24 research outputs found

    La construction impérative de l’habitat durable

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    Devant le caractère indiscutable du bien-fondé de "l'habitat durable", cet article revient sur les dynamiques sociales à l'origine de cette récente catégorisation des logements écologiques, pour rendre compte de son caractère construit mais aussi de sa dimension normative. En interrogeant ce concept d'habitat durable, l'objectif plus général est d'examiner celui de "développement durable" et les applications de ce dernier dans le secteur résidentiel. Ce faisant, nous mettons à jour un manque certain de considération pour l'habitable tel que les ménages l'envisagent aujourd'hui. Un tel enseignement permet d'éclairer la faible légitimité de cette nouvelle rhétorique - voire idéologie - gouvernementale chez ses publics cibles. L'article procède en trois temps: d'abord nous examinons l'émergence, la mise en place du paradigme de l'éco-construction, ensuite nous faisons le point sur les stratégies, les redéfinitions de ce paradigme par ses différents acteurs, et enfin nous nous penchons brièvement sur le vécu de ce paradigme parmi les habitants

    Bâtir les humanités environnementales des matériaux géo-sourcés : construction et déconstruction des passerelles franco-germaniques

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    À partir d’une enquête ethnographique conduite de 2006 à 2018 dans des chantiers de rénovation et de construction de maisons individuelles en terre crue et en marge des grandes villes de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, ce texte propose d’examiner comment la circulation des échanges franco-germaniques, dont font preuve les acteurs du gros œuvre, fonde l’ingéniosité et l’intelligibilité de leurs gestes singuliers. Après avoir présenté le cadre bâti et rural de la mise en œuvre actuelle d’un matériau millénaire, disponible mais diversement accessible selon les pays du monde, l’analyse de l’ensemble des implications pratiques montrera le caractère tactique des mouvements liminaires. Multiplier les points de vue, parfois antagonistes, dans un espace-temps diffus et au regard des humanités environnementales permet de repenser les phénomènes sociaux totaux et l’ensemble des implications pratiques entre des domaines généralement scindés par le dualisme entre nature et culture, entre sociétés et sciences.Based on an ethnographic survey conducted from 2006 until 2018 in building sites and renovation projects of detached houses with earth materials in the margins of the big cities in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the paper aims to examine how the circulation of Franco-German exchanges between actors in the main work builds the ingenuity and the intellibility of their singular gestures. After having presented the built and rural environment of current implementation of a building material for millennia, available but diversely accessible across national jurisdictions, the analysis shows the tactical dimension in the movements of liminality. The multiplication of perspectives, sometimes antagonistic, in a dispersed space-time and in terms of environmental humanities, enables to rethink the total social phenomena and the overall practical implications between fields generally divided by the dualism of nature and culture, societies and sciences

    Vers une énergie intelligente pour la mobilité universitaire? Le cas de la recherche-action « Smart Campus »

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    During the World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities (WSSD-U-2012), the establishments of higher education have been required to accompany the environmental changes of society. The paper questions their role in the energy transition of territories by analyzing how universities participate in the projects of smart grids in connection to electric mobility. The aim is to look at the facts and to test the promises of a radical change by improving cognition thanks to these new information and communication technologies. From an international and local analysis, the “smart ontology” is revisited on the university ground. A state of international diffusion and a review of scientific literature open the discussions on the concept of “breakthrough innovation” such as it is associated with the introduction of smart technologies into the energy field. The case of action research “Smart Campus” puts into perspective the enchanted explanations of successful innovation

    Vers une énergie intelligente pour la mobilité universitaire? Le cas de la recherche-action « Smart Campus »

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    During the World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities (WSSD-U-2012), the establishments of higher education have been required to accompany the environmental changes of society. The paper questions their role in the energy transition of territories by analyzing how universities participate in the projects of smart grids in connection to electric mobility. The aim is to look at the facts and to test the promises of a radical change by improving cognition thanks to these new information and communication technologies. From an international and local analysis, the “smart ontology” is revisited on the university ground. A state of international diffusion and a review of scientific literature open the discussions on the concept of “breakthrough innovation” such as it is associated with the introduction of smart technologies into the energy field. The case of action research “Smart Campus” puts into perspective the enchanted explanations of successful innovation

    Face au rebond de la demande de transport automobile, une approche multi-niveaux des effets de l’éco-fiscalité en Belgique et des ressorts de consommation

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    Considering the case of Belgium, at the head of European fuel consumptions per passenger-kilometre, the paper discusses the results from a cross-disciplinary research on the rebound effects linked to the development of fuel-efficient cars. From the theoretical solution to counterproductive impacts, the choices of an eco-taxation are assessed at several levels of observation and different units of analysis. Without over determining the issue of energy over-consumption with individual benefit-cost calculations, the leverage and inertia effects as well as their drivers are differentiated in the crossing of technical and social dimensions that interacts since the implementation of this political instrument until the practices of car drivers

    Stéphane Beaud, Michel Pialoux, Violences urbaines, violence sociale. Genèse des nouvelles classes dangereuses, 2003

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    Némoz Sophie. Stéphane Beaud, Michel Pialoux, Violences urbaines, violence sociale. Genèse des nouvelles classes dangereuses, 2003. In: Les Annales de la recherche urbaine, N°102, 2007. Individualisme et production de l’urbain. pp. 155-156

    Stéphane Beaud, Michel Pialoux, Violences urbaines, violence sociale. Genèse des nouvelles classes dangereuses, 2003

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    Némoz Sophie. Stéphane Beaud, Michel Pialoux, Violences urbaines, violence sociale. Genèse des nouvelles classes dangereuses, 2003. In: Les Annales de la recherche urbaine, N°102, 2007. Individualisme et production de l’urbain. pp. 155-156

    Face au rebond de la demande de transport automobile, une approche multi-niveaux des effets de l’éco-fiscalité en Belgique et des ressorts de consommation

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    Considering the case of Belgium, at the head of European fuel consumptions per passenger-kilometre, the paper discusses the results from a cross-disciplinary research on the rebound effects linked to the development of fuel-efficient cars. From the theoretical solution to counterproductive impacts, the choices of an eco-taxation are assessed at several levels of observation and different units of analysis. Without over determining the issue of energy over-consumption with individual benefit-cost calculations, the leverage and inertia effects as well as their drivers are differentiated in the crossing of technical and social dimensions that interacts since the implementation of this political instrument until the practices of car drivers

    Vers une énergie intelligente pour la mobilité universitaire? Le cas de la recherche-action « Smart Campus »

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    During the World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities (WSSD-U-2012), the establishments of higher education have been required to accompany the environmental changes of society. The paper questions their role in the energy transition of territories by analyzing how universities participate in the projects of smart grids in connection to electric mobility. The aim is to look at the facts and to test the promises of a radical change by improving cognition thanks to these new information and communication technologies. From an international and local analysis, the “smart ontology” is revisited on the university ground. A state of international diffusion and a review of scientific literature open the discussions on the concept of “breakthrough innovation” such as it is associated with the introduction of smart technologies into the energy field. The case of action research “Smart Campus” puts into perspective the enchanted explanations of successful innovation