6 research outputs found

    Delimiting the Origin of a B Chromosome by FISH Mapping, Chromosome Painting and DNA Sequence Analysis in Astyanax paranae (Teleostei, Characiformes)

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    Supernumerary (B) chromosomes have been shown to contain a wide variety of repetitive sequences. For this reason, fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) is a useful tool for ascertaining the origin of these genomic elements, especially when combined with painting from microdissected B chromosomes. In order to investigate the origin of B chromosomes in the fish species Astyanax paranae, these two approaches were used along with PCR amplification of specific DNA sequences obtained from the B chromosomes and its comparison with those residing in the A chromosomes. Remarkably, chromosome painting with the one-arm metacentric B chromosome probe showed hybridization signals on entire B chromosome, while FISH mapping revealed the presence of H1 histone and 18S rDNA genes symmetrically placed in both arms of the B chromosome. These results support the hypothesis that the B chromosome of A. paranae is an isochromosome. Additionally, the chromosome pairs Nos. 2 or 23 are considered the possible B chromosome ancestors since both contain syntenic H1 and 18S rRNA sequences. The analysis of DNA sequence fragments of the histone and rRNA genes obtained from the microdissected B chromosomes showed high similarity with those obtained from 0B individuals, which supports the intraspecific origin of B chromosomes in A. paranae. Finally, the population hereby analysed showed a female-biased B chromosome presence suggesting that B chromosomes in this species could influence sex determinism.This research was funded by grants from the State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) to DMZAS (2011/16825-3) and CO (2010/17009-2), grants from National Council for Research and Development (CNPq) to FF and by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)

    First report of a B chromosome in a natural population of Astyanax altiparanae (Characiformes, Characidae)

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    Several species of the genus Astyanax have already been genetically studied, and B-chromosomes have been considered to be an interesting feature in some species of this group. In the present paper we report, for the first time, the occurrence of a B microchromosome in a natural population of A. altiparanae. This additional genomic element was identified as an acrocentric chromosome, similar in size to the smallest chromosomal pairs of the standard karyotype. Analysis of the constitutive heterochromatin pattern by C-banding evidenced heterochromatic blocks located on centromeric, pericentromeric, and interstitial regions of some chromosomes, and also positive marks in a subtelocentric chromosomal pair that presented the short arms entirely heterochromatic. The application of this methodology also revealed a heterochromatic pattern in the extra chromosome, a typical feature of supernumerary chromosomes

    Conventional Cytogenetic Approaches—Useful and Indispensable Tools in Discovering Fish Biodiversity

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