455 research outputs found

    'For det var nemlig ikke tid for figner.' (Mark 11,13b). En note til forholdet mellem kognitionsforskning og eksegese

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    Forsøg på at vise, hvordan kognitiv semantik kan kaste lys over en konkret tekstsekvens, her fortællingen om forbandelsen i figentræet i Mark 1

    Dark Moon, Eternal Sunshine

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    This contribution focuses on frontispieces found in printed sermons from seventeen-century Denmark. It outlines some general features of the visual programs accomplished by Hans Andreas Greys. In such frontispieces, Greys elaborated complex strategies of visual exegesis. However, he also developed frontispieces that did not limit themselves to biblical themes. One engraving, prefacing a sermon of Jesper Rasmussen Brochmand, belongs to this second series of engravings. The contribution analyzes this specific image, detailing its visual distribution of elements before turning to its portrayal of grief. This portrait involves a complex strategy and engagement with the theological language-use of the sermon

    Dark Moon, Eternal Sunshine: Visualizing Grief in a Seventeenth-Century Funeral Sermon

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    This contribution focuses on frontispieces found in printed sermons from seventeen-century Denmark. It outlines some general features of the visual programs accomplished by Hans Andreas Greys. In such frontispieces, Greys elaborated complex strategies of visual exegesis. However, he also developed frontispieces that did not limit themselves to biblical themes. One engraving, prefacing a sermon of Jesper Rasmussen Brochmand, belongs to this second series of engravings. The contribution analyzes this specific image, detailing its visual distribution of elements before turning to its portrayal of grief. This portrait involves a complex strategy and engagement with the theological language-use of the sermon

    Early Modern Privacy

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    An examination of instances, experiences, and spaces of early modern privacy. It opens new avenues to understanding the structures and dynamics that shape early modern societies through examination of a wide array of sources, discourses, practices, and spatial programmes.; Readership: Because of its comprehensive disciplinary scope, this volume is of interest to scholars and students of early modern culture in all its facets. Keywords: early modern, intimacy, legal history, religious history, history of art, history of architecture, secrecy, theology, ego-documents, history of science, literary studies, China, Europe, private life, privacy, Jewish history, theory

    Les « petits carnets » de Madame de Maintenon : grandeur de la direction spirituelle (1688‑1709)

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    Les « petits carnets » de Madame de Maintenon tiennent une place importante dans l’historiographie. Nous proposons ici de les appréhender selon une double approche matérielle et fonctionnelle. La place accordée à l’écrit y paraît essentielle dans la direction spirituelle de Paul de Godet des Marais à l’égard de Mme de Maintenon : les carnets résultent de la copie des lettres du directeur par la dirigée elle-même. Évoquant la relation mal connue entre l’évêque de Chartres et la seconde épouse de Louis XIV, les carnets sont avant tout à replacer dans ce contexte de la direction spirituelle des âmes chrétiennes féminines, qui permettait notamment d’accéder au champ intime de l’expérience et de le mettre en conformité avec l’espace orthodoxe de l’Église et la parole masculine de l’autorité.Mme de Maintenon’s small notebooks hold a place of prominence within historiography. In this contribution we investigate these notebooks with a view both to their materiality and functionality. The books testify to the emphasis on writing that was central in Paul de Godet des Marais’ spiritual direction of Mme de Maintenon. Specifically, the notebooks resulted from her copying down her director’s letters. The notebooks, which evoke this little known relationship between the bishop of Chartres and the king’s last wife, are here situated within the context of the spiritual direction of female Christian souls, which was a means of gaining access to the intimate realm of experience and moulding the individual into conformity with the orthodox space of the Church and its masculine voice of authority

    Early Modern Privacy

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    An examination of instances, experiences, and spaces of early modern privacy. It opens new avenues to understanding the structures and dynamics that shape early modern societies through examination of a wide array of sources, discourses, practices, and spatial programmes.; Readership: Because of its comprehensive disciplinary scope, this volume is of interest to scholars and students of early modern culture in all its facets. Keywords: early modern, intimacy, legal history, religious history, history of art, history of architecture, secrecy, theology, ego-documents, history of science, literary studies, China, Europe, private life, privacy, Jewish history, theory

    An Overview of the Mjølner BETA System

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    The Mjølner BETA System is an integrated and interactive programming environment with support for industrial object oriented programming. The Mjølner BETA System is a result of the Scandinavian research project Mjølner. The integration of the various tools in the Mjølner BETA System is established by insisting that all tools in the system utilizes on single representation of the program. This representation is abstract syntax trees (ASTs). All manipulations of the ASTs by the various tools are done utilizing the metaprogramming system which defines an interface to the AST and ways to manipulate the AST
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