3 research outputs found

    Table_1_Cardiometabolic characterization in metabolic dysfunction–associated fatty liver disease.pdf

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    Supplementary Table 1. Cardiac function assessed through echocardiography of patients included in the study. Supplementary Table 2. Adjusted means of metabolic phenotypes of fatty liver disease with visceral adipose tissue and visceral adipose tissue/subcutaneous adipose tissue ratio. Supplementary Table 3. Associations between metabolic phenotypes of fatty liver disease and high indexed epicardial adipose tissue (>68.1 mL). Supplementary Table 4. Associations between metabolic phenotypes of fatty liver disease and moderate to severe coronary artery calcification (Agatston CAC score>100).[Background] To better understand the patient's heterogeneity in fatty liver disease (FLD), metabolic dysfunction–associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) was proposed by international experts as a new nomenclature for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). We aimed to evaluate the cardiovascular risk, assessed through coronary artery calcium (CAC) and epicardial adipose tissue (EAT), of patients without FLD and patients with FLD and its different subtypes.[Methods] Cross sectional study of 370 patients. Patients with FLD were divided into 4 groups: FLD without metabolic dysfunction (non-MD FLD), MAFLD and the presence of overweight/obesity (MAFLD-OW), MAFLD and the presence of two metabolic abnormalities (MAFLD-MD) and MAFLD and the presence of T2D (MAFLD-T2D). MAFLD-OW included two subgroups: metabolically healthy obesity (MHO) and metabolically unhealthy obesity (MUHO). The patients without FLD were divided into 2 groups: patients without FLD and without MD (non-FLD nor MD; reference group) and patients without FLD but with MD (non-FLD with MD). EAT and CAC (measured through the Agatston Score) were determined by computed tomography.[Results] Compared with the reference group (non-FLD nor MD), regarding EAT, patients with MAFLD-T2D and MAFLD-MUHO had the highest risk for CVD (OR 15.87, 95% CI 4.26-59.12 and OR 17.60, 95% CI 6.71-46.20, respectively), patients with MAFLD-MHO were also at risk for CVD (OR 3.62, 95% CI 1.83-7.16), and patients with non-MD FLD did not have a significantly increased risk (OR 1.77; 95% CI 0.67-4.73). Regarding CAC, patients with MAFLD-T2D had an increased risk for CVD (OR 6.56, 95% CI 2.18-19.76). Patients with MAFLD-MUHO, MAFLD-MHO and non-MD FLD did not have a significantly increased risk compared with the reference group (OR 2.54, 95% CI 0.90-7.13; OR 1.84, 95% CI 0.67-5.00 and OR 2.11, 95% CI 0.46-9.74, respectively).[Conclusion] MAFLD–T2D and MAFLD–OW phenotypes had a significant risk for CVD. MAFLD new criteria reinforced the importance of identifying metabolic phenotypes in populations as it may help to identify patients with higher CVD risk and offer a personalized therapeutic management in a primary prevention setting.Peer reviewe

    Supplementary Material for: Factors Associated with Tremor Changes during Sedation with Dexmedetomidine in Parkinson's Disease Surgery

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    <b><i>Introduction:</i></b> Dexmedetomidine is an α<sub>2</sub>-agonist recently proposed as a potentially ideal drug for sedation during the surgical treatment of Parkinsonʼs disease (PD). This report documents the incidence of changes in motor symptoms (especially tremor) in PD patients sedated with dexmedetomidine for deep brain stimulation or ablation procedures. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> We reviewed a retrospective cohort of 22 patients who underwent surgery for PD with dexmedetomidine sedation at a single institution from 2010 to 2014. A logistic regression analysis was performed to analyze possible confounding factors. <b><i>Results:</i></b> 14 cases of tremor reduction or suppression were recorded (cumulative incidence: 63.6%; 95% CI: 40.7-82.8). No association could be identified between loading dose, β-blocker use and preoperative total Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale III, with tremor changes. The maintenance dose of dexmedetomidine was higher in patients who did not experience changes [median and range for patients with and without tremor alteration 0.75 (0.2-1.0) and 1.0 µg × kg<sup>-1</sup> × h<sup>-1</sup> (0.7-1.4), respectively; p = 0.021]. <b><i>Conclusion:</i></b> Dexmedetomidine provides adequate sedation during surgery for PD, but it might affect motor signs making intraoperative testing difficult or even impossible. Dosage appears not to be the determining factor in motor changes, whose cause remains unclear

    Potato consumption does not increase blood pressure or incident hypertension in 2 cohorts of Spanish adults

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    5 TablasBackground: Potatoes have a high glycemic load but also antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It is unclear what mechanisms are involved in relation to their effect on blood pressure (BP) and hypertension. Objectives: This study aimed to assess the association between potato consumption, BP changes, and the risk of hypertension in 2 Spanish populations. Methods: Separate analyses were performed in PREDIMED (PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea), a multicenter nutrition intervention trial of adults aged 55-80 y, and the SUN (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra) project, a prospective cohort made up of university graduates and educated adults with ages (means±SDs) of 42.7±13.3 y for men and 35.1± 10.7 y for women. In PREDIMED, generalized estimating equations adjusted for lifestyle and dietary characteristics were used to assess changes in BP across quintiles of total potato consumption during a 4-y follow-up. Controlled BP values (systolic BP < 140 mm Hg and diastolic BP < 90 mm Hg) during follow-up were also assessed. For SUN, multivariateadjusted HRs for incident hypertension during a mean 6.7-y follow-up were calculated. Results: In PREDIMED, the total potato intake was 81.9 ± 40.6 g/d. No overall differences in systolic or diastolic BP changes were detected based on consumption of potatoes. For total potatoes, the mean difference in change between quintile 5 (highest intake) and quintile 1 (lowest intake) in systolic BP after multivariate adjustment was 20.90 mm Hg (95% CI: -2.56, 0.76 mm Hg; P-trend = 0.1) and for diastolic BP was 20.02 mm Hg (95% CI: -0.93, 0.89 mm Hg; P-trend = 0.8). In SUN, the total potato consumption was 52.7 ± 33.6 g/d, and no significant association between potato consumption and hypertension incidence was observed in the fully adjusted HR for total potato consumption (quintile 5 compared with quintile 1: 0.98; 95% CI: 0.80, 1.19; P-trend = 0.8). Conclusions: Potato consumption is not associated with changes over 4 y in blood pressure among older adults in Spain or with the risk of hypertension among Spanish adults.Supported by the official funding agency for biomedical research of the Spanish Government, Instituto de Salud Carlos III through grants provided to research networks specifically developed for the trial (RTIC G03/140, to RE; RTIC RD 06/0045, to MAM-G) and through Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBERobn), and by grants from Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC 06/2007), Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria–Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional [Proyecto de Investigación (PI) 04-2239, PI 05/2584, CP06/00100, PI07/0240, PI07/1138, PI07/0954, PI 07/0473, PI10/01407, PI10/02658, PI11/01647, P11/02505 and PI13/00462], Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación [Recursos y teconologia agroalimentarias (AGL)-2009-13906-C02 and AGL2010-22319-C03 and AGL2013-49083-C3-1-R], Fundación Mapfre 2010, the Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía (PI0105/2007), the Public Health Division of the Department of Health of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, Generalitat Valenciana [Generalitat Valenciana Ayuda Complementaria (GVACOMP) 06109, GVACOMP2010-181, GVACOMP2011-151], Conselleria de Sanitat y AP; Atención Primaria (CS) 2010-AP-111 and CS2011-AP-042, and Regional Government of Navarra (P27/2011)