146 research outputs found

    On the dimension of the space of integrals on coalgebras

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    We study the injective envelopes of the simple right CC-comodules, and their duals, where CC is a coalgebra. This is used to give a short proof and to extend a result of Iovanov on the dimension of the space of integrals on coalgebras. We show that if CC is right co-Frobenius, then the dimension of the space of left MM-integrals on CC is ≤dimM\leq {\rm dim}M for any left CC-comodule MM of finite support, and the dimension of the space of right NN-integrals on CC is ≥dimN\geq {\rm dim}N for any right CC-comodule NN of finite support. If CC is a coalgebra, it is discussed how far is the dual algebra C∗C^* from being semiperfect. Some examples of integrals are computed for incidence coalgebras

    On Quillen's calculation of graded KK-theory

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    We adapt Quillen's calculation of graded K-groups of Z-graded rings with support in N to graded K-theory, allowing gradings in a product Z \times G with G an arbitrary group. This in turn allows us to use inductions and calculate graded K-theory of Z^m-graded rings. Here Z is the ring of integers and N positive natural numbers

    Braided Bialgebras of Type One

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    Braided bialgebras of type one in abelian braided monoidal categories are characterized as braided graded bialgebras which are strongly N\mathbb{N}-graded both as an algebra and as a coalgebra
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