5 research outputs found

    Mágneses anyagvizsgáló berendezés fejlesztése

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    Jelen cikk egy mágneses vizsgálóberendezés fejlesztési kérdéseivel foglalkozik, amely képes kis térfogatú, vékony lemez anyagminták mágneses tulajdonságainak pontos meghatározására. A vizsgálandó ötvözetek amorf szerkezetű lemezek, például Finemet-ötvözet, amelynek nagyok jók a nagyfrekvenciás mágneses tulajdonságai, így növelt hatásfokú elektromotorok építéséhez kiváló jelölt. A cikk tárgyalja a fejlesztés alatt álló berendezés részegységeit, működését, illetve rövid kitekintést nyújt az elektromotorok hatásfok szerinti osztályozásáról és a megjelenő új hatásfokosztály fontosságáról

    Development of Magnetic Material Testing Equipment

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    This paper deals with the development of equipment that can accurately determine the magnetic properties of small volume thin plate samples. The alloys to be tested are sheets of amorphous structure, such as Finemet alloy, which has excellent high frequency magnetic properties, making it a good candidate for the construction of high efficiency electric motors. This article discusses the components and operation of the equipment under development, whilst giving a brief overview of the efficiency classification of electric motors and the importance of the emerging efficiency class

    Development of Magnetic Material Testing Equipment

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    This paper deals with the development of equipment that can accurately determine the magnetic properties of small volume thin plate samples. The alloys to be tested are sheets of amorphous structure, such as Finemet alloy, which has excellent high frequency magnetic properties, making it a good candidate for the construction of high efficiency electric motors. This article discusses the components and operation of the equipment under development, whilst giving a brief overview of the efficiency classification of electric motors and the importance of the emerging efficiency class

    Comparative analysis of the results of measuring roundness

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    Coordinate measuring machines are devised for most complex measurements. Besides their dimension measuring abilities, the CNC operated machines can measure geometrical characteristics of form, such as straightness, roundness, cylindricity, etc. These are vital features in current times when control needs to submit very thorough reports not only on the form, but also on the geometrical features of the given workpiece. Yet the question arises: are these measuring data regarding roundness received from the CMM accurate and reliable enough for them to be exploited? In order to confirm this statement, the geometrical roundness characteristics are measured on three types of coordinate measuring machines, the results of which are analyzed from several aspects. The results have shown a special importance of specific measuring parameters and have shown to be independent of the type of measuring machines