diffusion coefficient of immobilized Baker's yeast invertase in various concentration of PVA-alginate matrix

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    Baker's yeast invertase is immobilized in PVA-alginate matrix using an improved method. PVA beads were prepared by adding calcium alginate to improve its stability, mechanical and chemical properties. Boric acid was used as the cross-linking agent and additional chemicals consisting of 10% boric acid and sodium sulphate solution was used as a treatment solution to harden the PVA-alginate beads. The determination of the effective diffusion of PVA-alginate matrix the vital step in optimizing the preparation of immobilized and water-soluble biocatalyst. In this study the two-level full factorial design was used to investigate the effect of PVA and boric acid concentrations and diffusions coefficient. Diffusion coefficient (De) is one of the factors that significantly affect the mass transport within the immobilization matrix. De value varies for each concentration of PVA and boric acid. The result concluded that both factors significantly affect the De. A maximum De value of 5.0141 x 10(-5) cm2s-1 was obtained at boric acid and PVA concentraion of 7w/v and 10.5 w/v respectively

    Respon Penawaran Salak (Salacca Zalacca) di Kota Salatiga

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    : This research aims to determine factors affected the supply response of snakefruit in Salatiga city and to find out how the level of sensitivity (elasticity) from snakefruit supply in Salatiga city. The method of this research was descriptive method. The location selected by purposive. The data used in this research was a secondary data in time series for 15 years from the year 1999-2013. The analysis of data used a regression analysis on supply function with Nerlove partial adjustment by direct observation to total plant produced and harvest. The results analysis showed model supply response od snakefruit in Salatiga city was Ln Qt = -1,960 + 0,809 Ln Pt-1 + 0,282 Ln Qt-1 –0,560 Ln Wt+ 0,660 Ln At + 0,395 Ln Qrt-1 – 0,497 Ln PZ t + e. This model had the coefficient of determination (R2) with value 0,941. Based on the level of trust 99%, F test showed the value lower than α (0,000 < 0,01). Its means that all those variables on the observed by has real impact to supply response of snakefruit in Salatiga city. The result of t test showed that the total of the snakefruit crops in the previous year, price of snakefruit in the previous year, the plants produced and harvest on the period, total of rambutan crop in the previous years, and the average of rainfall has the real impact on individual test of supply response in Salatiga city. The elasticity of the snakefruit supply in Salatiga city beyond the changes of snakefruit price in the previous year, the total plants produced and harvest on the period of rambutan crop in the previous years, and the total of the snakefruit crops in the previous year was inelastic positive (Ep < 1). While the average rainfall in the period was inelastic negative (Ep > -1)

    Analisis Boraks Dan Uji Organoleptik Pada Berbagai Ikan Asin Yang Dijual Di Pasar

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kandungan boraks dan uji organoleptik pada ikan asin yang beredar di pasaran dengan jenis gerih abang, gerih balur dan teriPenelitian ini berbentuk penelitian deskripstif kualitatif. Uji kadar boraks menggunakan metode titrasi volumetri. Uji organoleptik tingkat kesukaan masyarakat dilihat melalui uji warna, aroma dan tekstur dari ikan asin dengan menggunakan angket. Pengisian angket organoleptik masyarakat (ibu rumah tangga) dilakukan di Desa Klampisan, Kecamatan Geneng, Kabupaten Ngawi dan mahasiswa dilakukan di kampus IKIP PGRI Madiun.Hasil penelitian kadar boraks tertinggi pada ikan asin jenis teri (C2) yaitu 3,69% dengan nilai organoleptik 72,6 dan kadar boraks terendah pada ikan asin jenis gerih balur (B2) yaitu 1,21% dengan nilai organoleptik 74,8

    Deskripsi Hasil Uji Angka Lempeng Total (ALT) Pada Beberapa Susu Formula Bayi

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    Infant formula is the nutrient source for some babies who were not breastfed. Risk factors for infection in infants less than 6 months old who consume formula are greater than those who were breastfed. This is due to the baby's immune system is not well formed. Therefore, it is important to supervise formula safety more strict than adult's food. Total plate count (TPC) is one of the factors considered in the infant formula. The aim of this study is to define safety of infant formula based on total plate count within infant formula distributed in Indonesia in 2011. The study was a cross sectional study. The samples were representative of infant formula distributed in 23 province. Total plate count method and interpretation were conducted based on ISO/TS 22964. The TPC of each samples were examined three times. The TPC of all infant formulas were below of SNI breakpoint, which is less than 104cfu/gram. TPC ranged from <10 – 1,2 × 102cfu/gram. It meant that infant formulas distributed in Indonesia were safe if considered of TPC

    Keterdidikan Perempuan Sunda Dalam Cerita Nini Anteh

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    Penelitian ini berpijak pada fenomena bahwa cerita rakyat memiliki fungsi sistem proyeksi bagi masyarakatnya. Sebagai sosok yang terdapat dalam cerita rakyat Sunda, Nini Anteh dikisahkan sebagai perempuan yang setara dengan laki-laki. Kesetaraan tersebut dibangun melalui keterdidikan Nini Anteh sebagai subjek terdidik sehingga memiliki kesadaran kritis mengenai potensi dan posisinya dalam keluarga dan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan keterdidikan perempuan Sunda dalam cerita Nini Anteh yang tampak melalui struktur narasi, konteks, dan fungsi cerita Nini Anteh dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Nini Anteh sebagai perempuan terdidik mampu mencapai kesetaraan gender, bahkan dirinya mampu mencapai derajat yang tinggi dengan kemandirian yang dimilikinya. Cerita Nini Anteh memiliki fungsi sistem proyeksi yang memposisikan Nini Anteh sebagai sosok subjek terdidik. This research rests on the phenomenon that folklore has function of projection system for their society. As a figure in sundanese folklore, Nini Anteh represented as a symbol of gender equality. The equality is built because Nini Anteh is an educated subject so she has critical awarness about her potential and position in her family and society. The purpose of this research is to describe sundanese women education which appeared in structure of narration, context, amd the function of Nini Anteh Story with descriptive qualitative method. The reseult shows that Nini Anteh as a well educated women achieved gender equality, and also her independency can make her has a high degree as a women. Nini Anteh story having a projection system that positioned her as a well educated subject

    Analysis of Safe Behavior on Shipyard Workers at PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (Persero) Cabang Palembang in Period of October 2012

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    Background : PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (Persero) Cabang Palembang is a shipyard company specialized in making and reparation of ships. Within its activity, there were so many hazards came from characteristic of process or material of production which can cause accident, however based on preliminary survey which has been conducted showed that the shipyard workers did not wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when doing their activity so that there were an indication that they has not applied safe behavior as well. JURNAL ILMU KESEHATAN MASYARAKATMethod : This study was an analytical survey study with cross sectional approach. The Population was shipyard workers of PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (Persero) Cabang Palembang in period of October 2012 with samples as a number of total individual (50 person). Independent variables were knowledge, attitude, act, availability of means and facilities, safety regulations, role of co-workers, role of supervisor, communication and training, while dependent variable was safe behavior. The research data were analyzed quantitatively by method of univariate and bivariate with chi square analysis using SPSS program . Result : The result showed from total of nine variables, there are six variables that associated with safe behavior of the shipyard workers, that are knowledge (OR = 3,9; p-value = 0,023), attitude (OR = 0,2; p-value = 0,033), act (OR = 0,1; p-value = 0,011), role of co-workers (OR = 5,4; p-value = 0,031), communication (OR = 6,1; p-value = 0,019) and training (OR = 4,6, p-value = 0,014). Conclusion : To reduce the risk of accident of the shipyard workers, PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (Persero) Cabang Palembang needs to improve its workers' safe behavior by noticing the variables associated with safe behavior of the workers, especially those still considered not good enough, that are knowledge, attitude, act and training. It is suggested for PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (Persero) Cabang Palembang to apply punishment and reward system, increase communication, conduct frequent trainings, involve the workers' participation in various OHS program and also apply Behavior Based Safety (BBS) approach

    Persepsi Pelaku Usaha Perikanan terhadap Kinerja Penyuluh Perikanan

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    Penelitian mengenai persepsi pelaku USAha terhadap kinerja penyuluh perikanan dilakukan pada bulan April sampai bulan Mei 2011. Lokasi penelitian di 11 provinsi yang tersebar di 13 kabupaten/kota. Jumlah responden sebanyak 89 orang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi pelaku USAha perikanan terhadap kinerja penyuluh perikanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keberadaan penyuluh masih sangat dibutuhkan oleh pelaku USAha, materi yang dibutuhkan terkait dengan peningkatan produksi USAhanya, dan cara yang diinginkan pelaku USAha adalah penyuluh dapat memberi contoh USAha perikanan sesuai kebutuhan pelaku USAha

    Dietary Pattern, Anthropometric Indices and Developmental Milestone of Children Aged 6-60 Months in Peri-Urban Communities East of Nigeria

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    Background: Good nutritional status is of paramount importance for a child’s physical, mental and social development after inter-uterine life. Objective: Dietary pattern, anthropometric indices and developmental milestone of children aged 6-60 months in peri-urban communities were investigated. Design: The children (236) were randomly selected from health centers and nursery schools in three selected communities. Data were collected with structured questionnaire and anthropometry. The questionnaire administered to the mothers of the children elicited information on their socioeconomic characteristics, dietary pattern and developmental milestones of the children. Anthropometric parameters of the children were measured using standard instruments and procedures. The mean length/height and weight of the children in relation to their ages were compared with WHO child growth standard. Data collected were statistically analyzed using SPSS version 16. Results: Less than 6% of the mothers introduced complementary food at 6 months, 31.4% introduced before 6 months and 63.2% after 7 months. Majority (97.5%) of the mothers enriched complementary foods with fish (73.7%), infant formular (72.9%), soybean powder (66.5%) and egg (64.0%). A total of 10.6% and 1.7% of the children were moderately and severely stunted, respectively while 4.7% of them had moderate wasting. Underweight was observed more among children within 6 – 24 months. The mean ages for sitting, crawling, standing with support and standing without support reported in this study were 6, 7, 8 and 10 months, respectively. Conclusion: Scaling up actions on optimal complementary feeding of children would go a long way in improving their nutritional status and physical development