542 research outputs found

    The development of the urban settlement system in Belgorod oblast

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    We have investigated the urbanization processes in the region. The study revealed the characteristics of evolution of urban systems and of the urbanization development stages as well as ascertaining the current formation tendencies for large cities and their suburban zonesyesBelgorod State Universit

    The influence of agro-climatic conditions on the yield of sunflower in the Belgorod region

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    The research showed that natural conditions and agro-climatic resources of the Belgorod region potentially are rather favorable for the cultivation of sun-flower. However, due to considerable variability of the agro-meteorological conditions in time and space, the sunflower yield will experience substantial var-iability by years and by the administrative districts of the regio

    Agrogeosystems of Krasnoyarsk krai: natural resource potential, environmental stability, optimization of functioning

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    The article presents the estimation of natural resource potential (NRP) of agrogeosystems of taiga-forest and forest-steppe zones, environmental stability and anthropogenic transformation to further optimization of their functionin

    Occupational diseases in transport workers in the Arctic

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    Introduction. Efficient functioning of the transport system is impossible without maintaining the health of the workers employed in it. Materials and methods. We studied data of the socio-hygienic monitoring "Working conditions and occupational morbidity" and the Register of extracts from occupational disease records (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 176 dated May 28, 2001) of the population of the Russian Arctic in 2007-2021. The aim of the study was to analyze the causes, number and structure of occupational diseases among transport workers in the Russian Arctic. Results. In 2007-2021, 749 occupational diseases were detected for the first time among transport workers, which accounted for 7.24% of their total number in the Russian Arctic. 74.4% accounted for air transport workers, 19.9% for road transport, 3.7% for water transport, and 2.0% for railway transport. The main harmful factor that caused occupational pathology was noise (82.0%), while the largest share in the structure of occupational pathology was taken by sensorineural hearing loss (81.0%). Significant differences in the causes, number and structure of occupational pathology among workers of four types of transport have been established. The highest levels of occupational morbidity among transport workers are observed in the Nenets and Chukotka Autonomous Okrugs (35.66 and 20.62 cases / 10,000 workers, respectively). Conclusion. In the Russian Arctic, occupational pathology among transport workers is formed mainly among civil aviation workers (74.4% of cases), and the highest levels of occupational morbidity are noted in the Nenets and Chukotka Autonomous Regions. Despite the ongoing preventive measures, noise remains the main factor in the structure of harmful factors (82.0%), and sensorineural hearing loss (81.0%) continues to be the most prevalent occupational disease

    Modern Trends Functioning of the Insurance Services Market of Russia

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    At the present stage, there is a further development of the insurance market, which is associated with the integration processes taking place on it, affecting the participants of insurance activities. The changes observed in various segments of the economy lead to increase in various risks and increase the need for insurance services. In Russia, one of the problems is a small set of proposed insurance services, which affects the development of the insurance market. The purpose of the article is to assess the current state of the insurance services market in Russia and identify problems arising in its functioning. The research methodology consists in the synthesis and comparison of data characterizing various components of the insurance services market. The authors identify the trends that have developed on the market of insurance in Russia, assesses the current situation according to different criteria, revealed the factors of development of insurance business, as well as the problem aspects of the insurance industry. The study showed the presence of high dependence of insurance in Russia on the prevailing political and economic way of life here, which led to the domination of demand for certain insurance products. As a result, it can be noted that the development of the modern market of insurance is associated with the need for state support, which consists in creating conditions for the adequate functioning of the insurance market. The authors substantiate the need to develop an insurance ideology and bring its essence to the population

    Insilico test of functional role of rs8068318 polymorphism of arterial hypertension-associated TBX2 candidate gene

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    In the course of this study, the functional role of rs8068318 polymorphism of the TBX2 candidate gene associated with the development of arterial hypertension was studied. The selection of the polymorphic locus was based on the data of the catalog of genome-wide association study (GWAS) of the National Human Genome Research Institute. The functional role was evaluated using online software: HaploReg (v4.1), GTExportal, and PolyPhen-