35 research outputs found

    Učinak sumpornog dioksida i dima na učestalost sekretornog otitisa

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    The study deals with the effects of sulphur dioxide and smoke as air pollutants on the incidence of secretory otitis media. Although various atmospheric irritants, such as sulphur dioxide and smoke, have been reported to increase proneness to infection and allergy stabilization, and to cause Eustachian tube obstruction and development of secretory otitis media by way of infection and allergy reaction, such statements appear to be challenged by the results obtained in this study. No correlation was found between the number of children hospitalized for secretory otitis media, and the mean and maximum monthly concentrations of sulphur dioxide and smoke in the air. Although there has been a steady decrease in sulphur dioxide and smoke concentrations over the past decade, the number of cases of secretory otitis media has not only failed to follow that decrease but has actually increased.U ovom radu istraživan je utjecaj sumpornog dioksida i dima, kao onečišćivača atmosfere, na nastanak sekretornog otitisa. Iako različiti iritansi iz atmosfere povećavaju vjerojatnost infekcije i alergijske senzibilizacijc, djelujući na sluznicu respiratornog trakta i uzrokujući zatvaranje Eustachi-jeve cijevi i razvoj sekretornog otitisa, u ovom radu to nismo uspjeli dokazati za sumporni dioksid i dim. Nije dokazana povezanost koncentracije sumpornog dioksida i dima i broja djece hospitalizirane zbog sekretornog otitisa. U proteklom desetljeću vrijednosti sumpornog dioksida i dima u zraku snižavale su se, dok broj sekretornih otitisa ne samo da nije pratio taj pad, nego se povećao


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    Internet je globalni komunikacijski sustav međusobno povezanih računalnih mreža i namijenjen je razmjeni informacija svih oblika. Često se naziva i »mrežom svih mreža« jer u sebi integrira na tisuće različitih računalnih mreža širom svijeta koje se u međusobnom komuniciranju koriste istim tehničkim standardima. Internet postaje primarni izvor vijesti i informacija za rastuću populaciju i idealan komunikacijski kanal jer omogućuje dinamičnost, interakciju i neprekidno nadograđivanje objavljenog sadržaja. Danas, kad ribarstvo u Hrvatskoj dobiva sve više na važnosti, velik broj ljudi upravo na Internetu traži informacije, savjete i naputke da bi ispunili svoje zahtjevne profesionalne zadatke.Internet is a global communication system interconnected with computer networks and intended to exchange the information of any kind. It is frequently called »network of all the networks« because it incorporates thousands and thousands of various computer networks all around the world and in order to communicate, has the same technical standards. The Internet has become an exclusive, unique source of information forever growing population. It has also become an ideal communication channel because of its dynamics, interaction, tractability and miraculously manageable updating of the content published. Nowadays, when fisheries starts playing and important role in Croatia, many people seek professional advice and guidance via Internet in order to fulfil their demanding professional tasks

    Experimental Hematotympanum – Aspects to the Tympanosclerosis Development

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    The etiology of tympanosclerosis is very complex and has not been entirely clarified. In order to find out if blood could be a provoking factor and cause tympanosclerosis, the authors injected the blood into the ears of 32 guinea pigs. The animals were sacrificed at weekly intervals up to one month and the histological analysis of the temporal bones was performed. Their experiment has shown that mucosal changes, similar to those seen in the early stage of tympanosclerosis, can appear in a certain number of cases. As a result, they recommend the aspiration of blood from the middle ear cavity in the cases of middle ear trauma with hematotympanum. They recommend the same procedure for operations of the middle ear, which should be performed with adequate hemostasis to prevent possible tympanosclerosis development


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    Provedenim istraživanjem testirana je osobita metoda poribljavanja ikrom potočne pastrve u fazi očiju (Salmo trutta m. fario L., 1758) primjenom inkubatora tipa Whitlock–Vibert. Pokus je postavljen u gornjoj kupskoj dolini na trima različitim potocima: Lešničkom potoku, Lešničkom jarku i potoku Grčac. Tijekom tromjesečnog istraživanja, u razdoblju od siječnja 2005. do travnja 2005., u 14 Whitlock–Vibertovih kutija postavljeno je ukupno 4 000 komada ikre potočne pastrve u fazi očiju iz triju različitih izvora. Tijekom istraživanja rezultati iz potoka Grčaca isključeni su iz konačne analize uspješnosti Whitlock–Vibertove kutije zbog tehničkih problema, te su se za konačni rezultat rabili podatci iz 10 postavljenih Whitlock–Vibertovih kutija s ukupno 2 800 komada ikre od kojih se uspješno izvalilo ukupno 99,53 ikre. Rezultati su potvrdili da se Whitlock–Vibertove kutije mogu uspješno primijeniti s ikrom potočne pastrve u fazi očiju te da učinkovitost ovakve metode poribljavanja u prvom redu ovisi o kvaliteti ikre i o dobrom odabiru mikrolokacije za postavljanje kutija. Ova dva temeljna čimbenika pokazala su se kritičnima s obzirom na usporednu analizu valjenja na obližnjem mrjestilištu »Homer« te opažanja nastala pri iskopavanju kutija nakon završenog procesa valjenja u prirodi i u mrjestilištu. Istraživanje je provedeno u sklopu redovnih gospodarskih obveza nadležnog ovlaštenika ribolovnog prava na istraživanom području.The research was carried out in the Upper Kupa valley at three different locations–brooks, Lešnički potok, Lešnički jarak and Grčac. During the research efficiency of stocking with Whitlock Vibert boxes were studied. During the three month research period (January 2005 — April 2005) 4000 eyed brown trout eggs from 3 different sources were placed in 14 Whitlock–Vibert boxes. During the research resultes from Grčac brook were excluded from the final analysis of efficiency of Whitlock–Vibert boxes because of technical problems, so resultes for the final analysis were used from 2800 eyed brown trout eggs that were placed in 10 Whitlock–Vibert boxes where 99,53% of the eggs had successfully hatched. The results have shown that the use of Whitlock–Vibert boxes with eyed brown trout eggs is prosperous and that the efficiency of Whitlock–Vibert boxes depends on the quality of eggs and choice of box burial in the stream bed. The research was conducted in the context of the regular management obligations of the fishing right owner on the research area


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    U triju populacija bodorki iz sjeverozapadne Hrvatske istražene su 24 morfometrijske i sedam merističkih osobina, te dužinsko-maseni odnosi. Neke su merističke osobine prelazile granice za ovu vrstu, navedene u ključu za određivanje vrsta slatkovodnih riba, koji se rabi u jugoistočnoj Europi. Dužinsko-maseni odnosi i faktor kondicije (CF) bili su najveći u rijeci Kupi, a nešto slabiji u populacije bodorki iz eutrofne stajačice (III. maksimirsko jezero). Nasuprot tomu, ovi su parametri bili znatno niži u populaciji bodorki iz oligotrofne stajačice (Mrtvica). To pokazuje da su bodorke podjednako dobro prilagođene životu i u stajačicama i u tekućicama, te da na njihovu uhranjenost i morfometrijske osobine ponajprije utječe količina raspoložive hrane.Three populations of roach from northwestern Croatia were checked for 24 morphometric and 7 meristic parameters, as well as for length-mass relationship. Some meristic characters expressed the values beyond those mentioned in the key for freshwater fish species determination in southeastern Europe. Length-mass relationship and condition factor (CF) were the highest in the river Kupa and somewhat lower in the eutrophic stagnant water (3 rd Maksimir lake). On the other hand, these parameters were significantly lower at roach from oligotrophic stagnant water (Mrtvica). This indicates that roach is similarly well adapted to the stagnant as well as running waters and that its condition and morphometry is primarily influenced by the quantity of the food offered

    The condition of fish from some freshwaters of Croatia

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    The 41 “bases for fishery management” and 16 related studies were thoroughly analyzed. The data on 39 species, registered in 1 to 23 Croatian water bodies were statistically processed for CF and length-weight relationship parameters. The great variations of CF and parameter b were found at different locations. These results are discussed with the conclusion that the data presented in this paper can serve as a useful tool for a deeper scientific analyses and numerous comparisons.U radu su temeljito analizirane 42 gospodarske osnove i 16 srodnih studija iz Hrvatske. Zabilježeni su podaci o 39 ribljih vrsta lovljenih u rasponu od 1 do 23 lokacije. Ti su podaci statistički obrađeni da bi se izračunali faktor kondicije (CF) i parametri dužinsko-masenih odnosa. Za pojedine vrste uočene su velike varijacije ovih parametara, što je posebno raspravljeno. Prikazani podaci mogu poslužiti kao koristan izvor za daljnje dublje znanstvene analize i brojne usporedbe

    Tubal factor infertility: which is the possible role of tubal microbiota? A fresh look to a busy corner focusing on the potential role of hysteroscopy.

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    There is a growing body of evidence regarding the importance of the urogenital microbiota associated to reproductive outcomes, both for achieving pregnancy naturally or with the use of assisted reproductive technology (ART). The role of the vaginal and endometrial microbiota in potential infertility can be applied to the tubal milieu, which is currently a hot topic in clinical research. Given that the incidence of tubal infertility factor is constantly increasing, and the incidence of previously known infectious causes is declining, it is extremely important to encourage research to identify the real composition of the tubal microbiota. On the other hand, the potential importance of the role of hysteroscopy in elucidating tubal infertility factor is currently underestimated and not completely clarified. This short review article presents the most recent evidence on the possible role of tubal microbiota on female infertility, focusing on the role of its potential diagnostic effectiveness and, in particular, on the role of hysteroscopy